
Rise Of Dragon's Daughter

Lilith, heir to House Valyria, was betrayed by her family. She had seen her father being tortured, her mother being raped yet her uncles, aunts and cousins laughed. Her lover whom she trusted used her trust to use her dragons in the war to rule over whole cosmos. Yet fates ,who came down to earth to take her soul to heaven directly as they took pity on her, were shocked to the core when they saw her unwillingness and thirst for revenge. They broke their rules for her and gave her a second chance. But everything comes with a price, thus, in return they gave her most tough fate ever and also a challenge which will help her to go back to heaven after she died but if she did not completed it she would remain on earth forever as a haunted soul.

Yashasvi_Yadav · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Lilith changed her decision and asked Liliana whether she would like to meet parents right now or after some time. Lilith wanted to work onto their problems as soon as possible because they do not have time to waste. Apart from this, they also need to cultivate their spirit root. Liliana also agreed just some of her reasons were different from Lilith. She wanted to know about her powers to know her trueself with which she could help Lilith and also learn some of generals duty.

They both started walking towards their parents cabin. Once they reached they told their maids to stay outside. Before they could knock on the door, the door was opened by Eir and Lorcan - two most trustworthy and powerful people of their parents.

In their previous lifetime, Eir died in a battle in order to save a child while Lorcan heart was pierced by 1000 arrows of enemy.

Lorcan was a mysterious person and spoke very less. He was a observing person while Eir had tough appearance on outside but was soft inside.

Eir and Lorcan were momentarily surprised seeing both princesses here. They both have met handful of times and none of them were memorable. They both always stuck to their cousins side and always followed their orders which made impression of them in their mind. They always wished that they would change and looked like their wish is coming true.

" Did princesses need something?" asked Eir after she came out of shocked state.

" We need to talk something to Mother and father." Lorcan and Eir were both satisfied with Liliana's answer their answer and gave them space to walk inside.

One thing is very important while talking to dothraki is that they need on the point answer. They don't like people who beat around the bush. Also, they only bow down to the person who earned their respect even if it is emperor.

Inside view of cabin was luxurious yet homey. It was a perfect combination of fire and ice. On one wall ice dragon and red dragon were carved as the ice and fire released by them mixed. Maps, books were on tables. If one would go more inside they would see a door which lead to their private chambers. This part of castle was highly guarded. In the outer cabin meetings happens whereas in private cabins war strategies etc were made.

Soon they came in front of private cabin where they meet Yeona and Zuko general of her mother and father. Minimal greetings were exchanged. General Zuko knocked on the door. Soon they heard their fathers booming voice, "ENTER". They entered inside and saw their parents discussing something.

Mother - Khaleesi Aine was the only queen which ruled a whole house even after marrying. Also, their father - Khal Phelan was invincible general who only bows down to his queen. He never took the king throne as their mother gained the kingdom with her own blood, sweat and tears.

Khal and Khaleesi looked surprised seeing their daughters here as they expected them to be spending time with their cousin. Still, they were happy that there daughters are willing to spend time with them.

" Greetings, mother and father." Spoke both of them in unision.

" Greetings to you too. Did you both missed us so much that you came to meet us?" asked Aine happily. Even tough people called her heartless queen but she was willing to be sweet with her children.

Lilith and Liliana know about this and there hearts were moved.

"Mother and father we would want to know about your opinions on some matters privately."

Aine looked at her beloved in worry. They both knew about Lilith likin prince Abnus but they both knew about his real character. They did not want Lilith to marry someone like him. But listening this from Lilith's mouth herself made there heart heavy. They both hinted their generals to leave them alone and could only glance at the future Queen is some sorrow. Hearing the door shut close to give them some privacy Aine told their daughters to sit onto the chairs.

" So, what you want to talk about." asked Khal Phelan. He truly loved his daughter, even accepted their disrespectful behavior towards them bit he could not agree to let Lilith marry Abnus bastard. He thought that maybe Liliana would make her understand but was proven wrong when he saw her supporting instead.

Lilith looked in Liliana's one last time and finally turned towards her parents and spoke clearly ," I want you to train me to become next dragon queen and Liliana to become next general."



All the tea was sprayed out from Aine's mouth while Khal Phelan's drop the cup. Suddenly, they both started laughing thinking their daughters were joking but there expression turned serious when they saw there serious expression.

Khaleesi could not help but ask" Are you sure about this? Once you get the marking of general and dragon queen you could not turn back"

Lilith looked towards Liliana and she immediately understood the meaning behind this. They both revealed there arms.

"Are you talking about this." asked Lilith innocently.

Khal and Khaleesi were once again turned shocked as they did not expected them to have the marking. Suddenly, they understood the behaviors of their dragons last night which they were trying to solve. Now, everything was clear. The dragons, their ancestors accepted them as the next dragon queen and general. Even though they new this cannot be reversed but still could not help but ask to calm there heart.

" Are you sure you want this?"

" Yes" They both replied simultaneously.

Khaleesi suddenly stood up came towards them and spoke " Your trainings would start tomorrow and today you will know about some thing that you must know. Now, wait for us for a second." They both went out and closed the doors behind them.

Khal and Khaleesi were surprised as they expected a love confession from Lilith. Never in their life they thought this would happen. They both tell all this to Yeona and Zuko. They both were also surprised and suspicious but after knowing about the marking all suspiciousness went out there mind. All 4 people entered the room as they looked towards the 2 princesses sitting on the chairs in front of the desk of Khaleesi. After, greeting each other again. They finally get seated. Khal and Khaleesi looked towards Yeona as she her eyes glowed green. Lilith and liliana looked towards their parents expectantly.

Seeing the awe look on their face all 4 elders chuckled and explained that Yeona used silence spell which would make sure no one listens what thy are talking about.

Soon there face turned serious as their mother started speaking ," What we 4 are going to tell you is very important and a secret that is passed from royalty to the upcoming royalty. This was not done by mother as she was no longer alive but a chest was surely passed on to me from my mother with all those secret written in it. Now, its my turn to tell you all those."