
The return of a Genius

(The following content is a fan-made novel of what happened after the expulsion of takuya yagami In the light novel series "Classroom of the elite")

Today isn't a normal day today is the day i meet the genius who fell from his grace. His name is takuya yagami. As i wait for him in the white room facility various thoughts come to my mind.

"Does he feel anger?"

"Does he feel acceptance?"

"Or does he feel revenge?"

As these thoughts hover in my mind the door opens and i see him. Wearing a red school uniform with his tie Missing and those eyes of shock.

"So....you're back",said i

A moment of silence filled the room after that I don't want things too be more awkward so I start talking "it's fine.... defeating kiyotaka ayanokoji isn't an easy job yagami" He then finally looks at me and says "don't call me yagami i prefer takuya" I don't want to do that and said "alright then, you can call me by my name Tazutaka"

The moment that takuya yagami left the room all i could think about was that look on his face. The look of surprise, the look of sadness. I want to ask him why he acted like that but i can't say that to his face so I just sit in this chair in this room waiting for him.

A few minutes pass and he comes back wearing a black shirt with his hair messed up.

"You might be wondering why we brought you here after your humiliating defeat in ANHS" i said coldly even though i don't want to...I felt bad for him but I was told to act like this to him

He stays silent for a while so I had to start talking

"So...you lost to ayanokoji right?" I said coldly once again "I didn't lose to him I just...got a bit too carried away" He said while looking down

'is that why he looked so shocked...i mean he just lost in a game...no that's not it...maybe he felt sad that he had to lose' I thought as I start to talk once again "Anyway we had to bring you here because there is another mission for you" I said with a bit of relief on my voice

He finally looked at me once again and asked me "another mission? for who?"

I stood up and sat next to him on the bed and said "we will tell you the mission after I see your expression" He just stares at me. "Look, loosing to ayanokoji isn't complete humiliation after all he is the masterpiece of the white room... So forget the past and focus on the future " i said and smiled at him

He stayed silent and I just went to the other side of the bed

"Anyway the mission will be explained by automi ayanokoji" after hearing this his monstrous terror seized him and his heart stood still in shock he said "Him?! The father of ayanokoji?!" I then said with a bit of confusion on my voice "yagami you know him?" He said with a confused expression "I mean he was the one who put me in the whiteroom!"

"Oh right"

A few minutes pass then the door opens and a man in white suit comes the one who started this all . We both stand up to greet him.

"So takuya yagami i see you failed the previous mission...."

After saying that he stares at takuya and asks "so are you ready for your next mission?"

He just nods

"Good i'll give you the mission details and you can decide to do it or not after that"

He gives us a file and says "this is the target of the next mission it is kizutaka lawliet" he points to takuya and says "you are going to elmore high school tomorrow and make friends with him...or make him your friend in whatever way you want to do"

I do know that takuya yagami is a charismatic and manipulative person so for him it should be an easy job

He then turns to me and says "as for you tazutaka you are going to do your own mission in the same place"

"Sir... Could you give me details to this mission? And is this mission interdependent to takuya's mission in any way?"

He gives a slight nod and says "you see kizutaka is a member of the club and you are going to become his friend as well"

"Doesn't that mean I should be going in elmore high school as well?"

"Yes... And the reason you need to make him your friend is because it's his birthday tomorrow and his party is happening at school"

He then puts another file and gives it to me "this is his information we need to keep the data on the both of you and so he won't notice you are there"

After reading the file i ask "So what is the final goal of this mission?"

He sighs "tazutaka....the final goal of this mission is for you to win his heart."

This mission might be hard and i don't know how the real yagami is like but I hope I can make him my friend and go further from there.

"I would like to ask why is it needed to manipulate him"

He stares at me and said "let's just say he is a threat to our plan"

"Sir what do you mean by that?"

He sighs once again and says "it's better if you read the file about it"

I decided to read the file and I find out that kizutaka isn't a normal person he was also nurtured in the whiteroomer he is being a threat as he is planning on creating another nurturing school which could be a competitor to the white room

"Why do we need to do this?"

He then smiles and said "there is another rival of ours we need to defeat before we can complete our goal"

"Sir... i don't mean to doubt you but why do we need to do this?"

He starts talking "you see tazutaka if you don't do this then our rivals will take over our plan and our future"

"Is that why takuya is going to be in this school?"

"Yes, now good luck you will be sent to the elmore high school next morning "

With this he leaves and takuya and I look at the file once again.

Next chapter