
Rise of Edwin Von William Highland

Edwin Von William Highland is a prince and the only heir to the Kingdom of Highland. As a reincarnated person from Japan, he aims to use his knowledge to help his poor Kingdom get stronger. His loving father has already taken steps to aide his son to become a great King but everything changes when the Demon King arrives. How will Edwin Von William Highland deal with betrayal, loss of loved ones, political opponents, and the demon kings army that marches across the land?

Hitori_Kanoko · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 33 Suspicions

Back in the royal castle of Highland.

"What is on the agenda to today?"

Edwin asked this as he read a pile of documents that was handed to him. He, as well as, Prime Minister Herman and Fairy Queen Madeline were all in the royal office that Edwin used for his work and to receive special guests.

"Nothing much, I have only two reports with me today. First is about the Hero Hans Varma Saifuddien." Prime Minister Herman answered

Edwin browsed through the report on the hero's movements.

Hero Hans was currently in the Everwood forest, no more information was available on what he was doing there.

His army had already set off from the empires. Their destination was Jarodor where the hero would meet up with them before heading off to the Dukedom of Gillhearts.

The numbers comprised 300,000 volunteers and 150,000 soldiers from the empires.

An additional 50,000 Jarodor and elven warriors will join them in Jarodor.

"Looks like they're not sparing any manpower on this assault."

"Yes. This is indeed the largest army ever assembled on the continent, as far I know, however."

"The sword saint and the arch mage will not be partaking on this campaign as well, huh." Queen Madeline was the one to spoke

"Yes. As far as we have determined, those two are still in their respective empires with no sign of movement." Prime Minister Herman explained

"It's understandable. Not only are they their empires ace in the sleeve they are also royalty. The empires would most likely not allow them to leave." Queen Madeline concluded

"Even in this situation? If the demons win the war won't the empires fall?" Edwin asked

"Sometimes it's better to be the last one standing than falling with all the others at the same time. I am sure the empires are thinking the same thing. As long as our ace is here, we can hold off the demons."

Edwin gave a wry smile at her words. That did sound like what humans would think of, especially if they were royalty.

He couldn't hold it against them either. Right now Highland had a powerful military but despite that, it was not partaking in the war.

Regardless of the reason; it was still, him putting Highland first.

I wonder if that means I am the same as them. He thought to himself before Queen Madeline answered in his mind

No. They are simply looking out for their own interest, while you are carefully assembling your pieces before you strike.

You believe that?

Ara… have you forgotten that I can read your mind? I know you're constantly thinking of ways to not only fight the demons, but to rescue the goddess as per my request and on top of that, you want to do it while limiting the impact on the people. You are a strange human.

Was that a compliment?


I got a compliment from the Fairy Queen. I guess I am awesome

Don't get ahead of yourself Ecchi-kun

You promised me you would never call me that again

Did I?

You did

"Now on to the second matter," Prime Minister Herman Clark spoke, not realizing he was interrupting their private chat. "Count Paolo Vanderburgh sent us a report recently. We have secured a meeting with the Lamina Queen and it appears all the other clan leaders will attend."

"That's excellent. We have to convince them to join us in the battle against the demons. Did they ask for anything?"

"No. It seems the supplies we sent were sufficient for all the four clans."

"Got to hand it to ghosting. They did an excellent job getting all the information we needed. Now all that is left is to negotiate an understanding."

"That will be difficult. Laminas, ghouls, harpies, and medusas have a deep hatred for humans and the goddess. I don't see this going well." Queen Madeline said with a concerned look.

"We got them to agree to a meeting. It is a start."

"Even if you say that I don't feel comfortable with you going without a full escort."

"I will have my spirit armor with me; not to mention Margarita is coming with me."

"Well... if it's that knight, I suppose you will be safe." (Queen Madeline)

"Yes, Margarita has put in a lot of effort in her training. Her father would be proud of her achievements." Prime Minister Herman added

"Yep… her father's blood must be the reason she is pushing herself so far." Edwin spoke

"I can think of another reason for her to push herself." Queen Madeline said, much to the agreement of the prime minister, however.

"Another reason! … Like what?" Edwin killed the mood that was in the air

"Dense" Prime Minister Herman cried

"Haplessly Dense" Queen Madeline said before sighing

"Eh…" were the only words a confused Edwin could speak


In the forest of Everwood, Shelley Lancaster was waiting in a room for her master's daughter.

Duchess Rania Teresa Alumet Vidfamne had sent her to follow her daughter who had left Vidfamne in a hurry.

"Shelley?... why did you come here?" (Lady Euphemia)

Lady Euphemia, Princess Siraye, and Princess Louise entered the room Shelley was waiting in.

"Lady Euphemia, Princess Siraye, and Princess Louise. It is an honor to see you again." She replied with a greeting and a curtsy.

"Ho… Is this the Shelley Lancaster you're always talking about Euphemia?"

A new person entered the room. Shelly had never met the individual before, but by his good looks and armor - not to mention how he addressed Lady Euphemia so casually, she could guess the identity of the man before her.

"It's an honor to finally meet you Hero Hans Varma Saifuddien." Shelley spoke

"There is no need to be so stiff. You are my mother-in-law's right hand. Please be at ease and take a seat." he replied

"Thank you for your consideration."

"Now then Shelley. Why are you here?" Lady Euphemia asked again

"You left in such a hurry that you didn't even talk to the duchess. She is worried a rift has formed between you two."

"My mother doesn't need to worry. After thinking about it, I was in the wrong. I caused mother problems because of my outburst. Please tell her I am sorry." (Lady Euphemia)

"The duchess isn't angry you know. She understands why you did such a thing."

"She does?"

Shelley had a soft smile on her face as she placed two necklaces on the table.

"What are those?"

"They are magic amplifiers or more accurately magic boosters."

"Magic boosters." The ladies asked in unison

"Within these necklaces is a trace of the fairy queen's mana. By tapping into that during battle, it can temporarily boost your magical power by a factor of 10."

"The Fairy Queens mana." Princess Louise cried in surprise

"Vidfamne had such a thing?" Princess Siraye asked with a serious expression on her face

"How interesting. If you don't mind me asking, where exactly is the fairy queen now?"

With a bone-chilling smile, Hero Hans asked Shelley Lancaster the question.

Thinking back on the discussions she had with the duchess she couldn't help raise her suspicions about the hero.