
Rise of the Celestial Asura Clan

Rosario was forced into the collective with all other humans from planet Earth and other races from the Milky Way Galaxy. Having been dropped into a crater on a massive planet and given some resources to survive, Rosario has to take what he has been given and turn it into a prosperous Empire. Follow Rosarios journey as he learns to be a leader to his people and an even better warrior. From the ashes of two civilizations the mighty Celestial Asura Clan arises.

PrimordialGio · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 15: Updated Status

"Tormund, it is nice to meet you. I apologize for asking this Tormund but what race are you? I thought 'Nobles' tended to summon members of their own race 99% of the time. I am not saying I am disappointed just a little confused?"

Tormund, who at this point had stood up, looked at Rosario as if he had two heads.

"Sir, I am from the Asura race. You are correct most Nobles do summon their own race 99% of the time but there is a small chance still that you could summon a citizen from another race."

Exhaling a breath, he didn't know he was holding Rosario thought that might be the case, until he heard Tormund continue.

"However, Sir, you didn't summon a different race, we are the same race or well I believe we are the same race. I can feel the natural pressure you give off as an Asura with a higher bloodline purity than I, however you definitely look like no Asura I have seen before."

Rosario stared at Tormund who just stared back at him.


"I said th.."

"I heard what you said but it makes no sense. I am a human from a planet called earth."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure. Even my status said I am human."

"I don't mean to question you, but I have seen humans before, and you defiantly don't look like one."

"What do you mean I don't look like one?!"

"When was the last time you checked your status page?"

Rosario had to think about the last time he saw his status page. He was starting to get a certain feeling that Tormund wasn't wrong, and he was. Remembering all the messages he ignored after coming out of the cave Rosario took a deep breath to calm his racing heart.

"I looked at my status a few days ago, however I do have a whole ton of messages that came in after an *cough* incident. I ignored the messages because I was cutting it close to the time to set up the Summoning Gate and once I had that up and running I was so eager to summon a citizen I put off reading those messages."

Tormund nodded in understanding before giving some advice.

"I would suggest you find a place to sit and read through those messages. The should explain why you think your human while I feel the pressure of an Asura coming from you."

Nodding Rosario pulled out the two crates from his supplies along with the tent. He tossed the tent to Tormund with instructions to set it up and set out some of the boar meat and a water skin for Tormund to eat and drink.

After making sure Tormund had food, water, and was busy with the tent Rosario sat on one of the crates and opened all the messages he had missed.

[You have ingested an Evolutionary Material: Blessed Abyssal Water. Blessed Abyssal Water is a special evolutionary liquid that was created when normal water has absorbed the properties of Blessed Ore and Abyssal Ore over thousands of years. This is the only source of this evolutionary material. Creating your stronghold with this Resource in it will allow you to evolve your citizens into Celestial Asuras, a race never seen before in the Universe.]

[You have absorbed Blessed Abyssal Water]

[You have ingested Blessed Abyssal Water]

[You have absorbed Blessed Abyssal Water]

[You have ingested Blessed Abyssal Water]



[Your body is saturated with Blessed Abyssal Water, beginning evolutionary process now.]

[Congratulations you have Evolved into a Celestial Asura]

[You are the first of your kind. Reward: Bloodline upgrade Material]

[Detected storage device, stored Bloodline upgrade material in storage device.]

[Your Passive Innate abilities have evolved with your race.]

[Abyssal Body -> Blessed Abyssal Body]

[Child of the Abyss -> Beloved of the Void]

Rosario finished reading the messages and immediately opened his status page in disbelief. He couldn't even begin to imagine that the messages he just read were true but right in front of him floated the proof of it.

[Name: Rosario ???

Title: Squire (1/1,000), First

Race: Celestial Asura

Evo 0

Level 0 (75/100)

Blessed Abyssal Body I (0/10)

Mana: 0

Constitution: 58

Strength: 57

Agility: 58

Dexterity: 55

Mind Capacity: 30

Mind Processing: 31

Passive Abilities: Blessed Abyssal Body, Beloved of the Void


Light(Beginner I)

Dark(Beginner I)

Void(Beginner I)

Chaos(Beginner I)

Life(Beginner I)

Death(Beginner I) ]

He started looking at each changed portion of his status sheet.

[Title: Squire (1/1000) – You are considered a Noble in the collective, Squire is the most basic Noble title and allows the title holder to access the collective's town hall building. Current access is restricted to the marketplace. To be promoted to a Knight, the title holder needs a population of 1000. Current Population: 1. WARNING: This title can be lost if the title holder loses their Summoning gate.]

[Title: First – You are the first ever Celestial Asura in the Universe.]

[Race: Celestial Asura – Celestial Asuras are half Asura and half Diva. Once mortal enemies, when their bloodline is combined into a single entity they become one of the most powerful races in the Universe with a minimum purple potential for growth. Celestial Asuras embody all the strengths of their respective original races while not suffering from the weakness. Celestial Asuras can be created using Blessed Abyssal Water or born to two parents that are both Celestial Asuras. As they are half Diva and half Asura, they wield the powers of Light and Darkness as another limb. Celestial Asuras are Life and Death in perfect harmony.]

[Blessed Abyssal Body: A physique that is a combination of the Abyssal Body and the Radiant Vessels Body. You are the embodiment of the Abyss and the Celestial Bodies. Your affinity with the Darkness and Chaos of the Abyss is unmatched while your Regeneration and Stamina are enhanced greatly. You are able to refine your body to higher degrees. To refine your body, ingest 10 evolutionary materials of the SS rarity or higher. (0/10 Ingested) NOTE: The same evolutionary materials can be used more than once.]

[Current Level: Blessed Abyssal Body I.

+50 all body stats

+20 all mind stats

Next level: Blessed Abyssal Body II (Consume 10 SS Evolutionary Materials)

+100 all body stats

+40 all mind stats]

[Beloved of the Void: Your affinity with the elements of the Abyss is near unmatched. You will find that the Elements of Void, Darkness, and Chaos will head your call easier.]

[Proficiencies: These are the elements which the host is able to manipulate, proficiencies are ranked on a scale starting from the lowest White, Brown, Black, Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Orange, Gold, and the top Blood Red. Each color is then divided into another ten levels from I to X. The ranking is based on how well the host is able to use their element. The closer to Blood Red X the more proficient they become.]

After reviewing all of the messages and looking at his updated stats sheet, it finally started to sink in that Rosario might truly not be what he once was. Seeing the change in his Race gave him a weird feeling, he wasn't upset he just felt weird. Just ten or eleven days ago he had thought humans were the only sapient in the Universe, now he was a completely different race himself.

Double checking his inventory Rosario found that he had 9 summoning vellums left, he couldn't help but begin to feel giddy when he realized that 2 of them were blood red, there were also 1 each of the gold and yellow vellums. Seeing he also had a blue, white, and some black ones Rosario concluded if white was the lowest proficiency while blood red was the highest wouldn't his summoning vellums fall under the same ranking system, as they matched up with the colors the system had said. If that was true that meant he has 2 summons that would be considered as the best grade while he had a 3rd and 4th that were right up as some of the best grades. Sighing he decided to ask Tormund a few questions he had and see if he could get some answers to his many questions.

Closing he screens he looked around for where Tormund had wandered off too. He found him inspecting the unlit Crystals on the Summoning Gate.

"Tormund. Come here."

Jogging over Tormund took a seat next to Rosario on the crate.

"I am assuming you have some questions for me?"

"Yeah, I have a lot of questions. First off I have some questions on the grades of items. I have these remaining 9 summoning vellums and they are all different colors, according to the system these colors represent the specific ranks of the vellums?

"That is correct, white would be the lowest rank with blood red being the highest rank, which ones do you have?"

"I have 2 blood red , 1 gold, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 3 black, and 1 white."

Tormund's surprise was written all over his face. "Holy Shit! That's amazing you definitely got lucky when you received those as a majority of the time most will get blue or lower 90% of the time."

"That is good I guess, but my only worry is how do I get more of these?"

Tormund paused at he looked at Rosarios confused expression. "Have you not killed and looted an animal yet?"

Rosario's face scrunched up. "Yeah I have killed a few animals actually. Why?"

"Did you not loot them?"

"I mean I skinned them, dug out their essence stones, and cut out some meat."

Tormund chuckled as he slowly shook his head. "When you kill anything while in the collective you can just place your hand on the body and think loot. It will divide into all those materials on its own along with special items like blueprints, Summoning Gate crystals, summoning Vellums, and other materials." As he saw Rosario's face fall he added. "Before you beat yourself up though, there are some hidden mechanisms of the systems the collective gives to all its inhabitants. Mainly, yes you might have wasted time and lost out on some extra materials, blueprints, and vellums; but what has been happening that you can't see it is your proficiency at "looting" has been rising. Once it reaches a certain limit it will show up on your status screen. Once it shows up, the higher you level up that proficiency the more loot you will obtain from regular looting. Also, if you have a storage space artifact on you, all the materials will be automatically deposited into it."

Nodding Rosario finally understood how he would be able to obtain more of the special items. "Thank you, I have a lot to learn so I am sure this won't be the last info dump I need from you. By the way with all this knowledge you have, does that mean you remember your previous life?"