
Rise of a god within darkness

Rise of a god within darkness: On a day to crown the prince everything changed, the truth unfolds and only he has the chance to make a stand

caleb_mugisha · Fantasy
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2 Chs


After the attack, Emor was rebuilt, and when Maverick gave birth to a son after 50 years in marriage, he was named Aiden. As Emor continued to prosper, the king and citizens lost sight of the threat they faced outside the barrier. Maverick disregarded his military advice to be ready for battle as he advocated for peace and light. He kept his son's identity a secret and spoiled him to prevent him from ever developing aspirations that would make him like his brother out of fear of the power they wielded as gods.The 350 horseman commander sought to persuade the king to fortify the city with more strategic and defensive positions, but the king told him that the barrier would remain intact and that his brother had likely given up. But despite the king's disapproval, the 350 horseman's commander covertly began military training to learn how to defeat the creature of darkness they encountered on the day of the invasion 50 years ago. After some time, the king learned about the high leader's disobedience, and he banished him along with 350 of his cavalry to a forest named Aganon near Emor out of fear that they would incite public panic and bring an end to peace, which would make war unavoidable.