
Rimuru in The World of Otome Game • Tensura X VAWTSTV

"This Power is not a Blessing But a curse" I've fought For the world And only for me to lost The Three People that I love. When will I get my own Happy Ending? Join Rimuru as he venture out to the world of an Otome game Will he change the Entire Plot or Will he goes for the Cannon Event?. A Cross over Between That Time I got reincarnated as a slime and Villager A Wants to save the Villainess

VOIDKING · Anime & Comics
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Ch 2: The Vampire Queen

---This Chapter is Written by Void-King---


Once the battle is over Everyone Returned to their Domain to fix the damage that the Battle left behind.

While the world is Celebrating their Victory.

The people of Tempest Mourned for their Queens that Passed away no Celebration was held no Banquet of any kind no Joyful laughter.

Only the sound of crying filled the nation's capital.

For the people of Tempest, their Queens were more of a Friends for them.

That day marks the Saddest day in The whole History of Tempest.


One Hundred thousand passed by and the event of the Past slowly been Forgotten.

The Humans who came to witness it have all long passed away that event was now nothing but a Memory for those Immortal beings Like the Demon Lords the True Dragons,

But one person still didn't accept it and that is Rimuru he still can't accept what happened to His wives in just one day His Entire Existence Got Shattered in Millions and this is due to the passing of his wives.

He immersed himself in doing his paperwork Rimuru Became like a Machine that would only do work and Nothing more he won't show any expression or Emotions of any kind.

His once Bright Golden Eyes were now cloudy and had no shines in them.

Even so, The people of Tempest moved on, and keep Progressing even if Rimuru didn't guide them that is Because of a certain Vampire girl.

She stood by Rimuru's Side even Though Rimuru Didn't pay attention to her she stood by his side And helped him in any way she can for Hundreds of Thousands of years She Had been the one who was beside Rimuru.

And that is Luminous Valentine a member of the Octagram And one of the few who was the closest to Rimuru.

Right now she was back in her own kingdom to See how things is doing and Luckily for her nothing noteworthy is happening.

She was just there seating on the balcony of her Castle she Gaze at the Stars and Look at the Peaceful night sky.

Then she remembers the memory from the past where when she was with Chloe and Shuna whom she considers as her own Family.

She also remembers the Smile that Rimuru always shows, a warm smile that is full of happiness, but now that smile cannot be seen on his face.

'I wish I could see his bright smile again' she thought

Her thought was Interrupted when someone opened the door.

"What is it Hinata?" Luminous asks Hinata who also became immortal after she Evolves into a True Heroes And Obtains a Unique skill called "Immortality"

A skill that would allow her to reincarnate with her Physical appearance and Memories intact no matter how she died.

"I just came here to check on you, You've been out of this Country for A Few Years," Hinata said.

"I'm fine Hinata, I'm just tired I guess," Luminous said

"You should Get some Rest, Maybe take a vacation on another planet like what the other demon lords are doing" Hinata suggested

"You know that I can't do that, I still need to Help Rimuru you know" She replied rejecting Hinata's Suggestion.

"I know that but aren't you Overworking yourself, Rimuru would also want you to take a Rest," Hinata said


Luminous didn't answer and just Stared at the Night Sky.

"Think about it, I'll see you later"

Hinata then left Luminous.


Another day pass and Luminous went to Rimuru's Office There she found Rimuru Doing his paperwork and Didn't even give her a Glace.

"Hey let me help you!" Luminous said as she attempt to take half of the paper works from Rimuru but Rimuru stop her.

"I'm fine I'll do this alone" For the first time after so many years Rimuru spoke to her.

Luminous was overjoyed when she heard his voice.

"Come on let me help you this way it would be faster," Luminous said but Rimuru didn't Allow her.

"Come on let me help you please" Luminous plead

"I SAID I DONT NEED YOUR HELP" Rimuru yells at her.


"How long will you keep doing this your starting to get annoying," Rimuru said.

"I'm Sorry I didn't..." Luminous voice was trembling since this is the first time she saw Rimuru act like this.


Rimuru didn't say that because he hates Luminous, he only said that because the Mental stress that accumulated over the past thousands of years is starting to take its toll on Rimuru's Mentality.

After Rimuru's outburst, Luminous returned to Her Kingdom and Locked herself in her room.

Her servant was worried but she didn't care about them she just stayed in her room and at night her Cry can be heard by Her servant.

The servant knows how important Rimuru is to their master and their master being like this Knows that something happens.


A week passed And Luminous decided to Leave the planet but before she left She decided to Visit Rimuru One Last time.

The night sky was peaceful in the Castle where Rimuru Leave a Girl with Long Silver hair looking at the Sleeping Man.

She was looking at him with Tears in her eyes.

"I came to see you one last time, I wanted to tell you that I'm Leaving to Find mySelf to find who I'm supposed to be," Luminous said

"I'm sorry about what I did Last week, And I hope I could see you again," she said to Rimuru who was sleeping peacefully on his bed.

Luminous Move her Face close to Rimuru's lips and Tried to Kiss him but she couldn't do it instead tears were falling from her eyes.

"I'm sorry I wanted to Say to you that I love you but I can't, I wanted to kiss you but I don't have the courage to do so," She said as she let her tears Falls freely from her eyes.

She wanted to say that she loved him and yet she can't because she knew that if she did She would betray the promise that she Give to Chloe and Shuna that she would Forever Support their Relationship and that she would not Steal Rimuru From them.

But can anyone blame her Rimuru has the charisma, Personality, Looks, and strength to be a Desirable Partner?

"I'm leaving now I will see you after I find who I'm supposed to be," Luminous said as she Vanished.

'I hope we can see each other Again' Luminous hope so but the reality is a Harsh one.


Six Years Later after Luminous left Rimuru started to Regain his Sense but at that time Another thing Happened that would Break him even more.

He felt it, the connection that he had with Luminous is Slowly weakening.

This Alarm him Since even if he doesn't show Emotions to Luminous he appreciated her, he even heard her confession during that night when she left.

"Benimaru I'm going Somewhere I'll Leave Tempest to you for a while," Rimuru said through thought Communication

Benimaru was Suprise but he didn't question Rimuru and only agreed.

After that Rimuru went to where Luminous was supposed to be.


On a Planet located in another Universe far away from the central World Multiple people are there cornering a single girl.

Those people are not Ordinary since they are what you called Outer gods, They had powers Comparable to the True Dragons.

They are fighting a Girl with Long Silver hair and Heterochromia Eyes, the girl has wounds all over her body and Her clothes have cuts all over it as well as blood was coming out from her wounds.

"For a Demon Lord, you sure are annoying," One of the gods Said

"Give up and Offer yourself to Us and we shall let you Live"

"I'll never offer myself to Some Like You?" She replied

"Really?, We heard that You don't want to accept anyone because you love someone? What was his name again?...ahh Rimuru Tempest Right" The god who was in front of Luminous said

They wanted to have Luminous because she is the very few who could give birth to a child of gods.

{A/N: Yup these gods are Horny}

"Well It Doesn't matter If we kill that guy maybe you would accept our offer"

The other gods laughed at this statement but Luminous was visibly angry.

For the past six years, these other gods started to hunt Luminous because they wanted her to Bear their child. After all, the gods believed that someone from the Cardinal world would be a perfect Being to be the bearer of their Child.

"Don't get full of your selves?" Luminous said as she tried to Attack The gods But before she could she was kicked by another god.

Luminous had become strong ever since she left the Cardinal world this is due to her own effort and to the blessings from Rimuru but no matter how powerful a person is If they face Hundreds of Beings that can rival her own power there's no way for her to win.

"Just give up"

"Never" Luminous again tried to Attack The gods with her Night Rose sword but multiple Chains imbued with Magic that drain Magicule appeared and wrapped themselves to The arms and legs of Luminous.

"I see that we won't be able to have you it's such a waste but if we can't have you then no one will," The gods said as he stabbed Luminous Heart with his hand.

"I know you're a Demon Lord and would Just Revive a few years To another place but...There would be no Resurrection this time" He said as he Crush Luminous Heart with His bare Hands and he also shattered her soul to Millions of pieces making it impossible for Luminous to reincarnate.

After that, he retracted his Hand from Luminous chest and Blood started to splatter on the planet Surfaces.

Luminous body falls to the ground and the gods only had a look of disappointment.

"Are you sure this is the Right way...I mean we can just break her mind and Control her as A Puppet"

"There's no need to worry about that she was only special because she came from the Central world a Forbidden place to all outer Gods"

At that moment The whole planet Trembles and The Day Sky turned to Night.

"What happened here?" a voice echo that alerted all the gods.

"Who's there?" The god who killed Luminous asked but no one answered

But the god felt that someone was Behaind them, and when they turned around they saw someone hugging the lifeless body of Luminous.

"Hey Luminous come on wake up I'm here, Please don't joke like this" Rimuru said as he tried to wake up Luminous

"Hey come on you said that you will see me again don't joke like this Luminous you're the only one That I have left, please don't leave me," Rimuru said again.

But Luminous didn't respond to his plea.

"Please open your Eyes, I already lost Ciel, Chloe, and Shuna, Please don't leave me Luminous I'm begging you" He once again Said as he continues to hugged Luminous body.

"I don't know who you are but you should..." One of the gods Tried to Attack Rimuru but he was instantly Killed and his soul was also disintegrated into dust.

"Ohhh You killed an outer God like he is nothing who might you be?" the god who killed Luminous asks Rimuru.

Rimuru didn't answer but only looked at the god with an angered expression

"Are you the one who did this to her?" he asked

"Are you deft or..." The god wanted to Say something but Rimuru interrupted him

"I'm asking you are you the one who did this to Her" Rimuru's voice holds Authority and Some of the gods were already frightened of the Aura that Rimuru is releasing.

"Yes I'm the one who killed her, She shouldn't have died if she agreed To be the bearer of our Child," The god said arrogantly.

"You did this to her just because of your sexual Urge I'll make you pay a hundredfold of what you all did to her" Rimuru Let out his Aura he didn't Surpass it and the Universe started to Crumble And falls apart.

That day will be marked as the day when Rimuru Tempest slaughtered all the outer gods innocent or not they all died In The hands of The Supreme One.
