
Rise Human

In a world on the brink of an unimaginable apocalypse, "Rise Human" follows the extraordinary journey of Jhack , a reincarnated billionaire who awakens in the past, 30 days before the Zombie Apocalypse devastates the world. Set in the vibrant city of Tuguegarao in the Philippines during the Pre-Apocalypse Period, the story unfolds as Jhack, now 20 years old, realizes his purpose: to prepare for the impending catastrophe and lead the fight against the looming darkness. Guided by the knowledge of his past life, Jhack is determined to build a sanctuary, a massive shelter capable of protecting ten thousand people. With the clock ticking, he assembles a team of individuals, each possessing unique talents vital for survival. Together, they work tirelessly to construct the shelter, perfect their combat skills, and establish a secure communication network. As they bond through adversity, their unity becomes an unbreakable force against the impending doom. As the days progress, Jhack faces the weight of leadership, navigating complex relationships within the team while confronting his past and present self. Time becomes both a friend and a foe as they prepare for the fateful 30th day when the world will plunge into chaos. "Rise Human" is a gripping light novel that explores the resilience of humanity in the face of an apocalyptic threat. It delves into themes of camaraderie, determination, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit to protect what is dear. With each passing day, the countdown intensifies, and the stakes escalate, leading to an epic battle for survival that will test the strength of bonds forged in the crucible of impending doom. As the fate of Tuguegarao City and the world hang in the balance, Jhack and his team must confront the undead horde, navigate the treacherous landscape of a world gone mad, and find the courage to rise above their individual pasts to become heroes. In this prelude to the Zombie Apocalypse, will they triumph, or will humanity face extinction? The clock is ticking, and their destiny awaits in the climactic battle of "Rise Human." -------------- Author's Thought: Hi, I'm Jhack a simple inspiring writer. All of the ideas that I incorporated in this novel is mostly based on what I want to read. To be honest I only created this novel to past time so please be understandable. Also reviews will be much appreciated since I'm just an amature writer and I need them to grow and make my novel more refine and informative.

FlyingEagle · Horror
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


As the sun began to set on another day of relentless preparation, Jhack gathered his core team members around the campfire. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on their faces, reflecting the unease that had settled in their hearts.

"Team, there's something I must share with you," Jhack began, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and contemplation. "As we've been working tirelessly to prepare for the impending apocalypse, I couldn't help but feel that there's something more to this than what meets the eye."

Raj, always attuned to the ancient prophecies of Filipino martial arts, nodded thoughtfully. "I sense it too, Jhack. These techniques we've been honing, they feel like they hold a deeper purpose, as if they were meant to prepare us for a day like this."

Elena furrowed her brows, "I've noticed unusual patterns in the health reports from around the world. The symptoms of those who fell sick in the last few days share uncanny similarities. It's like a puzzle with missing pieces, and I can't help but wonder if there's a connection."

Olivia, known for her tactical acumen, interjected, "It's true. The pieces of our preparation seem to fit together too perfectly, almost as if it was all planned beforehand. But by whom or what, I can't say."

Liam, examining the shelter structures, chimed in, "I've noticed something odd about the designs. They seem to align in a way that goes beyond mere functionality. It's almost as if these shelters are meant for more than just protecting people from disasters."

Sofia, who had always been intuitive, added, "There's an air of unease around us, like something is waiting just beyond our vision. It's as if we're being guided, and I can't shake the feeling that our journey is far from over."

Jhack nodded, acknowledging the validity of their observations. "You're all right. The road ahead is fraught with challenges, and I can't deny that we're being led by forces beyond our understanding. But we have each other, and together, we're stronger than any darkness that awaits us."

The core team members exchanged glances, finding solace in their shared concerns. They knew that their unity was their greatest strength, and they would face whatever lay ahead with unwavering determination.

As the night grew darker, Jhack couldn't help but think about the conversation he had earlier with President Rodriguez. He knew he had to share the information about the occurrences in the coming days, but he also understood that it could spark fear and panic among the public.

Summoning his courage, Jhack took out his phone and dialed the President's number. The line connected, and he could hear the urgency in the President's voice, "Jhack, what is it? Is something wrong?"

"Mr. President, we need to talk," Jhack began cautiously, choosing his words carefully. "I've just remembered something crucial that I need to share with you. It's about what will occur in the next ten days before the apocalypse."

The President fell silent for a moment, and then he spoke with a mix of curiosity and concern, "Go on, Jhack. I'm listening."

As Jhack recounted the events that would unfold in the coming days – the reports of mutated organisms, the exaggerated oceanic sounds, the discovery of a primordial virus in Antarctica, and the mysterious sickness afflicting people – the President's initial curiosity turned to anger. "Why are you telling me this now, Jhack? This is crucial information that should have been shared earlier!"

Jhack took a deep breath, understanding the President's frustration. "I know, Mr. President, and I take full responsibility for not remembering this sooner. But we still have time to act, to prepare, and to ensure the safety of our people. We need to prioritize the completion of the shelters and bolster our defenses with more combatants. We must stand ready for whatever comes our way."

The President's anger subsided as he realized the urgency of the situation. "You're right, Jhack. We can't dwell on what should have been done. We must focus on what we can do now to protect our nation and its people. I trust in your leadership, and I know that together, we can face whatever challenges await us."

As the conversation concluded, Jhack felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He knew that he had done what was necessary, and the President was now informed and ready to act.

With the night sky above them, the core team members gathered around the campfire once more. They knew that the coming days would be filled with trials and uncertainties, but they also understood that they were bound by something greater than themselves.

As they shared their thoughts and concerns, they couldn't help but feel that their journey had only just begun. The foreshadowing they had sensed in the air had taken on a tangible form, guiding them towards a destiny they couldn't fully comprehend.

Yet, with their unity and determination, they were prepared to face whatever fate had in store for them. The countdown to the apocalypse continued, and each passing day brought them closer to the moment when their strength, courage, and bonds as a team would be put to the ultimate test. But they stood ready, unwavering in their commitment to protect humanity and rise against the impending darkness.