
Rise My Elementals!

All the Humans from Earth were suddenly transported into a new world called Celestial World. No one knew the reason why nor what the purpose was all about. They were suddenly transported without any warnings or signs and were forced to live in a mysterious and unfamiliar new world. For 50 years, Humans lived in endless suffering and torment. They were all forced to run from one place to another or else they would be enslaved by other Foreign races that had long been living in the Celestial World. Fortunately, the Human race was finally able to slowly develop its strength and power in the Celestial World through the sacrifice of countless Humans after 50 years. However, it was mysteriously Fated not to last long as an unknown power suddenly started doing everything to destroy Humanity's Kingdoms and Empires. A young man by the name of Leo Heart had his Fate suddenly rewritten by some unknown power to stop this unprecedented doom of the Humans after a Red Cube, that the Heart Noble Household had been keeping as a Family Heirloom from the very start of the Human Race existence in the Celestial World, suddenly jumped up and embedded itself into his right palm. A world full of Mystery in which Magic and Mana had become every race's foundation of existence. A young man who had lost his family for the Human Race's existence has his Fate unexpectedly rewritten after such an encounter. But, would it be enough to stop this so-called unprecedented doom? Would the Human Race's existence be saved by Leo from the unknown yet powerful existence? Or would the Humans sadly become nothing but a mere history in this new world? Note: The art of the book cover is not mine. All the credits go to its rightful owner... --------------------------------- If you find the story interesting and want to know how to support the Author and the Work (Rise my Elementals), you can just simply send a gift through that gift icon below or just buy access to Privileged Chapters, which is 1 coin to access 2 chapters in advance. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AND HAVE A HAPPY READING! --------------------------------- I am back! 4/22/2024

M_W · Fantasy
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794 Chs

The popular Mischievous Lion faction part 3

Chapter 88 The popular Mischievous Lion faction part 3

With no other choice left, Justine and Carlos could only helplessly lead the students that wanted to join Mischievous Lion faction to look for Leo.

Even though Justine and Carlos knew that they would definitely make Leo think negatively about them after this, the both of them had still quickly decided that they wouldn't put that in their minds, at least until this moment pass since the trouble now was much higher compared to Leo.

Well, displeasing tens of Noble Households by denying all of their request of meeting Leo was much more dangerous than just offending a smart guy, right?


Meanwhile, Leo and all the Mischievous Lion faction members, with Anna this time, had finally arrived in an open space with no other students around. He and the Mischievous Lion faction quickly sat down on the grass to begin the meeting.

Obviously, Leo didn't know that Justine and Carlos were looking for him to bring him trouble at this very moment.

Leo would start the meeting soon.

After sitting down on the ground, Leo slowly looked at everyone as he nodded his head from time to time, seemingly as if thinking of something, before he opens his mouth to begin the meeting.

"We stopped yesterday about the general layout of the new plan. So, today we will discuss thoroughly about how it will work..."

"First, Me along with Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, and also with the newly added Veronica, would be the main force of the Mischievous Lion faction. We would complete Hard missions every now and then so that our faction could earn tons of points. We would also be the ones to decide where to use the points and how to use the points. Simply put, I'm obviously the leader so I decide everything, and the other 4 women would now be the vice leaders, hence they could also decide everything."

"Second, Alfred and Anna would now be in charge of buying Official Seals of Completion. We would allocate them 10,000 points, which is also equivalent to 1,000,000 gold coins, to buy the other students' Official Seal of Completion. Obviously, you two don't need to really exchange those students with money, but with materials and resources that the latter needed the most. I'll leave it to both of you how you will know what specific materials and resources a student needed and how we would benefit the most from this. The only thing I can say is, do everything that you possibly can in order to buy their Official Seal of Completion!"

"Third, Michael, Adrian, Angelo, and Raffy, would now be in charge of the Supporting Points. The four of you will be completing easy missions every now and then so that our Mischievous Lion faction would also be able to earn tons of Supporting Points, and also Experience Points that will level up our faction, which in turn could allow us to use the other high-level perks for the factions."

"This was the general layout of the plan. Now, I will discuss thoroughly the plan." Leo said, finishing the introduction of the meeting.

The others quickly nodded their heads to express their agreement.

Veronica and Anna also understood now what the general layout of the plan was.


After a while, Leo finally finished explaining and was finally starting the conclusion of the plan.

"The purpose I had in mind in establishing the Mischievous Lion faction is to allow all of its members to grow much more powerful so that I can establish a powerful organization eventually once all of us graduated Silver Mage Academy. Do you agree with my proposal?" Leo said, turning to look at everyone.

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

Obviously, after graduating from Silver Mage Academy, that doesn't mean that it was the end of their journey. After graduation, they would surely be sent out to missions concerning about the battlefield of the War of Races. These missions would obviously not be completed without powerful organization's help.

So, Leo wanting to create the Mischievous Lion faction to establish his own organization was something that everyone would absolutely agree, specifically 110%. To be honest, joining an organization has a really huge difference from creating or founding an organization themselves.

Joining an organization means that they would become tools until they become a powerful part of the organization. Obviously, no one could escape from becoming tools once they joined an organization, and it wasn't really that bad to become one since it was in exchange for countless benefits. But Fate knows just what would happen to them throughout the entire time that they lived as tools. They might be able to live higher if they become strong or they might just die and be buried under the ground, hence becoming mere fertilizers to the organization.

However, creating or founding an organization themselves on the other hand is a different story. They will be able to live freely and not be restricted by the strict laws and systems of an organization. A new organization needs to be casual for a bit to gather more members. This casual time of the organization would be enough for them to grow much more powerful.

Although creating a new organization doesn't literally mean that they would have fewer responsibilities compare to the already established organization, in fact, their responsibilities are a lot higher compared to the latter, but the most important thing about creating a new organization was all of its founders could benefit from it. That was the only thing Cassandra, and the others wanted. To benefit in the beginning and leave the rest to its new members once they become strong.

With that, Cassandra and the others won't be restricted anymore and could live freely.

"Okay then! Since everyone had agreed, then I'll continue..."

"So, first and for most, I and the main force need to become stronger first in order for us to realize this goal. Hence, I want 3/4 of the faction total points to be used on the main force. The remaining 1/4 would be shared among the other members."

"Of course, I will assure all of you that it wouldn't just benefit us, but also to all of you, too. I will join the fighting competition, and Cassandra and the others would also join in different competitions. With the 3/4 of resources that were allocated to us, we would surely reach higher places, hence winning us a lot of points or even resources, which in turn would also benefit all of you!."

"All of you can trust us with this. I will also not fail in this responsibility and hence bringing all of you guys down with me. If worse comes to worst, then I'll just use my trump card to win!" Leo said, his face turning solemn.

Elizabeth, Veronica, Alfred, Anna, Michael, and the other three students can't help but gulp a mouthful of saliva while looking at the very serious Leo.

Just by the looks of Leo alone, Elizabeth and the other 7 had already decided to put all of their trust in him. Hence, they nodded their heads quickly to express out their agreement.

"Thank you for having faith in me!" Leo said, bowing his head slightly to express his gratitude. Obviously, although they were friends, getting everyone's approval for his plan was different. After all, Elizabeth, Alfred, and the other 5, specifically Anna, Michael, and his brothers, could just disagree with it since it involves a lot of risk and factors that might affect their future growth. So, with them having faith in him, that would obviously make him feel gratitude.

On the other hand, Cassandra and Angel wore a solemn expression hearing "I'll just use my trump card" from Leo. The two of them had obviously known what risked that Leo would face the moment he showed the school his trump card.

Cassandra had seen for herself the so-called trump card of Leo. It was an Elemental, a powerful being capable of mass destruction. At least once Leo becomes powerful. She obviously knew that revealing such capability would endanger Leo's life.

Angel too had learned of Leo's capability from Madam Silva. After all, her job needs her to know about this information, so Madam Silva didn't hesitate to tell her about Leo's capability in summoning Elementals. She also knew about the risk that Leo would face once he reveals his trump card.

In conclusion, Cassandra and Angel had understood far from the others the seriousness of Leo's words. In exchange for mere points and resources, Leo would be sent to the Sword branch of Sword and Magic. And over there he would be restricted, which is something he hated the most...

Just to earn everyone's trust, Leo was willing to put his freedom on the line. This in itself already meant just how determined he was to earn everyone's trust and to also win the end of the month competition.

So Cassandra and Angel could also only nod their heads. Despite feeling unwilling due to the consequences, but understanding that Leo was this determined, then they would just support him with their everything.

"Next, I want all those not from the main force not to take part in any competition. Just keep on completing missions during the end of the month competition. Focus on strengthening your foundation, because the moment we win, all of you will focus on cultivating to strengthen your capabilities as a Mage." Leo said, looking at everyone's expression.

"Just go on, we trust you! The moment we agreed on your proposal of creating an organization, we already prepared ourselves for the consequences." Alfred said with a smile.

Elizabeth, Veronica, Anna, Michael, Adrian, Angelo, and Raffy, also nodded their heads as they said, "Yes!"

"Lastly..." Leo wanted to continue, but he soon realized that Justine, Carlos, and the Savage Foxes were coming towards them with dozens of students, specifically around 50 plus. The two were currently wearing a helpless expression while walking. Obviously, this just implies that the current situation was beyond what they could handle.

Arriving in front of Leo, Justine said helplessly, "Sorry Leo, but the situation was just too much for us. So, we could only bring them to you..."

Leo nodded his head as he said curiously, "Why did you bring them to us? We don't know them and we also didn't offend them."

"Ah, it's like this..." Justine began explaining what just happened awhile ago at Silver Faction Hall.