
Rise of Chaos (RTS)

After dying on Earth, Killian reincarnated into a new world as the dark king of the chaos civilization that was part of the RTS game he used to play in his previous life. This is a war between civilizations.

Krisa124 · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 5 Humans

In the chaos base,

Killian was building boneyard.

The boneyard can produce skeleton workers to construct new buildings.

"With this, I don't have to worry about manpower for construction. Its a waste to use chaos powers for everything."

Building cost chaos essence but they don't appear magically. You have to build them.

"I also have to set up some defenses. Although the miasma prevent the enemies for entering, its only a debuff. Its not complete defense against invaders. If the enemies really want to invade they can easily enter here."

Killian received a message from his scouts. Through the scout eyes, Killian saw humans.

"I finally found humans. I even thought there is no humans in this world."

Killian was very excited.

But Killian was reminded he was no longer human.

"I don't think they will very friendly towards me. But I can make some useful things out of them."

Killian smiled evilly.

"I can test my new generals with this. I wonder how much intelligent the chaos royal guards have."

Killian summon his two generals. The two guarding the base quickly come and kneel in front of Killian.

"We await you command my king."

The two generals asked.

"Dustian, Evilyn, there are intruders heading straight towards us. Capture them. But don't kill them. I have some of for them."

"As you command."

The two replied respectfully in unison and dissolved into shadow.

"Adventurers defence formation, mercenaries take care of the left."

Dain's group was fighting with monsters.

"Are you okay?"

The dain asked to Will.

"I'm fine but should we head back? We are very deep in the forest."

Will was a new member that recently joined dain's group. He former adventure team is disbanded because their leader suffer serious injury by monster wave and retired.

"We will go deeper, I bet you never been to this deep in the dark forest right?"

"Yes sir, this is my first time."

Will's former team made of normal adventurers. Unlike this party that has famous adventurers like Dain.

"We have to check the forest thoroughly, I think the wave was forming and there are more monsters coming. There are not that many monsters in this area before. Something must have happened. We have to investigate. The kingdom pays us a great fortune for this. They even predict there may be a big wave comming."

"Yeah, but can we do it ourselves? The kingdom should have send some of their soldiers too."

"They won't want to spend their manpower but don't worry that's why we hire the mercenaries. That's enough rest let's continue."

As they enter deeper into the forest,

Dain was having a bad feeling. He don't know why. They always hunt monsters and they are familiar with the forest. However he can't shake of the feeling. His adventurer intuition is warning him.

"I hope nothing happen."

He prays.

Little did they know, they are approaching the land of chaos and the two shadows are closely watching them.