
Ring of Uranus


Lonely_Author · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

The Arena

The red door is pops open it's joints stiff from being closed for a long time. A scaley green 3 foot tall reptilian alien, it's a humoniod heliomonster he reconigses the thick tail. The Helimontser walks out knocking into Sankara.

'That's fucking rude.' Sankara thinks to himself. He can't see into the Arena there is an atmospheric gel protecting the Arena as it houses a complex environment. Sankara pushes himself through the jello.

The Arena is more of market selling in fights, close combat was on his left the screens showing two four armed females with ten pack, there is frames are thin an delicate. Which is in direct contrast to there beauty. Its as if these well endowed ladies are fighting over a small Grey man who cheated on them.

Sankara is trying to find something that does not look life-threatening slowly moving through the espace pod racing or just pod racing. He wondered what they considered as racing as all he saw at the beginning were explosion and people cheering as the guys of racers lands on them. The beast wars and Chip fighter are exactly the same various animals ripping each other aprt and the chip fighting as best he can tell a designer takes a combat chip and puts it into an everyday robot and fight it.

A small alien smacked him in the balls causing him to fall to his knees which a symbol of wanting to fight in the thought arena which he was trying to figure besides the name the screens to him made no sense. A Gorgon alien taps him the shoulder, not realizing that he has accepted the invitation by kneeling Sankara follows him hoping that the man is there to help. Even if he has red skin four eyes and a beautiful body. That's what's odd here unlike outside everyone here is handsome and beauty.

Sankara is leaded to a women with a full face red eyes blue irises, purple lips sweet violet cheeks and by the moon hydro sphere an impressive set of teeth clearly a predator behind the desk. She hands him a contract which the system auto translates. Sankara signed like a fool because even thou he can see he has to fight five times, three things made him accept without much resistance. They would house and feed and depending on wins he gains access to arena service chief amongst them are the massage parlors[wink wink].

Secondly is money paid to anyone accepting the contract an upfront payment of ten thousand credits to with as ones please. The money is essential an advance which the company pays to the employee the employee is expected to win. If he fails he will be sent to the farm which to him didn't sound so bad, 'future alien farming cannot be as hard as farming back home' he told himself.

Finally and most importantly thought fights were conducted through a virtual reality system. Sankara was is not in his right mind in fact his mind is in auto secure mode. The trauma of killing tentacle face is still with clearly evident by the fact that his hand is still shaking. Once the operate helped him into his pods they detected his current state and pushed his first fight back a few hours to allow to him to heal in the pod.

He awakes to an alarm sound, it disturbed him to his core like finding out your boss still has not paid you. He examines his environment he is surrounded by what looks like a field how the plants tress and water are all the wrong color. He touches his head thinking he must have hit his head or something. Soon a siren goes this time it's sounds like a long yawn. Suddenly a menu appears in front he has nine points and nine creatures the lowest cost one point and the ninth cost nine points.

Sankara sees one of the nine rank creatures that it looks like a giant version of the ladies he saw fighting earlier with white fur and four large tusk that also doubled as teeth. His opponent also selected a rank nine creature it looks like an armored turtle how the ridges on its back are connected to vine like structures that allow it to lash out with its ridges at Sankara.

His oppenant had given him a welcome when Sankara did not attack. Being so much smaller he was missed however the second ridge hit his four armed great white ape. What Sankara felt next was the most painful thing he had every felt every part of went stood on edge in pain even his seemed to itch uncontrollabley however he could do anything since his hands are in such pain he can hardly move. The pain grew intensity Sanakara order s his monster to attack. It fists barreling into the body of turtle.

Sankara skin is on all kinds of fire it's feels fresh the breeze that is blowing irritates the skin. His movements cause it rip and tears fresh again everything is difficult even more so breathing as the cold entering his lungs causes him to wince violently. He falls to the hard unforging ground crying out in agony he monster goes wild with each blow getting stronger and stronger. It eventually overcomes the turtle that actually only has the vines as a means of attack. The simulation ends Sankara is returned to his pod.

His body feels like before healthy and unsure of his surroundings. He is looks in horror as he realizes the name of the thought game she signed up for. They are called pain games, I this thought in order to win you must feel the most pain which makes your monster stronger. Rank nine monster have the pain threshold at the lowest setting with the highest attack power however they can be picked once during a tournament. Sankara is in a five round straight knockout tournament.

Sankara can't imagine how much more pain he will have to endure, he thinks about losing a fight when his contract clause automatically comes up on his pod. He reads it carefully.

'any combat found in delerection of contracted terms will be subject contractual reperation which include ten matches, 10000 credit fine and farm time of up to ten years. He momentarily pondered the farm. The pain was worse than anything he knew.

The screen starts playing the next matches from what he can the low ranked creatures have more varied abilities but the pain experienced by one of the combantants caused her muscles to pull so much that it broke her arm. Another one killed him using his own beast this is also regarded as dereliction and was subsequently revived and sent to hell or as the screen showed Sankara the fighter was sent into a room with giant orange idiot with a what looked like a vagina on its neck. The creature locks one in a constant state of reconstitution. This means that he can feel every atom being pulled aprt and put back together.

Sankara nearly vomited as he was sent a short experience of what the man was going through. Those had been the longest thirty seconds of his life. His bank account that had ten thousand credit doesn't seem worth it now his next fight is in a few hours Sanakara starts shopping looking for any pain reduction medicine he finds one for exactly ten thousand from the Thought Comapny the offical sponsors of the Thought games and jkisle.

Sankara receives the delivery about thirty minutes for his next fight his plan is to test the rank 1 monster that have the most varied abilities but highest pain setting if he can't manage then he will have no choice but to go the farm. His next match is against another first timer Hitile a slime according to Sanakara's and she caught his attention too. Everything about her is translucent even her clothes this he can basically see anything and besides her seaweed hair everything is aotomacilly pleases and his mind starts to drift. He is thinking about all the would to that slime if given the chance. His thoughts start to get heated as he is interupperted by the system informing that his match is beginning. This time the match takes place mountain Sanakara is hiding inside a cave with the menu open he goes to the rank 1 creatures. He picks a fire bug it can fly has stealth and can shoot for bolts from over thirty minutes away.