
Rise of Death's Advocate(Paused)

Curse Curse Curse? Ever wondered what it would be like to carry with you the impending end of all those around you? Death's unpredictability running wild and all you do is make it worse. A burden too heavy to bear for anyone is forced upon a fifteen-year-old who has done nothing in the fifteen years of his life but suffered greatly. His life changes greatly after wandering into a catacomb with a group of bandits but who knew his good times would only last for a short while? Calamities come roaming around and in it all he tries to save all those around him all while fully well that the inevitable end of an individual draws near. Who could it, where could it, when could it, how could it be? Questions that left him in grave mental pain each time he tried to think time and it only continued to get worse. Darkness that has been suppressed for so many years is slowly unleashed in rage and an innocent boy who has constantly tried to save his friends slowly walks towards the chance of killing them with his own hands. " It's almost like I don't own life anymore I'm constantly asked to do things against my will with my life being the stake and honestly it's starting to get annoying." After so many years he sets on a new mission to find what is known as the shadow armor but it turns out it's only the start of his life's journey. The mysteries of the world were just too much to unravel and only with answers could he ever hope to save himself from his unending torment. ***** Though I may not be the best writer or the best when explaining things considering my age and limited experience but I can assure you that this story will definitely not be easy for most people to stomach in the long run. I don't want to throw spoilers but although the MC is an anti-hero who will do anything to achieve his goals he sometimes puts others into consideration but depending on how the story goes he might turn evil after all the tragedy he faces.

noob6 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: You're The Only One Who Survived.

Having woken up he slowly sat up on the bed and looked around the room, his head felt a little fuzzy but he could clearly see now. The room had nothing inside it except for two barrels that were placed on the western part of the room and the bed he was lying on.

A few minutes after the girl left two men walked into the room to meet him and they both had bright silver-coloured plate armours on.

" I don't know about you all but are you sure it's safe to keep him here? I mean we did find him in the middle of seven dead bodies." One of the men said as they approached him.

" Seven dead bodies? But I thought I saw Aviel just a moment ago." He thought as his eyes widened in shock.

" Hey kiddo, I don't know how you wound up in your situation but do you mind explaining what exactly happened back there?" The man asked, sitting next to him and slowly patting his back.

His eyes were widened as he gazed emptily at the floor, q didn't know where to start with the man's questions nor did he know where to start with his.

" Maybe it's too early for that? Why don't you come join us for breakfast? I'm sure it'll help clear your mind." He offered, standing up from the bed.

They both slowly walked out of the room while gazing at him from the corner of their eyes, leaving him alone in the room once again.

He instantly gripped his head with both hands as he tried to contemplate everything he had done back then, he felt disgusted by everything he had done and felt like he could still her cold body against his.

He began to breathe heavily while grunting, as his mind continued to feel heavy and like it was slowly getting torn apart. Not long after that trauma he gripped his stomach and began to vomit a thick slimy, transparent liquid on the ground.

A girl walked into the room with a silver tray in her hand and when she saw him in his poor state she quickly rushed to his aid.

On getting there she knew very well that she didn't have any knowledge of how to deal with unwell people so she ran out of the room and came back a few minutes later with a cup of water and a woman walking in behind her.

By this time Harry had stopped vomiting and was slowly approaching. His eyes seemed dull and there was saliva sticking by the right side of his mouth.

" Oh dear." The lady gasped, grabbing a hold of his right hand. She helped him walk back to the bed and then turned to Andy, "Go make him some tea Andy it should make him feel better for the time."

After laying him on the bed she immediately left to get something to clean up the slimy mess he had left on the floor.

After a while, she came back with a bar of soap and a bucket of water along with a rag and a white face towel.

After she was done cleaning up the vomit and washing the floor she dipped the towel into the bucket of water and placed it on his face.

" I'll be back in a minute. Be sure to get some rest before then." She said standing up from the bed.

Harry lay on the bed with his face facing the ceiling. Once again his head was feeling fuzzy and he also felt so hot that he was sweating profusely.

He heard the screeching noise of the door as it opened and slowly turned his head to the right to see who it was, all he could see was the slightly blurred figure of a yellow-haired girl walking towards him.

" I made your tea black and I really hope you enjoy it." She said, slowly walking towards him.

Harry simply groaned as he slowly turned his gaze to the ceiling once again. The girl sat down on the bed next to him and kept the tea on a small table that was next to the bed.

" If you stay on an empty stomach for too long then your fever will only get worse." She said, grabbing a hold of his hand.

" You don't need to worry… I'll take the tea once I start feeling like it." He said with a slight grunt before turning his head to the other side in order to face the wall.

" I've been ordered to watch over you for the time being and I hope you don't mind my company.*

Harry didn't give her a response and simply turned to face the ceiling once again, he slowly closed his eyes and it wasn't long before he dozed off.

The moment his eyes went shut he found himself back inside the catacomb that he and his gang had visited a few days ago.

" How did I get here?" He thought, looking around the place.

His eyes widened when he saw that the two who had come in with him and their leader were all lying headless on the dusty floor and the coffin was open.

He gasped and his whole body began to tremble as he slowly walked away. It felt like he blacked out and returned back to the catacomb and each time it happened the woman's face became clearer and clearer.

He tried to shout at the top of his lungs but as soon as he opened his mouth wide he gripped his chest and began to cough violently.

That was when heard someone calling out to him and when he opened his eyes, he was sitting upright on the bed with the girl holding onto him.

His body was still hot but he didn't feel very tired anymore, he slowly got up from the bed and began to approach the exit.

" I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave, not while you're on an empty stomach." The girl persisted, grabbing his hand.

He stopped and stared at her for a while before asking, "You barely even know me? So why care so much about me?"

The girl instantly let go of him and with her eyes almost filled with tears said, " I understand how you feel but you should at least try to consider your well-being."

" She can be overly irritating." He thought, turning around to face her, and now facing her he was able to get a clear view of her.

She had long yellow hair and slightly rounded blue coupled with a fair yellow skin complexion and a fairly average body.

He then walked straight past her and towards the bed. He sat down on it right next to the small table and in an instant drank the tea in one gulp.

With her gaze fixed on the floor, she said, " I'll go report to Lisa Lisa of your improvements so far and I hope you get well soon."

Harry slowly walked towards the door with her fingers intertwined together by her waist and with one last look at him, she opened the door and left, and not long after she left the lady who had treated him earlier came in.

She had slightly amber-colored hair and brown eyes.

Towards him she walked and sat right next to him, she then placed her palm on his forehead and said, "Your condition has most certainly gotten a lot better but I think it's best you stay for one more night before leaving."

He didn't disagree and that was simply because he couldn't, he knew well that his legs could only take him so far before they would give up on him and it was almost night anyway.

After a few hours, it was finally night time and he was standing on top of the building's rooftop. He gazed up at the sky and couldn't see a single star or the moon either.

" Seems like it'll come pouring tonight." He thought, bringing his head down, " I should probably get inside."

That was when the door to the roof slightly opened and he saw the girl take a slight peek from behind it and as she saw that it was him she slowly walked out onto the roof.

With her was a long black metal rod, she placed it in the middle of the roof of the roof and held onto it so it wouldn't fall.

" What are you doing?" He asked out of curiosity.

" There's absolutely nothing between us." She said going on her knees to put two rocks against the foot of the rod, " so I don't you should worry about me."

The rain began to pour down and yet she refused to go inside. Harry was being cautious of his condition so he stood by the door while watching her.

The bright shine of lightning followed soon afterwards and went across and soon after came the loud roar of thunder and Harry could see the anticipation building up inside of her right after she saw it.

" Is it some kind of mage craft?" He thought, leaning onto the frame of the door.

"Seems like it's not working." She mumbled, grabbing a hold of the rod.

That was when another bright glow of lightning shot across the sky and straight towards the rod she was holding. After the great shock from the lightning she went crashing straight to the ground.

comment if you noticed any improvements.

noob6creators' thoughts