
chapter 64

As William and Malaevor left the training ground, they made their way through the halls of the Red Keep. The castle's corridors were dimly lit, with torches flickering along the walls, casting shifting shadows on the stone.

As they walked, William couldn't help but wonder if Rhaenyra would be waiting for them. He mentally berated slapped himself for losing track of the time, realizing that he had likely delayed Malaevor's bedtime. Nevertheless, he tried to play it cool, hoping that he could handle any questions or concerns Rhaenyra might have.

Soon, they spotted Rhaenyra standing in the hallway, her eyes searching for them. William greeted her with a warm smile, bringing her into a hug and placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Hey, love."

Rhaenyra, on the other hand, had other plans in mind. As she leaned in to return his hug and kiss, she suddenly stopped and began to sniff the air, her nose twitching in the process. Her gaze then shifted to Malaevor, who stood beside them.

"What's that scent?" Rhaenyra asked, her curiosity piqued. She leaned down and sniffed Malaevor as well, her eyes widening in realization.

William's heart sank as he realized he'd been caught. He had indeed taken Malaevor on a dragon ride, something he had initially intended to keep a secret. As Rhaenyra's eyes darted to him, he felt a sense of impending doom.

Before he could offer an explanation or excuse, Malaevor nodded his head enthusiastically, and then went on to tell Rhaenyra about William's shoulders slumped, his plans of defending his actions collapsing.

Rhaenyra didn't react as William expected. Instead of scolding him, she smiled warmly and shook her head. "You're just like when I was younger, I can't blame him for wanting the same adventure." She turned her attention to Malaevor and gave him a loving hug, planting a kiss on his cheek.

William breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for Rhaenyra's understanding. He turned to her and said, "I'm sorry, love. I should be careful while taking Malaevor on rides in the future. He's still young."

Rhaenyra smiled at this and then playfully ruffled Malaevor's hair and said, "It's past your bedtime, little Dragon rider. Off to sleep with you."

Malaevor smiled and nodded, "Alright, good night."

With that, their son headed toward his chamber, a sense of contentment and joy radiating from him. Just before disappearing into the corridor, he turned back and said, "I had fun, Dad."

William's heart swelled with love as he watched Malaevor's retreating figure. He knew that the bond between them had deepened during that dragon ride, and it was a moment neither of them would ever forget.

Rhaenyra linked her arm with William's and said, "He's growing up so fast, isn't he?"

William nodded. "He is."

As they continued down the hallway together, the echoes of laughter sounded as William told her about the funny moments that happened during the training.