
chapter 11

The journey to Dragonstone was long and treacherous, as William and his father Boremund Baratheon sailed through rough seas. William spent most of the journey seasick and miserable, as he had never been friends with the sea. However, as they finally approached the island, he felt his seasickness dissipate, replaced with a sense of relief as he saw the land.

As they stepped off the ship and onto the shores of Dragonstone, William took a deep breath and looked around. The island was rocky and barren, with only a few sparse trees and shrubs. But the fortress that stood at its center was impressive, with towering walls and thick gates.

They made their way through the castle, following a servant who led them to the throne room. William could feel the tension in the air as they walked. The lords of the Seven Kingdoms were gathered here to swear their loyalty to Rhaenyra.

As Lord Lyonel Baratheon approached the throne, his booming voice echoed through the throne room. "Your Grace, I, Lord Lyonel Baratheon, do hereby pledge my undying loyalty and service to you, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms."

William followed his father's example, dropping to one knee beside him, and placing his hand on his father's shoulder. "I, William Baratheon, son of Lord Boremund Baratheon, also pledge my loyalty to you, Your Grace."

Rhaenyra stood regally at the top of the steps leading up to the Iron Throne. She looked down at Boremund Baratheon and William who she paused at for a few seconds and responded with a small smile, accepting their pledges of loyalty graciously. "Thank you, Lord Baratheon, and you, William Baratheon, for your fealty and service to me and the realm."

As the ceremony continued, Rhaenyra listened as the names of different lords were called out, and they pledged their loyalty to her. Some of the lords approached the throne with a sense of pride and determination, while others seemed more hesitant, as if they were unsure of what the future would hold.

William watched as the powerful lords of the realm bowed before Rhaenyra, pledging their loyalty to her. He couldn't help but wonder why that being had not reincarnated him as a Targaryen. He had read fanfictions where people were reborn as Targaryen's, and he had always been envious of them.

Despite his envy, William felt a sense of relief that he was not born into the Targaryen family, which would inevitably involve him in the schemes of Otto Hightower and others.

After a few more lords pledged their loyalty, the ceremony came to an end.

As they left the throne room, William turned to his father. "Father," and asked him a question, "what do you think of Rhaenyra? Do you oppose her being named heir?"

Lord Boremund looked at his son and replied, "It is not my place to oppose or support such decisions, William. My duty is to pledge my loyalty to whomever the ruling monarch may be, and to serve them and the realm to the best of my abilities."

William nodded, relieved at the fact that his father was not like Borros Baratheon, who would have been his older brother in this life but was never born in this timeline, as he had taken his place as Boremund's son.

With that, the father and son made their way back to their chambers to rest after the long journey and the ceremony.