
Rise of Fire: Dragons Reborn

Dragons have been dead for thousands of years, after the conclusion of the Great Demon Wars they simply dissapeared. The legends grew as memories faded and eventually they were nothing more than fanciful tales recanted to children. That was until the legends of demons started to awake, old memories may have faded but they were never gone. Talia was born to a world of darkness run by slavery, death, and inequality. She was raised as a weapon and used to kill mercilessly. One day while finishing up a particular job fate strikes and her world is changed forever, she may have never been raised with fanciful stories but when one sees a dragon theres simply no explaining it away. Bromyr was born a dwarven prince to a dying kingdom. Desperate to change his people's fate he embarks on a dangerous journey with a small band of trusted friends. He knows the tales of dragons and demons were real, he saw the proof. In fact he even knew of a story depicting a glittering ruby egg... Follow the story as these characters start to unravel the truth beneath a fractured world. Demons have awoke from the shadows, so too will the dragons. Will war ensue again? Will the dragons reawaken the flames within the people and their kingdoms? Or will the fire end up consuming them all?

Tea_Rainey · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 47

"The gods have shown me the path to the future, but I have decided that... Just this once I might step in just a hair to nudge it along. He could live a lifetime suffering from this, or he could live a lifetime fighting the war alongside his friends. Life is life, who are the gods to say if he should live it well or not." She stepped through the door, her robes brushing the ground softly behind her. Reezara followed the woman in with her head low to the ground sniffing after the woman cautiously.

'She smells of magic and pain. The night, and the dawn, yet not the day.' Her voice was soft and cautious. Talia promised to explain later why Madora smelled so unique.

"What do you want me to do?" She had a million little questions flitting through her mind but time was of the essence and Madora wasn't one to tell a short tale.

"Your divine flame, it is capable of obliterating the darkness and driving out most things that seek to destroy. Sickness and drugs are similar, burn them away without harming the flesh and he will be left... Whole." Her voice wavered in its intensity from soft to firm as she shuffled forward.

"Divine... I have no idea what you mean lady, but fire doesn't do anything but burn. I'll crisp him like a slab of meat, and if you haven't heard he's not exactly a forgettable face." She wasn't going to be responsible for murdering a dwarven prince, humans were one thing but dwarves... She had no idea how his father would react.

"Don't argue, grab him and close your eyes. Then focus all your energy on controlling the flame, pick out the poison within him and wipe it away. Be meticulous." She coached softly. Talia wanted to argue more but his breathing was slowing and she wasn't willing to argue with his life on the line. So she grabbed his shoulders and closed her eyes.

At first it was as if nothing was happening. She could feel her mana, feel it slowly burning inside her. She tried to let it out slowly and control its ravenous advances. At first it felt impossible, the moment she tried to push her mana into him it flooded forward. It took all of her strength to force it back into a trickle rather than a flood. Regardless of her efforts he still grunted in pain and she could still hear his skin sizzle at the contact of mana. She apologized in her head as she pushed forward.

Once the connection had been made she had to think up a chant of words that would suit her, that would aid her in controlling the flow of mana as she attempted to drive out whatever poisons were in his system. She wasn't a healer, she had no experience in the healing arts or what a healer would do. She only hoped Madora was right and that her fire would 'burn' away any impurities.

Minutes passed and she wasn't sure if anything was changing. He never moved, he never moaned of groaned, he was as silent and pale as he was to begin with. But slowly as her mana drained away his skin started to darken and his breath became stronger. She tried to imagine every part of his body growing lighter and lighter, less and less tainted.

Reezara watched in awe as golden light and fire enveloped her rider and the dwarf. The magic wasn't explosive or as ravenous as normal, instead it was soft and gentle as it surged. Talia tipped her head back as another surge of mana pushed into the dwarf, this time he moaned and twitched. From there things moved rapidly, his eyes opened, Talia's mana extinguished, she fell to the ground and he shot up from the bed. The whole exchange lasted maybe seven minutes, but it felt as if hours had passed. Even she was feeling weary and nauseous.

Talia groaned and stood back up glaring at Reezara momentarily.

'If you're going to watch me, try to keep your mind unlinked from mine. It's disorienting.'

She turned back to Bromyr who was now sitting up and blinking his eyes blearily like a newborn calf. Talia took a shuddering breath as relief and joy flooded her. She was amazed at just how happy she was he was ok. Seeing him awake was like seeing the moons rise after a long hard day.

"You had me worried, you awful little man!" She stood up and stretched. She didn't notice his eyes widened as he had to crane his neck to look up at her.

"Suddenly you calling me a little man doesn't seem nearly as much of an insult." He muttered dryly. Talia looked down. Only then did she realize that she really had to look down.

"By the gods!" She startled as she looked at herself. Had she worn any other clothes she'd be left with nothing but her birthday suit on. How tall was she now? Looking up she could see the roof of the room a few mere inches away. She could also feel the starting nubs of her horns scrape on the stone.

"You're telling me." Bromyr burst into laughter. She'd have slapped him but she was half scared he'd end up like the maid girl she had somewhat accidentally killed.

"That is something I did not see, but altering the future is not something I dabble in normally. Your mana is extremely low darling." Talia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Madora was always excellent at pointing out the obvious. She looked to Reezara but the dragon answered before she could even ask,

'I have nothing left to spare either I'm afraid. I think I subconsciously aided you throughout that affair.' She cocked her head as she looked upwards to meet Talia's gaze. It was odd seeing Reezara from so high above her, she seemed so much more tiny again. She wanted to cuddle her just like old times.

"We do not have time to ponder the effects of your work, the dawn is upon us and today is the day the world awakens to your fire. Come, we must..."

"Talia! There you are... Gods when I woke up and you weren't there I was terrified the King had you drug off last night after we passed out. I've been all over this damned castle looking for you." Midnight shoved her way through the door violently, her chest heaving with every gasp of air she took. Though most surprising was the person who shoved their way in behind Midnight.

"I kept telling her even unconscious no one drags you away without a little bloodletting." Lotus sounded peeved more than anything. Despite her ink-stained skin she appeared healthy and energetic. She was dressed in one of her handmaid outfits, her hair was curled back into a semi-tight bun which kept most of the wheat colored locks out of her face.

"Well, your fears are not realized yet. I was simply hunting." She shuffled nervously as she tried to duck down a bit. Every time she moved her horns would scrape the ceiling, she was half afraid someone would hear the awful noise the contact made and come running only to find them.

"Yes, we saw the... Well what I can only describe as corpse pudding on the wall. You're very secretive." Midnight deadpanned as she marched up to the dwarf. She leaned in and sniffed him loudly. Her eyes became slits as she studied him.

"I was under some stress, I'll tell the story another time. I'll have you know I'm a hero in this situation." She turned her nose up with a snort. Her heart was still racing, it was almost miraculous how Bromyr had gone from nearly dead to sitting up and aware. His skin was it's usually dusted coppery color, his eyes were lively too. She still didn't know what the poison was and that made her more nervous than anything.

"Aye, so she is. I suppose I have a great deal of thanks I owe you... Again." He grunted, his voice was raspy and hoarse but growing stronger. He sidled out of bed and shuffled over to his abandoned platter to sniff at it cautiously.

"Midnight, can you identify what the poison the King used on him?" Talia asked lightly. Midnight shrugged as she followed the dwarf,

"Sure, sure, treat me like your little slave girl. I'm just here to run your errands." Talia snorted and stomped her foot irately,

"I can turn you into blood pudding you know. I'm not in the goofing mood if you haven't noticed." Midnight shot a nervous look upward, her lips thinned as she moved faster without a retort. She sniffed at the food herself and ran a finger along the rim of the platter, any plates, and the drinking cups. She tested everything with a whiff and a quick taste. A few minutes passed before she sat back up with a slow humm.

"This is odd, a concoction of things... Whoever mixed this was either very smart, or very stupid. My finger's on stupid if they wanted to keep this asshole alive." She cast a thumb over in Bromyr's direction. Talia tapped her fingers on her thighs, smart or stupid? Did they want him dead or alive?

"Oi, lets not focus on who was idiotic enough to get their arses poisoned eh?" Bromyr butted in with an annoyed growl.

"The dwarven royal is right, now is not the time to solve crimes. Talia, come here!" Madora's voice left no room for argument. Talia moved forward hesitantly before leaning down so the old woman wouldn't have to shout. Madora's milky colored eyes cast about as her wrinkled hands reached up. Her cold fingers brushed Talia's face, then snapped down to claw into her shoulders. Talia reacted with a jolt which quickly turned into a howl of agony.

Her entire body contorted violently back into its normal shortened stature. She was compressed once again to her less conspicuous height, though this time it wasn't through her own means. She could feel Madora's spell forcing her back into 'normal' shape. Every bone ached continuously, her head pounded in protest.

"Gods Madora at least warn a lady before doing such a thing! It fucking hurts!" She snarled while rubbing at her eyes. White spots were blinding her. Madora gave her what she assumed was supposed to be a comforting pat on the back before retorting,

"There's no time to wait for you to gather the strength to return to your proper form. The King is sending his men to fetch you as we speak and you need to be ready. I had Midnight grab your finery for you, dress quickly. Make sure to properly hide your face behind the shawl. Things must progress precisely from here if this Kingdom is to survive the coming storm." Talia watched as Midnight retreated out the door only to return with a bag full of glittering silks.

"What do you mean, precisely? Madora have you been intervening to push Fate's hand?" Madora had always been stalwart on her stance of never driving the flow of Fate, she had always attested to the idea that it could have widely damaging effects. Madora's face wrinkled more than usual as she grimaced,

"Oracles are not bound in chain to simply watch the future shown them. Many of my sisters have been known to guide their patrons away from Fate's wicked hands into a new future. Sometimes we can receive several visions, each one a glimpse into different possible futures. When given these chances many of my sisters choose to pick the best outcome and pursue it. What we see may be ironclad, but it is changeable with enough effort. Why else do you think the Gods created us? Though only a few are brave enough to delve into the tides of Fate to change the flow of life." It wasn't the answer Talia was looking for but she resigned herself to the explanation. Madora likely wouldn't offer more.

Without further ado she grabbed the clothes and slipped into Bromyr's tiny bathroom to change. Midnight had brought her the clothing she used to represent Ermyrra, the silken ruby dress and the scarlet veil. She even had the crimson cloak which she wrapped gently around her shoulders. She tied the golden sash around her midsection to hold the cloak closed. She wasn't sure why Madora was putting her into such finery but she wasn't going to argue with a woman who could predict the future. Whatever it was, she could go along with it. Stepping back out she found everyone huddled and whispering quickly.

"Ah, you're ready! Good, now we must enter the halls. Lotus, you know your task. Guide Talia down the main halls and pretend that the King has ordered you to deliver her. When the guards confront you on your tardiness tell them how difficult she was, it is believable and they won't question you more. Talia, I won't tell you what to do but I will say this much, I hope your undergarments are the stretching kind." Madora winked before shoving both Talia and Lotus out the door. Talia tried to ask what the hell was going on but there was no time. Lotus grabbed her wrist and lead her at a sprint down the halls.

"I hate how short time is, and I hate how she orders me around! But if she is an Oracle I must follow her command to ensure the right future. Even I can't deny the will of the gods!" Talia huffed. If Lotus hated it, she had no clue how much Talia despised it. She felt like she was being swept away in a sea of chaos.

"Wait! I don't even know what's happening!" She hissed out angrily. What about Reezara? Where was her dragon? Why did the King order her presence? What was she supposed to do?

"Neither do I! But she said time is short and if we don't get this right we loose big time. Demons, wars, all that stupid shit. I didn't ask questions, so unless you feel it's the right thing to do to go back there and demand she tell us what's up I think the best bet is to follow her command." Lotus snapped irately as she lead the way down the halls. Talia had to admit that going against Madora wasn't a wise choice. So if this was what she dictated, so be it. She bit down on her anger and followed.

After a few minutes of desperate running they slowed. About ten steps after they dropped to a gentle walk a contingent of guards marched around the corner. An older gentleman with snow white hair was at the helm, his severe face pinched into a look of irate boredom until he spotted them.

"Handmaiden, the King ordered her presence hours ago! And shouldn't she be... In a chair?" He eyed Talia with no small amount of skepticism. Talia kept her head tilted down, though it took every ounce of strength in her not to challenge him then and there.

"I apologize Sir. She was difficult today... It would seem her strength is returning." Lotus replied in her monotonous voice and with a deep bow to the soldier. The man stiffened before casting his severe gaze on to Talia. His eyes were cold and unforgiving, they were rather befitting a man of his status and age. She met his look with one of her own, straightening her back to give him a proper challenge.

The soldier looked on with a mixture of discomfort and nerves. The half-elf was a woman that occupied his nightmares. Even through the veil he could see one glowing eye, almost the color of burning embers. He could feel her quiet rage boiling just beneath the surface. Truth be told she scared him a hell of a lot more than the demons the King liked to jerk around. Everything about her was dangerous, and now that she was walking it was like looking into the face of death itself.

"Cuff the halfling, I don't want any trouble with her." He ordered his men sharply. Two of his strongest stepped forward swiftly to clamp the white charmed cuffs around the girls wrists. She fought for a second but it happened so fast she couldn't break free of them. The men fell back into line quickly before she could lash out. Once she was properly subdued he turned on his heel and pushed through the guardsmen.

"Follow me then Handmaid, the King doesn't like to wait." As each foot fell in his march forward his heart sank a little more. It was like he could smell death coming. Each beat of his heart brought him closer to the void. He couldn't be sure if it was the halfling that would drag his soul away or the King, but he was certainly regretting having pushed off his retirement. Better to die a soldier than a farmer he had told himself. Oh how he regretted it.

Talia and Lotus followed the lead guard as his contingent fell in line around them. Talia huffed as the cuffs burned on her wrists. She was livid at having been caught off guard. Though her real anger was stemming from the fact that the cuffs were absorbing her mana like sieves. Each moment that passed saw her weaker and weaker. Not only was she growing weaker, Madora's spell was starting to fray as well. Already she could feel her horns sprouting from her skull. What had been a tolerable headache was quickly becoming a blinding one.

Lotus remained silent as they marched forward. Her heart raced fearfully as she recalled Madora's dire warning. According to the moon-eyed witch the city was about to burn. Not just the castle, the entire city. And at the center of the fire was Talia. But somehow Madora assured her that it was necessary, that it had to happen.

'You'll witness a monster, a monster so powerful it will feel like the gods have forsaken us. But fear not, her heart is not so dark as she would have us all believe. Soon the eternal night that has enveloped this place will lift to brilliant dawn-light, a new kingdom shall arise from the ashes.' Those had been her words. Lotus had never seen the birth or death of a kingdom, such things hadn't happened in her homeland for generations. What did it look like? What would it feel like? She didn't have time to wonder as the guards pushed open the doors to the King's quarters.

"Ah, I thought you'd never arrive." Gordon stood in the center of the room surrounded by scantily clad women, harlots of all sizes and ages. He wore a wide grin as he opened up his arms in welcome.

"The time has come to take possession of my crown jewel." His eyes glittered as he looked directly to Talia.