
Rise (An Avengers Story)

Agent Taylor Holmes is a SHIELD Agent with superpowers such as Invisibility and Night vision. Loki falls in love with Taylor. This will follow Avengers and Age of Ultron (but I am gonna make small changes to the story).

MrsLaufeyson002 · Movies
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16 Chs

Chapter 12.

Taylor's POV

We would get to our destination by morning (Seoul) and so I got into my PJ's. I am sleeping on a bunkbed that is on the Quinjet (for overnight trips). I text Loki and Bruce to see how they're doing before I go to bed.

We have arrived in Seoul by not a few hours later and I was prepared. We are close to Dr. Cho's work place (thankfully Stark contacted us through the coms and letting us know that our doctor, Dawn Palmer, is safe at home).I joined the rest near the cockpit. The members currently here are Nat, Steve, Clint, and I. Bruce, Tony, and Loki were back at Avengers Tower, and Thor still wasn't around. "Taylor, stay here with Clint and Nat. I'm going to go in and check on Dr. Cho."

"Steve, somebody should go with you. We have an even amount of people. You need someone there in case Ultron or the twins are there." I speak up and try to change his mind about going in alone.

"No. I need you guys to stay here." I knew there was no arguing with Steve so I didn't and stayed on the Quinjet. Steve landed on the top of the rooftop. We started moving further away when Cap fives another order through the coms, "Two minutes. Stay close."

The Quinjet is currently hovering over the city as Steve searches for Dr. Cho. I was lost in my head, thinking about Loki and other random stuff, when I heard Steve's voice over coms. "Dr. Cho?" He sounded worried. What happened to Dr. Cho? "He's uploading himself into the body." Dr. Cho could be heard, informing Steve, breathing heavily.


"The real power is inside the cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up." She takes a break to breathe and continues, "You have to get the cradle to Stark."

"First I have to find it."


"Did you guys copy that?"

"Yes." I respond a bit in a sarcastic tone. Clint gives me a patronizing look and I just glare at him. I was still bitter that I was stuck here and not down on the ground with Steve. This was the first time in a long time that I actually got to go on a mission and not babysit anybody.

"We did." Clint answers Steve as well, but more respectfully than I did. "I got a private jet taking off across town. No manifest." Nat informs Steve and Clint is looking around below. He spots a big semi truck from Dr. Cho's lab. "There, it's a truck from the lab. Right above you."

"It's them. Three with the cradle and one in the cab." I inform Cap. "I could take out the driver." Clint suggests.

"Negative, if that truck crashes, the gem could level the whole city. We need to draw Ultron out." Steve goes off coms and we watch as he jumps off onto the truck as it drives below him. A blast sends Steve swinging on the door and a second one blasts the door off it's hinges. "Well, he's definitely not happy." Steve remarks as I mutter under y breath, "No dip sherlock." Steve continues with, "I'm gonna keep him that way." I mentally slap him in the face. "That is a bad idea, Steve." He ignores my comment.

"You're no match for him, Cap."

"Thanks, Barton." Cap says sarcastically. Ultron is so mad that he sends Cap flying onto the windshield of a the car behind them. Clint flies the Quinjet closer towards Steve in case he needs help. Steve loses his shield during his battle with Ultron. Ultron hits Steve with another blast from his weapon/gun as Clint tells Nat and I to get ready to help Cap and retrieve the cradle. We get on our motorcycles/motorbikes waiting for Clint to drop us down. "We got a window in four, three..." He presses a button. "Give him h..." Nat and I drive out onto the streets of Seoul and chasing after Cap and Ultron. Nat and I have to swerve between cars just to catch up. Nat grabs the shield and I follow behind her. "They're heading under the overpass. I don't got a shot."

"Which way?" Nat asks Clint. "Hard right." He pauses a few seconds. "Now." I follow Nat as she turns right. We pull into a narrow alley and we see the truck. Nat throws Steve's shield up to him. Ultron's minions start firing at us, but Nat and I moved separate ways and got separated.

Ultron blasted Steve once again, but he landed near me, so I stopped and offered him a ride to get closer to the truck so he could jump back on. Clint fired at Ultron and his minions flew up towards the Quinjet. Steve jumped back onto the truck and continue his fight with Ultron. The minions were heading back our way. I kept following the truck trying to get the cradle. I jumped in and as soon as I did, I saw Nat right behind me looking at the glowing cradle. She looks at me with a questioning look and I just shrug my shoulders. "I don't know why it's glowing." The truck started to lift slowly into the air. Nat looked just as concerned as me. The truck started to lift higher into the air and considering I was closer to the edge, I fell backwards and out of the truck. I hit my head pretty hard before the lights went out.

Steve's POV

I was shocked to find the twins working against Ultron. "Cap do you have eyes on Nat and Taylor?"

"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!" I ordered Clint. "Do you have eyes on them?" Clint asks again. "Go!" I yell looking for Taylor and Nat. I looked to the twins. "Civilians in our path." The fast one leaves. I look at the girl. "Can you stop this thing?" She tries to stop it and eventually succeeds in doing so. I get off and walk towards them. "Just give me a minute." The boy says while his sister steadies him. "I'm very tempted not to give you one."

"The cradle. Did you get it?" The girls asks. "Stark will take care of it." She looks shocked. "No, he won't."

"You don't know what you're talking about. Stark's not crazy."

"He will do anything to make things right."

"Stark come in, Stark. Anyone on coms."

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it, where do you think he gets that?"

Loki's POV

Clint came in with the cradle and told us about Nat and Taylor. "Any thing on Nat?" Bruce asks Tony. "I haven't heard, but Taylor is with Steve and Dr. Palmer is on her way here to treat her." He gives me a reassuring smile and smile weakly at him and start worrying about Taylor. "Nat is alive, or Ultron would be rubbing our faces in it."

Clint hops off the cradle. "This is sealed tight."

"We're gonna need to access the program, break it down from within."

"Any chance Natasha might leave you a message outside the internet?" Tony asks Clint. "Old school spy stuff."

"There are some nets I can cast." Barton leaves us alone to try and find Nat.

"I can work on tissue degeneration if you could fry whatever operational system Cho implanted."

"Yeah, about that." Tony stops and looks at Bruce and this goes on for a few minutes before Banner replies with, "No."

"You have to trust me." Stark starts and I cut in with, "No he doesn't." Stark continues, "Our ally, the guy protecting the military's nuclear codes, I found him."

JARVIS's voice speaks up. "Hello, Dr. Banner and Mr. Laufeyson." I wave to nobody in particular a bit confused.

"Ultron didn't attack JARVIS because he was angry. He attacked because he was afraid of what he can do." I decided to zone out and continue thinking and worrying about Taylor. I gasp in a mix of surprise and horror at the sight of Taylor limp in the fast boy's arms.