



Sunny waked up in the middle of the night he searched for his father but the father has not yet return he couldn't sleep

Mother wake up and noticed that the door is open she went and closed it returning back she noticed that the son [sunny] sunny is not inside the room she went out and find him seating out side and she nud`s she already knew it was the father he is waiting for so she went to him and seated bedside him

Mother asked the son it seem he is keeping so long today the son turned and looked at the mother just for him to reply to the mother the father arrived with so many bush meat so he rushed out and welcome the father So they went inside and the father dropped his gun and said to the son

Sunny you know is late so you have to go to bed the father then take him to bed and made him sleep when the father come to bed with the wife which is the mother [Janet] she was some kid of complain about the son attitude but the father understand and said to the wife

You know he is still a kid so he needed me by his side so i should be the one to be blamed (apologized) am sorry

Light fade

It already morning sunny is done preparing for school and the father is also ready to go to the market for delivering of his meat

So sunny is at school but he always have a little problem at school this three pupils {his class mate}always bully him and as well insults him when he dose not say a word so that day at school the three bullying friend came to him where he was seating alone he already knew that when ever the come is to bully him so he stud up and try to walk away but they held him back and was trying to beat him but one of their mistress came out and the have to let go off him