
Ring of Blood


vishal_singh_0552 · Action
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21 Chs

Chapter : 2. The Ring. ( Revised ).

" Hey trash hmm no that's not right hey parent less trash " A boy said from the entrance of the hallway. Laughing uncontrollably looking at the shot pale skin boy.

Ryan didn't mind his mockery but when he heard his parents being mocked, he couldn't contain it and threw a punch to his face.

Even if he knew he will be beaten black and white by him, he still wanted that punch to reach it mark, but that was just his wishful thinking as before it could even land on his face he felt his body being lifted from the ground as he flew back and fall on the ground by the punch of the boy.

The punch of the boy was so powerful that he could feel the metallic taste of blood in his mouth as he roll around on the surface while holding his stomach.

" ahhhh" His shout of pain was heard, by everyone in the hall but they didn't wanted to get in trouble for a useless ability user, so they either ignored him or looked at the show from the sides.

" hmm did this trash really tried to punch me boy's I thought it was a fly "The boy laughed with his two henchmens, looking at the sorry state Ryan was.

" You bring him along, today we will thoroughly punish him for his little stunt he just pulled"The boy said with a evil smile on his face and went straight towards the back alley of the school.

His two henchmen followed along happily while dragging Ryan by his foot as they move towards the alley. Ryan tried to struggle free from their grip but it was all in vain infront of a second tier ability user with his first tier strength.

" Shut up trash " The first henchmen kicked him on his stomach while the other threw him straight on the wall of the alley as they reach their daily spot.

" You both hold him tight today I will teach him a proper lesson for his disobedience " He said while removing his jacket and placing on the side.

The two went straight towards Ryan and did what was told to them as they very well knew how much of a sicko the boy was when he was angry, they themselves sometime get sacred remembering the crimes he had done in his short 17 years life.

He had done drugs, kidnapping, torturing, raping ..etc, he had done everything but still didn't got punish for a single crime as his father head of a strong family in the city. Their family is a small branch family of the Reaper Household, which were one of the four strongest military family on planet earth.

In the world of ability user's, the army and the laws spine around their fingers, so everything has little values infront of them, even if the military go against them and fight back, they will end up dead because, their were peoples as strong as nuclear weapons, they are the walking desaster for any being.

This was the reason they were with him as they knew very well if they didn't choose him in the past, it might be them who were being beaten by him.

This world revolves around power, who were they to judge it when they don't have anything.

And the reason behind how they survived up till now was because of the boy infront of them, as he enjoys torturing Ryan, since he was a boy who longed for power but didn't have one. He was a special ability user but his ability was the weakest of them all, Night Vision. This ability allows him to see in the dark place, which was straight away useless in this day of time were one can simply use smart technology instead of depending on some ability.

This was the reason he was called a trash because even if he uses rare treasures it will never change and no one would put ones resources in him to be wasted. He was destined to remain trash for life.

Slap. Slap. Slap.

" You dare to bark at your own master you dog, today I will make you realise what great mistake you had done" He said while grabbing his swollen cheeks.

He move back and started punching him senslessly on his face, chest, shoulder, stomach anywhere he could find a place to land his punch.

Every time his punch landed on Ryan's body, Ryan would scream as every punch that landed on his body sent out a cracking sound of his bones which was breaking bit by bit by those punches.

" haha haha hahahah Yes that's right scream you worm scream hahahahaha"

The more he heard his scream, the more Jack laughed, it was like a scene from hell. Standing so near in the back and witnessing this scene they both felt like puking but didn't and did thier job thoroughly without any mistake.

The scene continued like this who knows how many seconds, minutes or even hour's. Jack only stop when Ryan could not scream and cry with broken body. The moment those henchmen took back their support Ryan fell down on ground with a bang.

" mmm "He moaned from the pain but couldn't do anything about it as he couldn't even lift his fingers right now.

" This will be a great lesson for you trash, if you survive" He laughed while giving him a last kick to stomach and went away with his friends.

He was left behind the alley, alone left to his fate.


Even after beaten so badly by the group of jack he didn't loose his consciousness as he wanted the answer for the question but their was now one to answer.

He was always a good student still why did his teacher treat him so rudely, He always tried to help others then why he always get bullied by jack and no one comes to help me. His only family, his mother and father who always stood for him and protected him, why they had to die in a accident.

' Why Why Why Why Why.....'

While he was going through a mental breakdown, his chest area started glowing with red color. The radiant kept on glowing until it caught the attention of Ryan, bringing him back from his stupper.

He didn't knew what was glowing on his chest, but he was so tired and injured that he couldn't even lift his head and check what was creating the radiance on his chest, he just laid thier recovering from his injury, even though he didn't have any ability but his physical state of a level first user will sure help him recover a little from the injury. He was also hoping that maybe the radiant might attract someone's attention for help.

But even after for an hour no one came to help him. so he ignored his disappointment and he started to move his body with the little energy he recovered. As he knew if he wait any longer he might die or receive a permanent injury.

First he moved his hand and placed it on his chest to find out the cause behind the radiant red light. His hand went through his shirt and felt a metallic hard substance on his chest, he tried to remove it from the shirt but got tangled between his fingers, and it went straight in his wedding finger of the right hand.

Before he could even see the thing that went on his finger he heard something.

[ The Matching gene's have been Found ]

When he heard this sound he looked at his right hand, he saw a plane looking blood red ring rest on his finger.

This ring was the last possession, that his mother had. The ring was a little shabby so he placed it, in his brest pocket when he came to school. While he was rembracing his memory of his parents, he again heard the voice.

[ The Blood Fusion will begin in 3...2...1 ]

After the announcement was heard in his head, he started loosing, remaining energy he gather in the past hour rapidly, as if someone was sucking him dry and finally, he lost his consciousness on the spot.


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