
chapter 12

After a few more lords pledged their loyalty, the ceremony came to an end.

As they left the throne room, William turned to his father. "Father," and asked him a question, "what do you think of Rhaenyra? Do you oppose her being named heir?"

Lord Boremund looked at his son and replied, "It is not my place to oppose or support such decisions, William. My duty is to pledge my loyalty to whomever the ruling monarch may be, and to serve them and the realm to the best of my abilities."

William nodded, relieved at the fact that his father was not like Borros Baratheon, who would have been his older brother in this life but was never born in this timeline, as he had taken his place as Boremund's son.

With that, William and his father made their way back to the chambers that had been arranged for them to rest after the long journey and the ceremony. As they entered the spacious room, with its large four-poster bed, desk, and small seating area, William couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by his thoughts.

He then excused himself and took a seat on a nearby chair, lost in the possibilities of what he could do differently. He thought about the characters he had watched on the screen, the choices they had made, and the consequences that had followed. The knowledge he possessed could alter the course of history, and he wondered if he should use it to change things or let them unfold as they did before. But Wlliam also wondered how much he could change the course of history, or if everything would happen just as it did before.

But then he remembered the Butterfly Effect which he read about in countless fanfiction, the idea that even small actions could have major consequences. Which lead to him realizing that even the smallest change could alter the course of history and change everything that was to come. He decided that he would have to be careful and think things through before making any major decisions.

With that, William drifted off to sleep, his thoughts still consumed with the possibilities of what he could change in the upcoming events.


The next morning, the sun rose over the ancient city of King's Landing, casting a golden glow over the Red Keep and dissipating the morning mist, a day had passed since the events of Rhaenyra being named heir.

William woke up to the sound of the bustling castle below. He stretched his arms and legs, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. He got dressed and headed to the dining hall where his father was already seated, discussing the current state of the realm with other lords.

As William took his seat next to his father, he couldn't help but overhear their conversation. They were talking about the possibility of a civil war as a woman was named heir, which would happen in the future.

But of course, William kept his thoughts to himself, and took mental notes of the various factions and alliances at play, and the potential consequences of each decision. It was clear to him that every action they took could have a significant impact on the future of their House and the realm at large.

After breakfast, William decided to explore the castle and the city. He walked through the narrow streets, taking in the sights and sounds of King's Landing. He saw merchants hawking their wares, beggars asking for alms, and knights riding through the streets on their horses.

After exploring, William returned to the Red Keep, he found his father waiting for him in their chambers.

"William," Lord Boremund said, "I have been thinking about your question from yesterday. While it is not our place to oppose the ruling monarch, we must also consider the welfare of our House and our people. Princess Rhaenyra may not be the best choice for the realm."

William nodded slowly, realizing that he was no longer a mere viewer of the series, but a character in it. Although his father seemed loyal to rhanerya in the series, but what Wiliam heared from his father right now. Went beyond mere loyalty to Princess Rhaenyra.

As the day came to a close, William found himself lost in thought once again. He knew that the choices he made in the upcoming years would be critical, and he had to make sure he made the right decisions to change the course of history.