
Rise Of House Sirius

House Sirius

Family Sigil - A black Dire Wolf with a star at the top of a Sliver field.

House Colors - Black, Sliver and Purple.

House Words - In Darkest Times , Shine The Brightest & Clan of 1000 skills

Unofficial words -As Long as My Family Wins in the End ,That's all that matters.

7000 years before Aegon Conquest House Sirius was formed , The founder of House Sirius is Known as Atlas (Stark) Sirius also known as (Bright Sailor/ ). Atlas was the first person to sail the sea using the stars as his guide , they say he sailed as far a YiTi and got himself a braid Anita Senju from dying clan called the Senju Clan. After he came back North from his Journey he gave the House Reeds crop(rice, paddy, cassava, maize fruits like cranberries, Sweet potatoes and Coconut and vegetables like sea lavender, yam, cocoyam and pumpkin) that grow in swampy lands and gave other Crops(Beets, Potatoes, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Collards, Green Onions, Leafy Lettuces, Kale, Leeks, Mustard, Parsnips, Radishes, Rutabagas, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Turnips, Appels, Oranges, Kiwi, Guava, Strawberries, Grapes and Plums) to loyal Banner men of House Stark.

Atlas Stark was given Sea Dragon Point as his Seat for reducing starvation in the north by 70% Percent. Atlas named his House Sirius as it means Bright in Old Tongue, He Lived till 100 names day and spent the reminder of his life Sailing and discovering new Stars, Cultures, Animals and crops. House Sirius 5 Ancestral Weapons A Valyrian Katana named Inari a which was us by Fujin Senju the Founder of the Senju Clan, A Valyrian Great Sword Named NightBright, A Valyrian Axe Named DarkestWinter ,A bastard Sword Forged From a Falling Star that Landed at Sea Dragon Point named FallingStar and Katana made out from a Unknown Metal called Amaterasu . House Sirius also has books about the history of the Senju clan and there Knowledge..

2200 ATLN(After the Long Night)

After the death of Atlas(Bright Sailor/The Procure/Wondering Wolf) Sirius He was succeed by his son Aryan(Honorable Warrior/Warrior Wolf/The Smith) Sirius who expanded the his fathers Territory till the Mountains and made all 10 Mountain Clans bend the Knee. He is also known for writing the Art of War which is said to have the best military tactics to ever exist but can only be read by members of House Sirius and is written in Yi Ti since it easier to read and write than old tongue . Aryan the Warrior Wolf was the first wielder of the falling star and started a long line of Two traditions that the sword should be wielded by the best Swordsmen in House Sirius and that each member of the house should make there own sword and they would be put to rest with the sword they made in House Sirius Crypts.

2320 ATLN

The Bolton's attacked the Starks after they made the Dustin's bend the knee(The Dustins were the second last House to Bend the Knee), they say the Boltons raped and burned Winter Town to the ground, When Lord Ares( War Wolf) Sirius Found that out he marched to WinterFell and slayed the every Bolton men and saved King Jon Stark from the 3 month Siege. He continued the March to DreadFort and Slayed all the Boltons and there Vassals but could not bring himself to Kill children, he left all the Bolton and Horn Hill children alive and Unified the North Under the Stark Banner.

2882 ATLN

In the Year 2882 Etheridge(Wealthy Wolf ) Sirius is Said to have discovered Gold and Sliver in the Mountain, He quickly Started Investing in the Mountains and Creating a city and Castle Found near the Mountain . The City was called Winters Rock and the Castle was named Bright Rock. The 10 mountain clan that bent the Knee went on to becoming one of the richest people in Westeros and House Sirius the second Richest House in Westeros just behind the Lannister's.

3000 ATLN

Caige (Investor Wolf/Wise Wolf) Sirius , The current head of House Sirius was thinking of other ways to enrich his house he knew the gold would one day run out, So he sailed Esso and discovered a new business venture called the Iron Bank, He invested 1 million Wolves in the Iron Bank and was given 10% of the shares and a seat. Lord Caige Sirius would be Known by history as the Investor Wolf or Wise Wolf as found other sources of Wealth for his house and Slowed down the Mining operation of House Sirius. He also invested in Transportation and Protection Business Which was named WolfStar Company.

3021 ATLN

In 5652 ATLN 5 members of House Sirius discovered 8 islands near Sea Dragon Point which was renamed Sea Star they. The current Head of House Sirius Karson Sirius Spilit the island among them and giving that last 3 to his Master of War Ragnar Emersyn , Master of ships Zoro Fjord and Stewards Rickard Advel , They have been with his House Sirius, Since the time of Atlas Sirius. 7 houses were formed on in that year House Fjord, House Emersyn, House Nyx, House Sorrel, House Aurelia, House Slivers, House Corentin, House Advel.

3090 ATLN

In 3090 ATLN Jal(Wondering Wolf) Sirius Heir to House Sirius Traveled to Yi Ti and got himself a wife called Reo Uzumaki the last of Clan and brought new dishes and Soju and rice wine. These two alcohol drinks opened up more sources of income for House Sirius and reduced the pressure of mining . Its said due to the union between Jal Sirius and Reo Uzumaki was the main reasons remembers of House Sirius started to develop dark purple eyes but still kept there Black hair.

House Sirius gained the Uzumaki famed Tanto Whirlpool and Uzumaki knowledge due to the union.

3155 ATLN

Lord Baraka(The Blessed) Sirius and King Benjen( The Wise) Stark ventured beyond the wall and convinced the FreeFolk, Children of the Forest and Giants to bend the knee to the starks, Indore to be able to go south of the wall each of them bend the Knee and and House Heartsbane , House Forest and House Riant was formed, the giant brought there mammoths which were used for cattle or Heavy Laboring Jobs.

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