
Rise of a Mage

It is a story of a man who died in his world and wakes up in another. Trying to figure out the reason for his birth and utilize this new opportunity, he finds himself in the conspiracies surrounding the world. Will he be able to rise in power? Will he able to find meaning to his life? That's a story to read.

AshBorne · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A Problem of Perspective

After the disappearance of the High Pontiff, the Archbishop had to visit all three cities of Andor and the nobility that governed them to know the current state of affairs. It was also an act to improve relations between the church and nobility and spread the influence of the church throughout Andor.

So he knew the people before him personally and saw them do many things for the welfare of their land. That was the reason he was able to notice the change in their usual atmosphere immediately.

Normally, as nobility, they would have summoned the Archbishop to their mansion, or if it was to request some kind of help, they would have informed him beforehand. But here they are, out of nowhere.

He knew something was wrong. But he said nothing to point that out.

"May I ask what is the urgency of the matter that both of you decided to visit at this time?"

The weather was already worsening. So, the matter should have been urgent for them to decide to meet. That's what he thought.

They looked at each other and hesitated to say what they were here for.

"We are very sorry for disturbing you at this time of night. We wanted to visit the church a year ago itself, but that was the time the High Pontiff went missing, so we couldn't."

Everyone knows that the church and the nobility are aligned with each other for the better management of the governing land.

So naturally, the Viscount family of Riverdale and the church were close to each other. But that was before the High Pontiff went missing.

"After his disappearance, it took us a while to get to know each other." The Viscount said.

"You are right. Some months passed by searching for him, and even then, as there was no hope of finding him, I was appointed the temporary head as the next in line of command."

"Even with no one managing the state of internal affairs for a while, you stabilised everything once you took the head position. There were some priests that rebelled against you, but you didn't falter. That's something I really can praise you for. It shows how truly capable you are."

It was common for anyone to rebel against a new authority if they felt they were not fit for the job. Many felt the Archbishop got to become the acting head of the church because he was the second-in-command, not because he was rightfully eligible for it. Some of them even openly expressed their dissatisfaction with him.

"Yeah, it really was a time that I didn't wish for." He reminisced about the past.

Some priests in the chapel looked to their sides awkwardly. Some of them couldn't accept this change even now.

One of the main reasons everyone was against Archbishop Augustin was that he was from the Andor province. He was of common origins.

Andor is already known as the backwater place of Icemere. And some even say the Archbishop was a beggar in the market streets of Lumin, a place known as the Lawless City. It is a night city where pleasure and death are two sides of the same coin.

So, giving someone like that a prominent position was not acceptable.

"As we have become acquaintances in recent times, I thought we could ask for this favour from you now." The Viscount said so in a friendly tone.

"Feel free to speak your mind, Viscount Nathan. If it is something I can help you with, I will be glad to do so."

There were many scornful looks thrown at him from time to time. But he couldn't care less. He was just doing what he had to do, fulfilling the will of God.

"To be honest, it is related to her." He pointed to his wife.

"I don't understand what you are trying to say..." The Archbishop glanced at her rounded belly. Her loose clothing took its shape.

There was news that Viscount Nathan Winters and Isadora Winters were soon going to be blessed with their second child. There were already talks among people that one child was already a born talent of the generation, so how talented would the next child be? And if a child of that much talent is born into their family again, the king would directly promote them to the status of the royal family.

If that happens, Andor, which is a backwater province, may become the greatest of the three provinces of Icemere. For a change like this, the expectations of the public grew day by day.

"She is... struggling to give birth to a child." He came out with it.

"After our first child was born, we tried to have another one within a few months. But she had a miscarriage." The wife held her head down as if it was her fault for that to happen.

"The family physician said it was because her womb had become weak because of the recent childbirth. So we both agreed to postpone the desire for another child for the next two years."

"I am sorry to hear what you had to go through. So, did your problem get solved?" He glanced at the belly of Lady Isadora for one more time.

"As you can see, my wife is pregnant with a child of eight months now."

"It is quite common for things like that to happen, but I am happy that your wish for another child is finally being granted."

"I am glad for that, too." His expression didn't match what he was saying.

"In the gap of seventeen years since then, my wife has become pregnant thirteen times, and... she had twelve miscarriages."

The Archbishop's facial expression changed when he heard that. That wasn't just a simple misfortune. He thought the couple changed their minds about a second child in the two-year gap after their first child was born. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

He looked at the seated woman once again and thought, how can a person survive all that for years?

"During the twelfth miscarriage, the physician said that she had long lost the ability to give birth." He didn't know how to respond, so he listened silently.

"But that diagnosis was overturned by a miracle soon after."

It was what he was witnessing right now.

"She conceived for the thirteenth time. And if everything goes well, the baby will be born in less than a month." After that much struggle, it was something to be happy about, but their expressions didn't change.

"The physician also said it could be her last this time, and if we try for another one by force, Isadora could die this time."

The Archbishop wished that wouldn't become the case. He thought he finally understood what they were here for. Normally, a church head can perform miracles, which are called Blessings of God. They are a kind of wish-granter in times of crisis.

A blessing can offer spiritual and physical protection, ward off negative influences, confer strength and power, cure an illness, and even heal or restore a wound completely.

It is different from magic. It is a kind of borrowed power from God. A power that can only be utilised by the people of the church. It works based on "Faith and Belief."

When a priest offers a prayer to God with sincerity, God grants them the authority to use a part of his power for a deed to be done.

The viscount and his wife were here for a blessing. A blessing to protect their child. They couldn't ask the archbishop this before because they couldn't trust him. He was an unfamiliar face then, but now they knew each other. Enough to ask for help.

But the thing with blessings is that they don't work every time. A wish can only be granted by the will of God and the faith of the believer. Even if both are present, the deed to be done is also important. One can't ask God for nonsensical things. As opposed to a blessing, it may infer his wrath.

"I will be happy to bless your child. I will put my soul into that!" Thinking that was the case, he said it with some grit.

It was finally a chance for him to prove his worth and also protect a child at the same time. It was a time to test his faith and shut the mouths of all the people who scorned him.

"When the physician said those words, only one thing came to my mind: It's now or never."

His expression still didn't change even after what the Archbishop said, and he continued to speak his mind.

"What you are thinking now is right, sir Augustin. In fact, I came here for a blessing today. But not the one you thought of."

Then what could it be?

With them still conversing inside, the heavy rain poured outside with gusts that could be mistaken for a storm.

"Shatter!" One of the long, vertical glasses broke with the wind forcing its way in.

Everyone peered out the window, but the Viscount and his wife didn't bat an eye or move an inch from their places.

"It's true that we need our child to be born safely. But that's not the only thing we came here for. We want our child to be a boy. No, he must be a boy! A boy who can excel as a talented mage... not a barbarian Aura user." This was the first time he looked this determined, his gaze unfaltering.

"Crackle!" The wind stopped, with the sound of thunder booming everywhere. It echoed throughout the chapel as the rain continued to pour down.