

Dusk, whAt a wonderful time. It is not day nor is it a night. I think this is going too be my new favorite spot. I say to myself. As I feel The slightly chill wind go through tHe branches of the tree. it's quite almost as if the whole world is getting ready to sleep, maybe I should take a short nap. as I rest my head against the trunk of the tree. NYX, NYX WERE ARE YOU!!. the high pitch voice enters my ears, ruining my sleepy mood. irritated I yell back " it better not be you Fang yu or I swear I'll tell everyone you have a huge crush on wang gin". Silence filled back night, till a whimper was heard about 20 meters from the tree I was in. Fang yu started to cry, "Nyx you big bully, I l.. just wanted to tell you.. my father.. wanted you come for dinner.. hic.. hic". sigh. I guess I went too far. i quickly jump down off the tree branch, and made my way though the forest grounds. till I say fang yu " yu yu I was just kidding about telling her, honest you have to trust your big sister okay". I gave him a smile showing my pearly white teeth. it took a few seconds for him to cry, but the moment he stops, he flashes me the smirky grin a 6 year old can muster as he runs away towards the village, at that moment I realise I just been conned by him. he was playing me with those fake tears. that bastard I say in my head." wait till I get my hands on you yu i swear you will regret it" i take off after him. as he bursts out of forest line, like a scared rabbit fearing for it's life, he started screaming " DADDY NYX IS GOING TO EAT ME, DADDY SAVE ME" as Soon as his tiny legs hit the ground he took off with even more heaven defying speed. as I jump out of the forest line I see this little twerp shouting and running like his his life depending on it. "WHO WILL EAT YOU, YOU SMELLY BRAT" he is still screaming to the heavens not caring what time of night it is. I need to run faster he is in a good 180m I in front of me, I need to take it up a notch, taking a deep breath in my step heavily on my left leg and launched forward. like an arrow freshly launched from a bow. the distance closers by 170m, 150m, 120m, 90m, 40m , 20m. virtually right behind him. just two seconds long and I can grab him and show him the 7 paths of hell. smiling while I looking down of all wonderful things I will do to him to show him I'm not a bully, just a wonderful older sister who cares about her silence and sleep. I looked up and realised I'm at the Fang's house, yu yu is banging on the door sliemtly cursing who locked the door. the face he was making was pure horror as he quickly glanced at my closing distance. shit I'm going to fast I'm going to crash into the door, when my right foot landed on the ground I tried to jump but realised I'm still going to fast. so I turned the jump into a flying kick aiming at Fangs yu, but suddenly as the distance between us reached 8m the door opened a crack. Fang yu face glowed with the face of a worshipper getting to meet a god. he used his whole body to push open the door and took a big exhale as his life was spared, but sadly when he turned around to see Nyx body spread open as if she's going to give jumping hug. in the short span of .5 of a second the only thought that the demon can fly! as he looked lower and he saw the scariest smile in his life.

flashback 4yr old Fang yu was sitting next to his father while they were fishing. his dad topics deep breath out. sigh... "son I want you to listen the wisest words my father ever said to me." Fang yu turned his dead and gave a questionable look of not understanding, son "you may not understand this now, but when you're older and find a lady you love. be careful and make sure her days are happy. because hell as no fury then a women's scorn.".. sigh.. Fang yu looks at his father and said with a high pitch voice" is that why we fishing papa. mummy was super mad you since broke her favorite comb?" the eyes of pity staring at his father. at that moment he realised his son was smarter than he let on, the cute and innocence was only around his mother because she doted on him the most out of two of them. he is like his mother, just you wait till you find someone who is scary and then it will be my turn to laugh.. he made a fist and swore in his heart when that day comes he will have the last laugh. flashback end.

BAM. Fang yu was on the floor while Nyx was on top of him giving a smile that was pure and beautiful it could topple countries. her pure black hair fell perfectly in place down her back. her flushed cheeks of exhaustion amplified her beauty, her cherry lips broke apart to let out the softest of exhaled. nyx turned her head and saw Fang yu mother Fang Ming holding the door with a motherly smile. welcome back ny-ny, you should be hungry after that run, yu yu, you shouldn't stay on the dirty floor for so long. you will get sick. Fang Ming said while holding that motherly aurora. Fang yu said "mummy nyx was chasing me and wanted to eat me, I was so scared" as he pushed Nyx off and ran into his mother embrace"oh silly yuyu she just wanted to give you a hug, I'm sure Nyx wouldn't eat you". Fang yu flat cheated. his own mother was taking Nyx side. he finally realised what his dad said all those years ago.. when he was in feel though the sweetest voice said " good evening aunty what's for dinner?" your favorite steak and potatoes " Fang Ming said. as she leads yu and Nyx to the kitchen for late dinner. the kitchen was your average size kitchen with an open fireplace with a cauldron sitting over the open flame. there was a wooden table 2m long and 1m wide, it had the scent of a pine Forrest were it was chopped from, there were 4 chairs that were covered with animal fur to make them softer and more comfortable to sit on. as Fang Ming was dishing out the food, she said that yu father won't be back till tomorrow morning, he was asked if he could help out with the overnight guard watch since the other village was attacked by demon beasts, so they need to be extra cautions.

Nyx was looking down at her food thinking that she will pay the fangs back for everything they done for her. she will learn how cultivate and becoming an extremely strong dao'es and take care of them even if they are not her flesh and blood. she didn't realise a tear was forming and falling down her face, ming saw this and gave her a hug from behind" nyx you are like a daughter to me, Its okay, I will protect you and maybe one day you will call me mother or mum or mummy.. so many choices here, we will always be a home for you, I love you Nyx" nyx started crying, she never knew why or how but she cried like never before, she never knew her parents and was only told that when she was a baby a dying person gave her to Ming and her husband Lee and begged them to accept before silently passing away once Ming held baby Nyx. originally they wanted to name her Fang Nyx, but decided to hold off on it till Nyx was of age to understand. after dinner was done Nyx went upstairs into her room. she closed the door and slowly walked to the bed, under the cover of a full moonlight . she got into her blanket and said one day I'll get powerful and make them live the easy life. that is my dream..

this is my first novel and I know it seems boring and bad edits but it will get better... I hope

eroscreators' thoughts