
Rise Of Death's Advocate

What does it feel like to be cursed with the burden of becoming an advocate of death? Harry Blade, a seventeen-year-old boy who joined up with a group of bandits in the legendary Azurelia kingdom has his life completely changed after he ventured into a strange catacomb along with his band of thieves. Now given a new quest that would forever change his life, Harry with no hope left accepts his fate and embraces it, going through the night in search of the complete set of the shadow armor, Harry has to offer death a soul each month in exchange for immortality and his very own life. Some feared him and trembled at his name, others hailed him as a hero and hailed all his deeds but he was a normal boy like every other person at the brink of dawn and when the moon illuminates the vast world, the mysterious black swordsman shall come shifting through the shadows of the night and will deliver justice to all those who cross his path. Suffering in exchange for power was his reward after all the suffering he had gone through but sadly, there was a lot more to his strange power than he knew. ** Before thou begins I would like thou to know that this but a mere doing of an average fourteen year old who has been immersed in fiction ever since the day of thy birth. The story will most likely have many flaws and I'll always be ready for the criticisms. It's your choice if your want to read it and I'll do my best to make this mediocre story meet your standards. **** Additional tags: #beast taming #killer #undead

Noob3 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

15: Everyone's Dead.


Fear gripped Harry as he slowly looked up and saw a man wearing a black robe and had pitch black eyes sitting on a chair made out of bones.

His heart kept getting louder with each beat as the strange human figure looked down at him.

" Your head is raised quite high." He said with a dark menacing voice while raising his right hand.

Harry remained frozen in place due to the strong presence that was emanating from the figure sitting on the throne skulls before him but as soon as he heard those words, he immediately got on his knees and lowered his head as much as he could.

As he did that he heard the sound of the air being slashed and slightly raised his head to see a vine that was stained with blood right in front of him.

He was caught in trepidation as he reached for his head and as soon as he touched it, his body slumped to the floor in half.

The entity laughed vigorously as he rubbed his hair while looking at the boy who was lying dead on the ground.


The boy's began to twitch as he looked at his own blood splattered on the floor and right after that, his head was slashed off and went rolling on the ground.

The boy immediately mustered all the strength he could and managed to crush the base of the spike before quickly pulling it out from his abdomen.

Blood spewed out from his mouth and he immediately charged straight towards the very person who had put him in his current situation.

As soon as he came close to him, he immediately jumped up high and punched him hard on the head but he immediately turned around and hit him right on his abdomen with his palm widened.

A great force hit him away and he went tumbling on the ground until he crashed against the wall when he tried to get up, the yellow glow in his eyes and veins began to dim.

He tried to get on his feet but immediately fell to his knees and began to grimace and groan in pain.

The person controlling Harry's body had both of his hands slowly coming together and the closer they, the louder the boy's groans got until they turned into screams.

A huge amount of blood gushed out of his mouth as soon as his opponent's hands came together and he began to breathe heavily as his slight slowly began to dim.

A moment after his hands came together, he quickly separated the both of them and the boy's whole body blew into pieces.

" These humans, just how conspicuous can they be." He thought, quickly turning around.

What he just performed was a feat that could only be achieved by a select few and he had transferred his innate energy inside the boy's body.

Mutation is affected by one's mental energy and it was because of the boy's mental strength that he was able to resist the adverse effects of the process but it could only take him so far.

With his mental energy completely dispersed, he couldn't maintain the flow of his innate energy and when a superior innate energy came inside his body it was able to suppress his own and with his current state, it only made things easier.

The innate energy had been suppressed to a point where his body could no longer act because of the intense lack of energy.

Normally the slow infusion of innate energy would cause a person to strain before it would start to become unbearable, but the innate energy that was inside him was too much and it didn't circulate slowly around his body, rather it went around too quickly and combined with the additional energy from Harry, his physical resistance was simply no match for it.


Earlier in the afternoon, the princess was standing in front of the castle gate while looking back at the gate in anticipation.

After a while a girl who seemed to be about the age of fifteen and had similar facial features as her came out while wearing a long red dress and red sandals.

" I'm done, elder sister." She said with a bright smile on her face.

" Excuse me, my lady," a maid said, walking past the gate and bowed in front of the both of them, " I highly suggest you take at least one guard with you."

She giggled slightly and replied, "There's no need for you to worry Miranda, we'll be fine on our own."

She bowed before the both of them once again before heading back inside the gate and the two ladies immediately continued their journey.

The royal castle was situated to the far north of the capital and right past the gate was a paved road and roses that were growing by its side.

A few meters in front of them was another gate which led into the capital and as soon as the guards saw the both of them, they didn't hesitate to open the gate for the both of them.

The younger one clenched tightly onto her sister's hand as they both strolled through the streets of the capital.

Everyone kept on waving at them as they went by with bright smiles on their faces and while her sister simply looked back at them with a slight smile on her face, Rose would wave back at them with a bright smile on her face.

They stopped by a flower shop and her sister got a red rose flower before they both continued their journey to the south of the capital.

After a long while they finally reached their destination which was the Greenwood residence and they were both standing in front of their grandfather's house.

He slowly opened the front door and peeked through it to see their faces before fully opening the door for the both of them to come in.

" What brings the both of you here?" He asked as he watched the both of them walk in.

" Iris wanted to pay the young girl a visit, I only wanted to see her off," Rose replied, turning her gaze towards him.

He looked closely at her and let out a sigh before saying, "Seems like you've finally decided to put my words of advice into action."

She was wearing a black dress which had yellow designs going by the sides and slightly below the front of her waist, it had a flowery design and had a rectangle piece of cloth behind it that went down to her ankles and was split in a slope fashion and the line kept going until it went slightly past her knees along with a pair of black shorts, long black socks and a pair of black sandals.

" I make sure to prioritize which of my attires are best suited for combat in case the need ever arises."

"Never mind, I'll look after your sister until the two of them get back from the hospital." He said, walking slowly towards the both of them.

" I'll be back in the evening." She said walking towards the door and after waving at the both of them immediately left the room.

It was nearly nighttime and she was heading over to see her sister when she began to hear the commotion coming from the distance and immediately ran to check it out.

While on her way there, she met Evelyn and an unfamiliar lady standing in the middle of the road while staring at the direction which the noise was coming from.

" Do you two have any clue as to what is happening over there?" She asked, walking towards the both of them.

The both of them immediately turned to see who it was and as soon their gaze met her, they immediately proceeded to bow their heads.

" Please, no need for the formalities." She said, grabbing a hold of their shoulders with a bright smile on her face.

They immediately raised their heads and the lady spoke, "We met two rookie knights on our way there, they said we should stay back in order to avoid any casualties."

" Rookie knights? What in the world do they think they're doing." She thought, staring off into the distance.

Evelyn looked intently and asked, "Is anything the matter, your highness?"

" You two wait here, I'll be back shortly." She said, gripping the hilt of her sheathed sword.

" But my son, there's a great chance he could be there." The lady cried out.

" I'll be sure to bring him back to you."

She ran straight towards the scene as fast as she could and when she began to get closer, she could feel the strong energy emanating from the alleyway there.

She saw a kid running towards her with an apple in his hand and his eyes filled with tears.

She immediately grabbed a hold of the boy and knelt right in front of him.

" Let me go! I want to see my mother." He cried.

She immediately embraced him while slightly patting him on the back and after it seemed like his crying had subsided asked, "What's the matter?"

" They were both fighting and now everyone's dead." He sobbed.

Her eyes instantly widened at the sound of his words although they were vague, and that was because his last words had a few thoughts going through her mind.

Be sure to support me until the end.

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