
chapter 55

The sun's golden rays gradually faded over the Red Keep, casting long shadows across the garden where William and Daemon continued their conversation. The air grew cooler, and it started to get late.

"Daemon," William began, his voice measured, "I appreciate your insights and your willingness to speak openly. But I must make it clear that my loyalty lies with Rhaenyra. My primary goal is to see her seated on the Iron Throne, and I will align myself with those who share that vision."

Daemon nodded, seemingly unfazed by William's declaration.

As they conversed, William couldn't help but wonder about Daemon's true intentions. He knew Daemon he is a brute and a cunning man.

"Daemon," William asked, "what is it that you seek in our alliance? What do you hope to achieve through our cooperation?"

Daemon leaned back on the stone bench; his violet eyes fixated on the weirwood tree's carved face. "Power, William. Power and influence. It is the currency of this realm, and I have always hungered for it. Rhaenyra may be the rightful heir, but she will need allies to secure her claim. Or else The High Towers will put Aegon on the throne."

William mulled over Daemon's words; he knew that what Daemon said was correct. And forging an alliance with Daemon will be a good bet to secure the Throne for Rhaenyra. But he couldn't ignore the ever-present caution that whispered in the back of his mind.

"Very well," William responded, "We can explore this potential alliance further. But know this, Daemon, my loyalty to Rhaenyra will always come first. Any partnership we forge must be in service of her rightful rule."

Daemon smiled, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Understood, William. Rhaenyra's ascension to the throne is a cause worth fighting for, and I believe we can achieve greatness together."

After that, they continued to talk for a while, before they parted ways, William's footsteps echoed through the dimly lit corridors of the Red Keep. He couldn't help but feel the weight of the decisions that lay ahead. The prospect of aligning with Daemon Targaryen was both promising and perilous.

Returning to his own chambers, William found solace in the familiar surroundings. The candles flickered, casting dancing shadows on the walls.

William then changed into his sleeping clothes and went to the bed to see Rhaenyra laying on the bed looking at him.

Rhaenyra's eyes met William's with a mixture of curiosity. "You've returned. How was your conversation with Daemon?"