
Ring of Skills

A young man dies because the corona virus is reincarnated into the world of Naruto Reborn as an orphan in the village of Konoha with a body that has almost no chakra But he has a mysterious ring that cannot be removed The ring can issue a skill book once every five years How is his life in the shinobi world?

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16 Chs

Save Hinata

At the border of the fire country

Don is currently watching the resting kumo ninja.

Actually Don is thinking about something,

Don think how to kumo ninja kidnap hinata without being noticed.

Until now, Don still hasn't felt the arrival of the Konoha ninja who was chasing.

That means the Kumo ninja managed to escape from Konoha without being noticed.

Don tried to think of how they could escape, but Don did not have much time at the moment.

First he must think of a way to save Hinata.

Don saw that there were two Jonin level ninja and three Chunin level ninja.

Seeing the power of the enemy in front of him, Don did not think to be able to defeat them.

Don currently can only face the chunin level ninja.

As for the jonin level, Don has no confidence at all.

They are at a higher level than ordinary ninja.

Each jonin is an experienced ninja who has been recognized by the village.

Don can not underestimate the power possessed by jonin, especially now there are two jonin at the same time.

So the opportunity to help Hinata with his strength alone can be said to be almost impossible.

This makes Don hesitate, his condition which is already exhausted also decreases Don's confidence.

Don began to think hard, how he could save Hinata.


Ninja Kumo is now preparing to continue the journey to Kumogakure.

After resting for less than an hour they immediately continued their journey.

They have now successfully crossed the borders of the Fire Nation.

They were very happy because their mission went smoothly.

"Ha ha ha ... this mission is too easy to say as an S rank mission"

"Right, Konoha is nothing."

"We did the kidnapping and they didn't realize it at all"

"Right, they didn't even try to send ninjas to chase us"

"Maybe it's because Konoha is too scared to fight with Kumogakure ninja"

"That's right, ha ha ha"

The Chunin ninja really felt successful in carrying out an important mission.

They really have lowered their vigilance after successfully crossing the borders of the Fire Nation.

But Ninja Jonin felt a little odd, they didn't think that Konoha would let them go easily.

But he did not find any evidence that justified his feelings.

Until when he felt the threat of danger in the middle of the forest.


He wanted to warn his friends but he was late, the two chunins who were too relaxed suddenly caught in an explosive tag trap.

After the explosion, there was a fast attack coming.

He immediately dodged the attack that was pointing at him and moved away from the cloud of smoke.

He immediately increased his alertness and was ready to fight.

But before he could enter battle mode and set the formation, he was astonished because only he was still conscious.


When the ninja kumo is resting.

Don who thinks can not win the battle immediately retreat and prepare.

Don decided to go first to cross the border of the Fire Nation.

Don has several plans to choose to go to this location.

First, he does not want if a kumo ninja dies in the area of the Fire Nation.

If this happens then Kumogakure will take advantage of this opportunity to play the drama and take advantage of Konoha, the worst possibility for Don is that Kumogakure wants the killer's head to keep the peace agreement.

Second, he wanted to lower the vigilance of the Kumo ninja because it was impossible for him to win against them.

Therefore, Don chose a strategic location to trap them.

Don took some explosive tags from storage in his ring.

Then Don put an explosion tag on the branches of the tree and covered it.

Don only uses low explosive tags because he doesn't want to hurt hinata.

But the resulting explosion was enough to stop their movements.

The explosive tag was only a distraction so that Don could carry out a silent attack.

After successfully setting a trap, Don immediately hid while resting.

Don waited patiently for the arrival of the Kumo Ninja.


When Don saw the arrival of Kumo ninja, he immediately got ready.

Don saw the kumo ninja move towards his trap.

Don immediately approached them while eliminating his presence.

Don target the jonin first, when the kumo ninja is hit by a trap, Don immediately uses the soru to get close.

In the midst of the smoke, Don immediately attacked the tenketsu point and made them unconscious.

Don use Kamisori and shigan to defeat them all.(Kamisori is a combination of soru and geppo, a technique that allows users to move quickly without having to have a foothold)

But one Kumo ninja managed to avoid Don's attack.

Seeing this Don began to be surprised.

That was a Don mainstay attack.

Don is currently exhausted, the Kamisori movement has consumed a lot of stamina.

Don forced his body to remain conscious.

Don regulated his breath and calmed down for his final battle.

Jonin was very surprised, because the only one who attacked them was a child, he realized that Don was not an ordinary child.

Don almost beat them all.

If it were not for jonin that had a good sense of danger then he would not have survived Don's attack.

Jonin was shocked by the speed of Don's attack, Don's attack was very fast, it was not the speed that a child would have.

Don is like a monster at his age.

Jonin felt he had to eliminate this monster threat as quickly as possible, he immediately gave a quick attack to Don.

Jonin made a hand seal and immediately released the jutsu.

Raiton: Thunderbolt

Suddenly electricity went out of his hands and flew towards Don.

Don who feels the threat of danger immediately avoids using Soru.

But Don is no longer able to continue the fight, he looks could fall at any time.

Don kept trying to keep himself conscious.

Don think how to end this fight, he will not be able to survive if the fight continues.

Then Don jumped to hide behind a tree trunk.

Jonin did not let Don rest, he continued to direct his attack to where Don was hiding.

When the lightning strike hit the tree, the tree was immediately destroyed, but Don was not behind the tree.

Don has moved from the tree using cheers.

Don is currently trying to use the focus battle aura.

Don focused his aura on the soles of the feet.

Don's face looked pale, Me no Bugi's technique had drained his mental strength.

Don's eyes turned red, but he continued to concentrate with the aura on the soles of his feet.

After the aura gathered, Don immediately used the soru.

Don glides so fast that Jonin can't react.

Don hit the stomach jonin strongly.

Jonin who was hit by Don's attack immediately flew and destroyed the trees behind him.

Don immediately fainted after launching the attack.

After a few minutes later Don regained consciousness,

his eyes were blurry but he did not lose his purpose, then he headed for the hinata.

Hinata has been put to sleep by Kumo ninja, this is done so as not to hinder their journey to the komugakure.

Don immediately carry hinata like a princess, then he immediately went to the village of Konoha.