
chapter 58

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months and months turned into years, as the Red Keep continued to hum with activity. The city of King's Landing, always in motion, seemed to have found a momentary respite, unaware of the events that were unfolding.

Inside the red keep, in one of its many hallways, a woman's scream echoing through the corridors of the Red Keep. William, who had been pacing in the hallway just outside the chamber, that the scream came from froze at the sound, his heart pounding in his chest. 

Inside the chamber, Rhaenyra's face was contorted in pain, but there was determination in her eyes. Sweat glistened on her brow as she gripped the bed linens tightly.

As the scream subsided, it was replaced by something even more remarkable—a baby's cry. The wailing of their newborn child filled the room, and Rhaenyra's exhaustion gave way to a radiant smile.

Hearing, that the screams were replaced with a baby's cry, William pushed open the door and stepped inside. His heart swelled with a mix of emotions as he saw Rhaenyra, holding their newborn. The baby had snow-white hair and eyes as blue as the summer sky.

Rhaenyra's smile widened at the sight of him. "William," she said, her voice filled with joy and fatigue, "Meet our son, the future heir to the Iron Throne."

William's eyes were filled with emotion as he approached the bed, taking in the sight of his child for the first time. He gently kissed Rhaenyra's forehead before leaning down to get a better look at the baby. He was absolutely perfect. 

"He's beautiful, Rhae," William whispered, As je reached out to touch the baby's tiny fingers.

Rhaenyra carefully placed the baby into William's arms, watching as he cradled their son with tenderness. "What shall we name him?" she asked, her eyes filled with curiosity and love.

William looked down at their child, his heart full. "Daemon," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "Malaevor Targaryen, it's a name fit for a future king."

And as the first light of dawn filtered through the windows, bathing their chamber in a soft, golden glow, Rhaenyra and William held their newborn son, Malaevor in their arms. It was a moment of pure, unbridled happiness, and they knew that their journey had only just begun.

William now was more determined than ever. That he will protect his family. And will train his son to be a true king.