
Rise (An Avengers Story)

Agent Taylor Holmes is a SHIELD Agent with superpowers such as Invisibility and Night vision. Loki falls in love with Taylor. This will follow Avengers and Age of Ultron (but I am gonna make small changes to the story).

MrsLaufeyson002 · Movies
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16 Chs

Chapter 3.

I grabbed my weapons (Twin daggers and dual pistols) and pulled my hair into a ponytail, before heading towards the place they are holding Loki. I was almost at the door, when I heard an inhuman roar. The Hulk was loose. Loki has something to do with this, I know it. I stormed in, to see him smirking. "What did you do?" I yelled, as I stormed angrily over towards the door to his cell. "TELL ME WHAT YOU DID!" I turned a bright red color. He still didn't answer me, even though I was screaming at him. "You had something to do with this. I know you know something. You won't be going anywhere." I calmed down a bit. Loki looked at me with amusement.

"Is that what you think?" He asks chuckling a bit. "What makes you so sure?" He asks me with a serious expression on his face. I was confused, but then I felt a presence behind me. I went to turn around, but the guy had already injected something into me. I fell to the ground, unconscious.