
Rise of Demon

Lan Yin born during the red moon also known as cursed child of heaven cause of her crimson red eyes. She has a doting father who protect her and didn't let anyone bully her. Even though she is different from other humans her father alway love her. on the Eve of her fifth birthday her father told her that they are the one remaining demons left in this world of human. She had to protect herself and her secrets from others but they still catch on her little secret and then her little family turn into mess. Fire rise high in the sky lighting up the darken night but her heart was cold her crimson eye were filled with vengeance. she crave... she crave blood of human....

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasy
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41 Chs


Both lan yin and lan yue were hiding and running away from those demons hunter for the past few days.

The demon hunters had become more powerful then previous one they are searching everywhere to kill them.

They had been on tender hook everyday afraid that demon hunters will catch them and kill them like her father and grandfather.

They actually don't know where to go right now they can only helplessly run here and there lan yin look at the moon in the sky.

Lan yue had gone to buy some steam bun from the stall after another hour the stall of food will be closed.

They will not able to buy anything if they hurry up although these food can't filled there stomach

But atleast they give them enough energy to not pounce on any walking human and devour them whole.

Lan yue return with a frown there's smell of blood on her body she is carrying a sack blood is dripping down from it.

"What happen aunty" she grib her hair in frustration and click her tongue in irritation as she spoke in anger.

"Those demon hunters had again catch up with us we need to find a safe place to hide and live" lan yue throw the sack toward her.

Lan yin open the sack and saw a fourth chamber S rank human inside the sack along with some lower grade.

She grab the higher grade human heart and start feeding on it her aunt never let her eat lower grade human.

She always give her highest grade human to eat when she is one doing the hard work on her own.

She look at her own blood ocean which is almost filled once she reach 2nd rank her speed of healing will be faster.

Not only that on 2nd rank she can also change her eyes and hair colour only then they will able to hide in a village.

"Yin-yin I had successfully reach 4th rank my blood art had also become more stronger then my previous stage now I can protect you better"

She mumble the last part in anger in these past few days lan yin had received lot of injuries while running.

There's was even a time when she almost lost her life while protecting her son she felt guilty and happy at the same time.

Guilty cause she is protecting her son while happy that her niece is protecting him like her real brother.

She tried to find a place to live without being chased or killed but it's nearly impossible cause of there existence.

These people will not stop till they kill three of them at first they avoid killing them since they never actually killed them.

But now in the situation 'you die or I die' avoiding doesn't matter anymore for them now they just kill them or run as fast they can

But these demon hunters rank are going higher and higher they shoulld be glad that for the past forty year.

no new student had become demon hunter so all the people attacking them are above sixties and had not slayed any demon.

This make it easier for them to run away cause of there old age since engaging in fight with them is not so good idea.

Although they had turn old there experience of swords and killing demon is much higher then lan Yue half baked skill.

Once she manage to kill all those old fox then she can live peacefully after all those old man are the last generation hunter's.

The next generation will have no experience of hunting since they are the only remaining demons left.

Which is not very good idea according to her grandfather tales demon king can use his blood essence to turn human into demons.

If they manage to reach that level maybe they can create more demon's and live more comfortably.

Lan yue feed milk to her son and get up from the ground they again start moving after running in the whole capital city.

They manage to hear some news about an empty island being found by few fishermen if they reach that island.

They can stay hidden in that island for twenty years before coming back till then those old fox had already died.

But the problem is that the continuous attack on them make it impossible for them to go there.

Since they had to go there secretly so those people can't find them walking in the narrow dark alleys in the night is dangerous.

The human heart which lan yin had eat fee minutes start acting up her blood ocean start heating up.

This is the sign of advancement but the problem is that the advancement can easily attract the hunter's here.

This is the reason why she has been pressing down the advancement but intake off more blood maje it impossible for her to stop now.

She seat down inblotus position and focus on her blood ocean infact she had advance to 3rd rank.

Since she had not properly done the advancement ritual at 2nd rank both advancement are coming at once.

If she didn't do it now then she will die cause of overflowing blood in her ocean she might as well take risk and advance to 3rd rank.

And help her aunt in fighting with those old fox as lan yue had expected in just few minutes they were surrounded by hunter's.

There are more then fifty hunter's maybe all the remaining hunter's had gather to finish them off fighting all of them at current situation is hard.

She had to protect her son and cultivating lan yin too taking a deep breath she mutter under her breath.

"Blood Art:- blood creation barrier"

Lan yue arts is to create weapon or anything using her blood or others blood the higher her rank is.

The dangerous and strong weapon she can create as soon as her word a small round bubble like barrier appear.

Protecting both lan yin and her son but the problem is that she need to continue supplying energy to the barrier or else it will collapse at hunter attack.