
Rings: Adventure of Jason on Another world

Jason a regular Highschool student ends up in another world with his entire Class. Will he and his classmates survive in a different world, with no idea what's going to happen to them.

Light_Pandora · Fantasy
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1 Chs

In another world, WHAT.....

Jason's POV

I woke up to the sound is the alarm. "It's already 6:40 pm, I'm going to be late for school!" I yelled.

I quickly ate my breakfast and changed clothes. I arrived at school on time. "Hey Jason!" Someone called out to me.

I look back and saw my friend Karl. Karl is a average person like me, the only difference is that he is taller.

He patted my head as if I was a dog. I threw his hand away from my head as he laughed,. "What's the matter." He said this chuckling.

"I'm not a dog" I said to him angrily. He laughed and said "Okok let's hurry up or we'll be late."


We went to our classroom and a group of boys yelled out names "Jason, Karl Good Morning!" It was our Friends.

"Good morning guys." I said. "So how's being home alone." Gabriel asked. "It's nice, no parents to yell at me and  I can have my privacy"

I proudly said this. I have been living alone for a month now because my parents had to go to work in different countries.

Gabriel said "Good for you I can't live alone because my parents are so over protective." Gabriel is a short guy with good facial features.

He is quite famous because he's part of the schools football team. I took my seat and looked at Anthony he looks like he's focused on something I take a quick look and saw he was reading a manga.

He looked at me and said "Oh Jason, what are you doing." "Just looking on what your reading" I said. He looked at the book and said "Oh yeah it's the newest release that just came out yesterday!" I looked at him and said "Ok sure enjoy reading."

Daniel looked at me and said "Did you watch the anime I recommended you" "Yeah it was great!".

The other thing about me and my friends, we are weebs but we don't tell anyone about it. We would often talk about anime and go to Anthony's place to watch anime. We would talk like all night about anime and stuff.

(The bell rings)


Jason's Description

-Height: 6'1

-Skin Color: White

-Hair Color: Black

-Eye Color: Black

Average Looks, Friendly to everyone and Silent, Likes anime

Karl's Description

-Height: 6'5

-Skin Color: Tan

-Hair Color: Brown

-Eye Color: Green

Average Looks, like to play sport ,likes anime, loud, joker

Gabriel's Description

-Height: 5'7

-Skin Color: Tan

-Hair Color: Black

-Eye Color: Brown

Handsome, Likes to play soccer, likes anime, Friendly to everyone

Anthony's Description

-Height: 5'6

-Skin Color: White

-Hair Color: Black

-Eye Color: Black

Silent, wears glasses, likes to read, smart, doesn't talk to anyone except us

Daniel's Description

-Height: 5'10

-Skin Color: White

-Hair Color: Blonde

-Eye Color: Blue

Loud, Brave, Handsome, Likes anime, Smart, Liked by a lot of girls



The bell rang and the entire class went to their seats. Anthony stops reading the manga the entire class became silent.

We waited for the teacher patiently but no teacher came 30 minutes passed. The class looked outside and saw the other class outside their classroom looking for their teacher.

Gabriel went and ask a student from another class "Are you guys looking for your teacher?" He asked. "Yeah it's been like 30 minutes and the teacher is not here yet" The guy answered.

Then something strange everything went dark and it felt like I was free falling. Then my vision returned and I was in an unfamiliar place.

I look around and saw my classmates all looking confused. As I looked around I realized I wasn't wearing my school uniform.

Instead I was wearing a old looking shirt, my pants were heavy and I was wearing boots. The boots was heavy, it was hard to walk.

I wasn't a very strong so it was hard for me. I saw Karl waving at me from afar I quickly ran up to them and said "What's going on!?".

He answered "Haven't you seen isekai anime yet. We seem to have travelled to another world." "What, how is that possible I thought it only exists in anime and stories.

I didn't think it was real". "I don't know okay, so calm down." I calmed myself down and I looked around again and saw Gabriel,Anthony, Daniel going towards us. "You guys ok they asked." They asked

I said "Yeah we're good". "Ok come with us the class are grouping up" they said. Me and Karl went with them.

We group up with our class and saw the other class also with us. There the seems to be 5 other classes with us so 6 all in all. Someone yelled "Everyone calm down the class representatives will talk about what we will do!".

A girl yelled "What's going to happen to us!". Many people agreed with her, everybody started to complain. I recognized the guy that stood up to calm everyone down.

He was David, it's seems reasonable because he was a quite the leader type and he's got the looks. David said " I said calm down!". Everyone kept quiet, as David was discussing with

the other class representatives.

We all sat down to the ground waiting. After quite some time they decided that we would look for a town. I guess someone in the representatives watches anime or read stories so David lead the way.


We followed a path that seemed to go somewhere. We have been walking for 15 minutes and many people started to complain.

"Where are we going?!" People yelled but David ignored them. I looked at my friends and they seemed stressed and scared so I decided to lighten up the mood by making a joke "Hey if this is another world maybe we can find some cat girls and some hot elves.

They looked at me and laughed "Yeah,maybe". Anthony said as he laughed. At the horizon we saw a town and some guards who seem to be looking for something or someone.

As we came closer to the town, a guard spotted us and immediately there was a group of soldiers and a man who seems to be the person in charge.

We were scared but when they came close to us the person in charge said "Did you guys come from a different world".

He was a muscular man with a big beard. More importantly how did he know we were from a different world.

David answered "Yes, How do you know" The man looked excited and said to the soldiers "The summoning worked!" He yelled with excitement. The soldiers yelled with excitement too.

We were looking confused and thought what was going to happen to us. The man said "My name is Kerev, I am the captain of this soldiers and a close friend of the king". David asked "Why were we summoned?" Kerev answered " You are heroes who save the human kind from demons.". I said to myself "Damn this sounds like a cliche anime plot where the mc is summoned to another world" Kerev said "It's seems there are quite a lot of heroes we have summoned.

Come you might be tired let's go to the castle where we will take care of you and explain what's going on".


He explained what was happening to us.Apparently humanity is cornered to extinction by the demons but humanity was able to hold off the demons.

This kingdom summoned heroes from another world to help them from the invading demons. We cannot go home because it was impossible to return who was summoned back to their world.

There was many people who cried and who got mad but they accepted their fate. In this world there is magic, it depends on the person on how much mana he can hold. That's pretty much all he discussed to us.

We were changed to much more comfortable clothing. It was getting late and some guards escorted us to our rooms we had to share rooms of five.

Luckily me and my friends were already 5 in total so we can sleep in one room. We went inside and there were five beds we each took a bed to sleep in.

It was surprisingly comfortable before we went to sleep we talk a little bit. Daniel said "Are we gonna be okay?" He asked, he sounded depressed.

Who wouldn't be, the fate of this world lies in our hands and we left our family in our world. "It's gonna be ok." I said it with confidence. "Yeah your right" he said. "Let's train together to become stronger and we might make it out alive" Karl said. "Yeah your right maybe, I might become stronger than all of you" Anthony said happily. "No way I'm getting stronger than all of you" said Karl. We laughed that night and decided to go to sleep.


We woke up to the sound of the horns. "Uhhhhh it's so loud" I said. "Rise and shine Heroes, it's already morning!" Kerev yelled outside our room.

"It's already morning, that was quick." Karl said half asleep. I stood up and stretched. "C'mon guys let's go" I said with no energy.

We all stood up and went outside. We were guided towards a dining room, the dining room was huge it had chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

We went to take our seats many of our class already woke up. We were given meat and corn. We ate up until we were full the soldiers remove our plates away from us and Kerev said "You heroes will be tested of your strength and your mana capacity.

You will be categorized if you are a Swordsman, Support, Mage, Tank, Assassin, Archer, Beast Tamer, Spear Man".  We were guided to a room with a huge crystal. "Touch your hand in this crystal to determine your mana capacity, I shall touch it to show an example" Kerev said.

He touched his hand in the crystal, the crystal lit up bright, the room seemed to lit up. The entire class were astonished.

So we took turns in touching the crystal. We were still far behind the line so we decided to chat a little."So do you think mine will shine like that"Gabriel said jokingly. "AHHAAHA no way yours will shine like that." We laughed.

The crystal only seemed to shine a little bright but not as close as Kerev, then suddenly the crystal shine brightly.

As I looked who was holding the crystal it was Noel. Noel was beautiful lady who was loved by everyone, she was good at sports.

I had a crush on her once but I didn't like her anymore because she was way out of my league.

When it was our turn to touch the crystal. Karl was up first, he touched the crystal and the crystal shined bright but not as close as Noel's.

Next up was Gabriel he excitedly touched the crystal it shined the same as Karl's. After he touched it he looked disappointed.

Next up was Anthony it shined a little brighter than Karl's and Gabriel's.

Next up was Daniel he touched the crystal and it shined the same as Karl's.

Next up me I touched the crystal, it shined the same as Karl's and Gabriel's and I was hoping it was going to shine brighter than theirs.

After everyone was done we were tested on which class we were going to be. I was chosen as s swordsman, Karl as a tank, Gabriel as a swordsman, Anthony as a Mage, Daniel as a Healer.


Kerev called us out on the field we were separated from our friends we said goodbye to one another.

Me and Gabriel were trained in the swordsman ship class. We were taught the basics and we would often spar with one another.

Kerev was our mentor in swordsman ship. He taught us to use our mana to boost our strength and speed.

We were told to do exercise everyday to become accustomed to the sword. The sword was heavy. We were told to swing this sword everyday to become accustomed to it.

Since we were sperated from our rooms, Me and Gabriel would sleep in one room with two beds.

(3 week has passed)



'm still confused on how to manipulate mana to my strength and speed but I can do a little of it by focusing the mana to my arms and feet.

From time to time I can see mana particles from people. Apparently when we use mana often we would start to see mana particles from creatures like humans.

Me and Gabriel started to become more familiar with a sword we would often duel. "Looks like your tired" I said this breathing heavily. "No you!" Gabriel said. We clashed swords and Gabriel fell to the floor.

"I win! That's 10-11 Gabriel.". Gabriel lying in the floor "I know, you win!" I held out my arm, Gabriel grabbed my hand and I helped him stand up.

I looked around and saw a lot of people training and chatting. "Alright heroes it seems you look stronger, we start going to adventures to give you more experience on what your dealing with in the outside." "You will be teamed with other people from different class to practice your teamwork."Kerev announced.

We were excited to see our friends again, we were guided to a armory where we will pick our armor. I chose a light chest piece, I got  leather gloves, boots and my sword and scabbard.

We were guided outside the castle and I saw familiar faces. It's was Karl, Anthony and Daniel. They looked stronger, especially Anthony his mana particles were a lot. They waved at us and said "Long time no see guys!"Karl

exclaimed. "You guys look stronger." I said happily.

"Yeah, of course we do we trained all day like crazy." Karl said. "You guys are gonna be grouped with them." a soldier said behind us.

It was Neol the girl who had high mana, the mana around her is going crazy. There is also a guy who looked like from the Spearman class. He looked familiar, "What's your name?" I asked politely.

"My name is Edward" He said with a smile. A soldier approached us and said "My name is Chester and I'll be your guide and protector during this journey".

I looked all everybody they all looked ready and I knew I shouldn't not get left behind so I calmed myself down and got ready for the journey.

I hope you enjoyed my story.

Feel free to comment down your thoughts about this story.

This is my first story, there might be errors.

Light_Pandoracreators' thoughts