
Rise of a punisher.

Alex a young teenager losses everyone he loves including his life. But fate has other plans for him as his pain attracts an ancient being that grants him a strange dark power. He wakes up in another world called luna a place filled with magic and war, where the weak perish. Once again everything he loves is threatened by beings that can make gods hide in fear. Join alex as he fights for the fate of his world,but will he be strong enough to save it.

chimtuba · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter 1; to the abyss i fall.

'i hope you are happy where you are mom and amy am sorry'

alex cried. 'if only i was home when it all happened,just maybe you two wouldn't be dead.

alex ran out of the apartment building which his family had been renting for years.he wore a black trousers and a hoody which made his white and blue eyes stand out, just by one glance at the teenagers face one could tell it was filled with sorrow.

when his mom and sister were murdered in there own home,alex would go for a walk everytime too cool down at late hours his mind could became a war zone.

'if there is a god at there why did you take my family away from me, i loved my sister all thoses times I'd fight with her over childish things then mom scolds us' alex smiled bitterly.

'i was foolish to go partying all night with my friends' tears were falling from his face uncontrollably that the few people on the street were avoiding him.

'i am the man of the house since dad died long ago i should have been ther-' before he could finish he was snapped back to reality by a womans scream which was coming from the alley near him.


"ok boys pinn her down" a middle aged man with a well built body that looked like it had been to a gym for years, ordered his two comrades who looked to be in there early twenties.

the young lady who looked to be in her early thirties was hopless as she was pinned down the only thing she could do was let out one loud scream,then the second guy threatened her to shut up with a blade around her neck.

it was at that time that a voice that shock everyone spoke.

"let her go u bustards,dont u have shame" alex screamed letting out his anger alas if it was a normal teenager they would have ran away and called the police.blinded by rage alex walked up to the gang and throw a punch to one of the guys pinning down the woman.

but he felt something hit his stomach so hard that all the air escaped his lunges.

then the middle aged man grabbed his hair and slammed his heard on the hard concrete floor.

'aaargh!its the people like u i hate because scum like you are there my family was murder why do you make the innocent suffer'alex screamed in pain.

"seems like you and me are alike kid i hate women"the middle aged man smirked.

"boys kill the b*tch this brat has ruined my mood"the man signed.

"please no i will do anyth-"just before the lady could beg for her life her throat was slit without hesitation thats when alex senses came back to him he felt fear.

"looks like you saw our faces kid i will send you off to the abyss, your mama died because you are weak scum."before alex could do anything he felt a sharp pain on his neck and before his world when black he cursed the gods for his misery.


"hey brat wake up!"

alex felt his senses come back to him but he was confused because the place he was starring at looked like a scene from a movie.

he stood in a place that looked like a pitch black cave with white crystals giving of a dimmed light but what sent shivers down his spine was right in front of him.

a single being was bounded by alot of black chains that were connected to the walls of the cave that it looked like the being was dressed up in chains and one of this beings striking feature was that he had two black wings that looked like angel wings chained as well but one thing he could understand as well they were blue cracks on the caves floor right below the being bathing it iñ blue light.

"hey brat you are standing before greatness show some respect!"the being smiled and alex froze in fear.

this is my first novel but you won't be disappointed.

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