
Rise Of Dragon's Daughter

Lilith, heir to House Valyria, was betrayed by her family. She had seen her father being tortured, her mother being raped yet her uncles, aunts and cousins laughed. Her lover whom she trusted used her trust to use her dragons in the war to rule over whole cosmos. Yet fates ,who came down to earth to take her soul to heaven directly as they took pity on her, were shocked to the core when they saw her unwillingness and thirst for revenge. They broke their rules for her and gave her a second chance. But everything comes with a price, thus, in return they gave her most tough fate ever and also a challenge which will help her to go back to heaven after she died but if she did not completed it she would remain on earth forever as a haunted soul.

Yashasvi_Yadav · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Khal Phelan stood up as he went towards the dragon sculpture and poured few drops of his blood in it. For a whole nothing happened but soon the wall behind the desk was split open and a new wall consisting many books, chests, magical sphere etc appeared. From the condition of the book one could say these books were very old.

Khaleesi indicated towards the wall behind her and said," These all are very important books passed onto generations to generations. Many people think that this house was handed over to me but they all are wrong. My story is very painful in which there are very less happy moments. My story have many characters but only some of them were close to my heart. You will not know my story until I deem you worthy of it." She took a deep breath and continued " In our house many people think only those with dragon blood are royalty which is not true. 2nd and 3rd household were never a royalty. Only, 1st household was a royalty in which generals were included too. A bond of general and queen is very complex. It has many stages of it. 1st is simple bond which is breakable. 2nd is the stage where you can feel their presence very easily. 3rs is when you can feel their emotions. 5th is reading thoughts. 6th is sharing power and lastly, 7th stage where you can share your soul. After clearing every stage you basically become unbreakable and each other's strength. So, general and queen's bond is very special bond and also an important step towards your cultivation."

It is then continued by Yeona " A cultivation of pureblooded Valyrian is a bit different from normal people. Our powers are not bounded by anything it depends upon your will and determination which helps in your cultivation. These books are all about how to cultivate. You both will cultivate with Elder Priamos and Rhys. They both have trained your mother and father too."

Zuko says emotionlessly " Depending upon your powers is always not right. One should always need to learn fighting and survival skills and war techniques which will be taught by me. Sometimes you would need to practice by yourself with the help of books."

Then father spoke " Liliana you will need to learn general's work which will be taught to you by Yeona while Lilith would learn the queen work with her mother. You both will be taught about ice dragons and battle strategies from me while your mother will teach you about other dragons."

Looking at our shocked expression they chuckled. It was too much for our brain.

" Now, you can leave and remember what we said." said mother amusedly.

We bid our farewell as father closed the wall. We were just about to close the door when General Yeona said "From tomorrow your training starts be ready at 5 o' clock and clothes would be send to your chambers." As the door closed behind us as we were still standing dumbfounded. Finally coming out of our stumped state we left the cabin where we meet our maids who were really relieved seeing us. Liliana walked Lilith to her chambers then went to her chambers.

Once, Lilith entered her room she ordered maids to bring some food for her. Looking at the delicious food her stomach grumbled loudly which a tinge of blush appear on her cheeks. She eat the food happily, soon a question popped into her mind. She looked towards her maids and asked as she put down her fork "Are you all loyal to me?"

The three maids were stumped with the question.

" Pardon, young miss ." said Aideen.

"Are you all loyal to me not my parents?"

" Yes, miss." replied three maids truthfully.

" I will give you each a work and do your best. okay?"

"Yes, young miss." chorused three maids.

" Aideen, I want to know what is happening outside the house (meaning house valyria) and tell me each and everything."

"Ok miss but money would be problem as I need to appoint some people."

"Money will not be problem. Also, the person you choose must be trustworthy."

" No problem miss I will do it."

" Melian, I want you to know what is happening inside the house especially 2nd and 3rd household. Keep close eyes on them."

" Sure, miss"

"Lastly Twyla, I want you to make a bank account on your name in which I will deposit some money with which you will use your elvish powers to find out about a fertile piece of land in selucded area where medicinal herbs and poisonous plants can be grown. A list of people who will work here would be given by me."

" But miss, I need to come back here how will I manage those."

" Twyla, tell a person whom you trust fully?"

" There is one person, her name is Otsana."

" I trust your judgement, tell her if she wants to work for me and if yes ten what are her conditions."

" Ok miss"

" In 3 day, I need response Twyla."

" Yes miss"

" Good, after I finish eating you can also leave. Oh also, be guarded against 2nd and 3rd household. Also wake me up at 4 in morning."

"Yes miss"

Lilith begun to eat happily while her maids were thinking about her different behavior. They could not believed that she would give them such work and moreover tell them to keep a close eyes on 2nd and 3rd household and be guarded against them. They thought maybe finally there miss come to know about how vile and disgusting their creatures they were. They smiled happily in their heart. Seeing that Lilith finished eating her lunch they took the utensils and bid farewell to her and let her sleep peacefully.

Lilith could not sleep. She firstly thought that she would kill 2nd and 3rd household easily and then went to cultivation school if she become crown princess of House Valyria but after the talk in cabin she understood that it would be more cultivated. She would surely need her sister help in it.

In the morning, after taking bath Lilith was wearing a robe as she was waiting someone to send her the training dress. She was gazing outside when someone knocked on the door.

" Enter"

A dothraki female entered the door as she handed the clothes to Aideen and went outside after nodding to her. A typical dothraki behavior. Her maids were not angry with the behaviour as they were trained with dothraki people before. They know about there ways.

Lilith could not help but ask as she feel the cloth material under her finger " Is there anything I need to be careful of while training with dothraki."

Twyla said while closing her eyes as if reliving those memories " Miss, do not need to be afraid of dothraki. Also, do not need to 1st step while talking. They have there eyes and ears everywhere if they will want they will initiate the talk. They do not discriminate, thus, you are just a mere normal person not a princess."

"Understood...Help me with the dress."

After getting into the dress. She was ready to go. She was about to walk towards the door when someone knocked on the door which was then opened by the same warrior who came before and said " I am your escort today."

Lilith nodded and ordered her maids to stay here. Before the maids could say something, Lilith has already went out of the doors.

Outside Lilith nodded towards the warrior and they both started walking. In between they met Liliana who was wearing quite similar clothes as Lilith.