
Sound Of The Wind

Somewhere in the forest of Yui,

Blake moved with a speed of wind crushing the snow under his feet. He was tired but he had an important task to complete. In his whole career as a spy he gathered information about the dragons who lived inside the magical realm of Dragon Cave and passed it to humans.

At first, The Dragons were a trusted allies of humans but as time passed and with the death of the old Dragon Lord, Zooka. The dragons soon became the archenemy of mankind.

The new Dragon Lord, Kryon was a cunning and clever one. At the back of humans he allied with another archenemy of humans 'The Orcs'.

It came as no surprise when the king of humans got to know about this. The human empire consisted of four different races:

The Human Beings

The Elf(s)

The Mage(s)

The Hunters

All were assigned to different tasks according to their races

The Humans were assigned to work in fields, teach in academies.

The Elf(s) were assigned in the forges and stables to make weapons that had the strength to defeat the enemies

The Mages were assigned to enchantment of weapons made by the elfs and to teach in academies about using of spell books

The Hunters were assigned to work as spies, soldiers, scouts, Hunters and so on.


Blake unsheathed his silver blade as he heard some sounds behind him. He turned back swiftly and saw a greenish 10 feet tall guy was following him. He neared the Guy and swiftly lunged his blade towards his neck and stopped the blade when it was few inches away from his neck.

"Who are you?" asked Blake

"I am one of the soldiers of the orcs"he replied

"why are you following me?" Blake asked nearing the tip of his blade

"I am not only the one, more are coming and they will chop you into pieces without killing you" Laughed the Orc

Blake slashed his blade and with a swift blow he killed the Orc and started dashing forward without looking back.

1 Hour Later

"Huh, at last I am outta this forest and I don't think someone had followed me" said Blake to himself

But as soon as he sat down to relax, the bushes started to sway as a wind blew throughout the forest and there came out twenty Orcs. There bodies were heavily armed and in their hands were different weapons

Axes, Bows, Swords, Clubs.

"This is your End! You foolish spy of humans I am gonna chop you and you will beg for death but it will not come to you" laughed a big 12 feet giant orc who had a battleaxe in his hand.

"Let's see who's in danger and who will beg for death" Challenged Blake