
Rise of the Bloody King

An ultimate family in charge of a kingdoms army got backstabbed by the very kingdom it was trying to protect. This familys sole heir later got his revenge, but died doing it. But to his surprise, his story did not end there. Come and see what awaits our reborn bloody king! (I do not own the bookcover. If the one who owns it wants me to take it down, I will. Here is a link to his Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/olivaresrachel2/)

vERYepic1234 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


"F*ck!!" uttered a man with a pained expression. Even though his face was dripping blood, it still couldn't overshadow his handsomeness. His natural blond hair was dyed red. He was cursing as he was running across a dark alleyway, leaving a trail of blood behind him. He could clearly hear hurried footsteps coming from the front and the back signaling him that his escape wasn't as successful as he had hoped.

He was using his left hand to pull on a bloody dagger that was impaling his right chest. Just then a katana that was sheening with an evil light came flying towards his now defenseless throat.

The man hurriedly did an back handspring, where he used his instep[1] to weakly grab or a better way to put it, lead the opponent's blade upward, making him less steady. The man used this little window that he had created to do a handspin, kicking the specially trained assassin completely out of balance. As the assassin was falling the man quickly pushed himself into the air with his hands. He yanked the dagger out with his left hand, put it expertly into a reverse grip and used the momentum of the spin to plunge the dagger into the side of the assassins throat, nailing the assassin to the wall by his neck.


Blood splurged on the floor making a disgusting sound. But it still didn't make the mysterious man even flinch.

The assassin that just had his throat stabbed had a disbelieving look in his eyes. This didn't last long as the assassins eyes lost their color, never to be regained again. He was dead.

This all happened in a split second.

But before the mysterious man could celebrate, he heard the ever so vivid sound of footsteps closing in on him. His senses told him that there wasn't only a single assassin tailing him. He could not stop, because if it had took even slightly longer to dispatch that assassin the others could have caught up with him.

As he was running while thinking so, he suddenly felt very cold, stinging sensation on his neck. His senses told him that if he could not dodge that something that was coming his way, he would be dead meat.

He jerked his head to his right. As he did so just a moment later something very fast went past his neck, but that wasn't the only thing. He suddenly felt a strong force, not sharp and without any killing intent hitting his neck. His eyes became blurry and he spat out some blood. He was quickly losing consciousness, but before he did, he turned around to look what had hit him. There he saw a face, a face that felt very oh so very familiar. It was the face of a orphan he and his family had chosen to adopt.

"Borek… how.. w-why?.."

Borek's face started to twist into a disgusting grin. Borek's lips started moving, oozing out greedy air and insults. But the almost unconscious man could only hear muffled sound and soon lost his consciousness completely.

'...where am I?' thought the man, feeling a cold feeling from his cheek and neck. He could here some muffled whispers from here and there, but couldn't make out any words. He slowly started opening his eyes, only to be blinded by something very bright. It took a couple seconds for him to get used to it.

After opening his eyes what he saw was a familiar place. Well familiar and familiar, it was a place he had seen many times before, but only from a different perspective.

It was the King's audience chamber. There he saw the King and in the place where he usually was, was… Borek.

Anger started taking over his mind, but as soon as he put even a little power in his body, somebody quickly pushed his head to the ground making his lower lip bleed a little. Then a ruckus happened.

"How DARE he, in front of the king be so insolent as to try to attack!"

"He needs to be punished!"

"Death sentence!"

"No, he needs to be tortured to death!"

Different nobles expressed their opinions, trying to butter up to the king, who just recently enforced his power in a certain way.

"Silence!" Shouted the king while waving his hand from left to right. This move instantly silenced the room, no one dared to say anything, well except one, but coincidentally he had his head planted on the floor.

"Afriel. How have you been?" said the king with obvious ridicule. The king sneered and continued.

"How long did you think you could hide? Your family is no longer the ultimate warrior family in charge of this country's army, at least not at least after that unfortunate incident. I am very sorry for your loss." the king said with a sad face, but still with clear ridicule in his eyes.

"Now then Afriel what do you have to say for yourself."

The man that was behind Afriel made some leeway for him to raise his head just so he could say something.

"I have a couple of questions. First is for you king and the second is for… Borek." Said Afriel with obvious maliciousness. "First, king why did you exterminate our family? Wasn't it you who gave our family the rights to the national army? We did everything for the royal family, so why?"

"Isn't it obvious, it's because you were planning for a coup d'etat. You were trying to raise wealth and an army to overthrow me and make this whole kingdom a mess. As a king how could I let you do as you wish?" said the king as his face turned ugly with an evil grin.

Just as Afriel was trying to dispute that claim, he could feel ever increasing pressure being put on his head. Normally he could not have cared less and sacrificed himself in trying to try to attack this king who killed his whole family, but he still had one more question to ask and for that he calmed his head. He could instantly feel the pressure on his head lessen.

"Fine. Next Borek, you who me and my family cared for like a real family member, why did you betray us."

"Well didn't the king say enough? You were obviously traitors with wealth and an army to try to overthrow the king. So I as a child of this kingdom, how could I stand still?" said Borek with an indifferent expression, like the one that was getting sentenced wasn't his 'step brother'. "Oh, and your sister tasted delicious. You should have seen the face your brother was making when I was tasting her. I had always wanted to see that proud face grumble down."

Afriel could instantly feel his mind turn cold. He could hear the nobles whispering about how his family were only traitors. That they were monsters that were threatening everyone.

'These fuc*king bastards! Borek I swear I will kill you!'

"Oh and what more, that pained expression got to stay on your brothers face forever and ever. Isn't it nice? Servants bring that chest in! Empty it in front of him."

Afriel the heard some heavy footsteps. They stopped right next to him. Then something round was dropped in front of him. It looked quite fluffy, but smelled quite bad. It made an disgusting sound as it hit the floor. But for some reason it looked really familiar.

*thump thump*

Afriels brain didn't want to accept it, but his body certainly did. He could feel tears flowing down his face. His heart started thumping louder and louder, quicker and quicker. It was the head of his brother, Amriel. The look on his brothers face was a mix of anger, rage, humiliation and sorrow. Those emotions were to be forever etched on his face, for he was dead.

Afriels body acted before he could think clearly. It was like an already burned cinders suddenly bursted into flames.

He put pressure on his index fingers nails, making them fall off. He then with his thumb flicked those fingernails towards the neck of the one that was holding him down to the floor.

As Afriel had put a huge amount of killing intent on those fingernails, towards the old trained soldier who was pushing his head to the floor, those fingernails must have felt like a super deadly assassin had thrown something deadly towards your neck. Of course this old soldier had great reflexes and quickly dodged. But that was enough for Afriel to get free. As soon as he managed to get out from under the soldier, he quickly took that soldiers sword that was resting on his hip. With it he quickly ended the soldiers life and rushed towards Borek, intending on killing him, even if it cost him his life.

The other guards couldn't have imagined the possibility that he got free, so they were completely caught off guard.

And before anyone could do anything a blade had been rammed through the throat of Borek. Boreks pupils shook, he couldn't have believed what had just transpired. Of course it was not only Borek, actually that reaction happened in everyone present.

"You son of a b*tch. I will always loathe the species that you all are made up of."

As Afriel had just said this, the veteran guards had comprehended the situation and started to move out. But before they could make it, another throat was stabbed, this time it was the kings.

"Your greed is over my expectation. Me and my family will never ever bow down to anyone anymore."

Just as he pulled the sword out from the kings throat, multiple swords pierced through his body. The king fell from his throne, his face now kissing the floor. That was it. Even though the hatred and anger still burned inside of him, he was sure that this was the end of him.

'At least I killed those two bastards… I hope my family can now rest in peace...'

He closed his eyes and fell down, but because of a sword still stuck in him, he coincidentally got turned right way around to sit. Now he sat on a empty throne with the former king laying by his feet as his blood dyed the throne red.

This was an iconic scene that will be told from generation to generation.

But this wasn't the end for this Bloody King.

In a faraway place, maybe in a another world.

"Waaa!! Ogyaa!!"

The sound of a baby was heard.

"Congratulations it's a boy".

Hi! You could say this is my first real work. I am planning on maybe continuing this novel, if it get a positive enough response.

I am not a native english speaker so please excuse my grammar.

But if you find something or have an idea of where to take this story, I would be honored to hear them.

vERYepic1234creators' thoughts