
Once Upon A Time...

In the mystical realm a very long time ago, where humans rubbed shoulders with giants, fairies mingled with minotaurs, and gods occasionally dropped in for a laugh, there was never a dull moment.

The kingdom of Arcadia, nestled within the vast expanse of enchanting forests and rolling hills, was alive with whimsical wonders. Arcadians were a giddy, eccentric bunch who thrived on both curiosity and chaos.

Today, their curious chaos had taken a particular form – gossip. A collective buzz filled the air like an exuberant swarm of fireflies, illuminating the cobblestone streets and ivy-covered cottages in a vibrant glow.

The kingdom was abuzz with talk of a forthcoming event of remarkable importance: the engagement party of the stunning Princess Selene of Arcadia.

As the sun began its slow descent, turning the sky into a canvas of warm pastel hues, the jovial anticipation was palpable. Arcadians bustled about the town square, their wide eyes reflecting a shared sentiment.

Word had spread like wildfire that the handsome Prince Kang-Dae from the northern kingdom of Mu was on his way. His reputation as the heartthrob of the Northlands had reached Arcadia long before his actual arrival.

"Have you heard? They say Prince Kang-Dae's eyes are as black as the night sky, and his smile can make a grumpy goblin break into a cheery song!" Ethel, the most popular town's baker, proclaimed to her customers as she kneaded dough with fervour.

Ethel herself was a person with a penchant for making pastries that could rival the culinary delights of the gods. Though she barely left her kitchen, her stories were as lofty as her ambitions.

"Ah, Prince Kang-Dae! He's so gorgeous, it's as if the gods themselves chiselled his face from the finest marble," sighed Martha, a lanky woman who had set up a flower stall. She had a tendency to daydream about royal romances while arranging her blooms in perfectly imperfect bouquets.

"But, you know, Martha, it's not just his looks. People say he's as seductive as a devilish incubus, women spread their legs wherever he goes I tell ya!" piped in Reginald, the local scribe. His quill hovered over his paper, ready to document every juicy detail about the prince's visit. Gossipy tales were his daily bread.

And so, in the Kingdom of Arcadia, where the rumour mill rivalled the most intricate clockwork device, Prince Kang-Dae was elevated to near-fictitious status long before he set foot on Arcadian soil.

The excitement was infectious, and the laughter that erupted from the streets mingled with the delicious smells of freshly baked pastries, blossoming flowers, and an undercurrent of magic that weaved through the air.

But in the midst of all this jubilation, the radiant Princess Selene prepared for the impending engagement party with mixed emotions.

With her long white hair cascading like a waterfall down her back and her large blue eyes that could tame even the wildest of stallions, she was the picture of ethereal beauty. She stood tall, a beacon of grace and poise. Her outward appearance was in perfect harmony with her public image as a gentle and coquettish princess.

However, beyond her magnetic facade, Princess Selene harboured a secret. A secret that bubbled like a boiler of defiance within her heart. While the world saw her as a model of femininity and grace, she had a fire burning within that rejected the notion of women's purpose being solely about marriage and childbirth.

She longed for a life beyond the confines of being someone's wife, and this engagement was an unwelcome twist of fate, like a mischievous gnome rearranging her constellations.

With the echo of cheers and excitement outside, King Lycaon sat in his grand chamber, the regal atmosphere disrupted by a cloud of tension that hung in the air. He leaned forward in his ornate chair, his face twisted with anger as he glared at his daughter, Selene. The walls seemed to shrink as the silence bore down upon them like a suffocating weight.

"Selene, you need to stop talking nonsense about ending this engagement," the King bellowed. "It's a matter of tradition, the very foundation of our kingdom's customs!"

Selene, her fiery spirit undeterred, stood her ground. "Father, you do realise that I don't want to lead this kingdom, right? I have no desire to marry a man I barely know. And tradition? Tradition is just an excuse to keep women trapped in a life they don't want."

The King's face reddened, and he spat, "You think this is about what you want? It's about your siblings. Tradition dictates that the eldest child must marry for the younger ones to find suitable matches. You're not just jeopardizing your own future, but your brother and sister's as well."

Seated on the sidelines, Selene's brother, Prince Thanos, and her sister, Princess Iris, exchanged worried glances. They had been trying to mediate, but the tension between father and daughter was like coal, waiting for a spark.

With a sarcastic smile, Selene replied, "Father, if you're so concerned about tradition, then why don't you marry Mother's sister? She's still young enough to bear more heirs."

King Lycaon's face darkened, his anger intensifying. "Don't you dare speak of Vasiliki that way, you ungrateful girl! It's that stupid woman's influence that's made you so foolish. I should have never allowed her to see you."

Selene's eyes blazed with defiance as she retorted, "My mother taught me to be independent and think for myself, to be a leader in my own right, not just a pawn in someone else's game."

The room was thick with the tension that had reached its boiling point. Selene had had enough. She turned abruptly, her long white hair flowing behind her, and stormed out of the King's chamber, her footsteps echoing in defiance. 

As she left the palace, Selene's resolve was firm. She was determined to escape and carve her own path, away from the expectations and traditions that bound her.

With every step she took through the hall of a secret passage, her favourite pool in the forest beckoned.

The sun had long surrendered its place in the sky to the moon, and the night had settled upon the mystical forest connected to the castle's garden at the back.

Underneath the shadowy canopy of trees and their branches, Selene's anger still burned fiercely, stubborn flames refusing to be extinguished. She had been walking for hours, fueled by her determination to escape the life she never asked for.

As she finally reached her sanctuary, a hidden pool surrounded by shimmering fireflies and soft luminescent purple plants, she felt the heaviness of the night close in around her. Her heart pounded as she tore at the silk of her intricate pink gown, casting it aside in a fit of frustration. With her long, white hair cascading like a waterfall, she stood at the edge of the pool, bare and vulnerable, and she dove in.

The water embraced her pale skin like a cool, soothing balm, but the rage still pulsed through her veins. Selene closed her eyes, forcing herself to stay submerged as if to drown the voices that had haunted her. Her breaths came in quick, shallow gasps, but she resisted the urge to surface.

Beneath the surface, surrounded by the gentle murmur of water, she wrestled with the fast-approaching marriage, the weight of their tradition, and the relentless ache for her mother, the late Queen Cyllene. She hated her mother for leaving her, for filling her head with nonsense that now felt like cruel lies. 

She wished that her mother could be here with her, guiding her through this madness, but it was impossible. She felt utterly alone.

And then, just as the weight of the world pressed down on her shoulders, Selene was startled out of her brooding thoughts. A sudden sensation on her waist, a warm and strong hand, sent shivers racing through her.

In fright, Selene burst from the water, her breathless cry cutting through the still night air. The moonlight illuminated her trembling form, her wet hair clinging to her like a ghostly veil. Her eyes searched the dark shadows surrounding her, heart pounding, and the anger that had consumed her moments before was replaced by stark fear as she hurriedly tumbled out of the water.

"Who's there?" she demanded, her voice quaking.

A figure emerged from the shadows beneath the water, and the moonlight revealed the contours of a tall, broad-shouldered man. His eyes were pools of deep, enigmatic green and his long chestnut hair he usually packed in a bun had come undone clinging to his tanned carloused skin. 

"Andreas?", she voiced with recognition.

The personal guard who had mistakenly frightened Selene, stood in the moonlight, a perplexed expression on his face. He was a loyal and dutiful man, and his protective instincts had led him to this unexpected encounter. He shifted uncomfortably, the forthcoming engagement party with the Prince of Mu still fresh in their minds, casting a shadow of awkwardness over them.

"Selene, my lady," he stammered, his cheeks reddening in the moonlight, "I thought you were... I mean, I heard a cry, and I feared something had happened."

Selene, still clad in nothing but her flushed fair skin, covered her breast with one arm while using the other to brush back a strand of wet hair that clung to her face. Her initial fear had dissipated, and now, standing before her guard, embarrassment washed over her. "I was just... clearing my head," she mumbled, trying to find her composure.

Andreas looked both concerned and bewildered. "My lady, you were underwater for over ten minutes or more. How is that even possible?"

Before Selene could provide a response, a voice called out from the darkness beyond the trees, "Selene?"

The unexpected interruption caused both Selene and Andreas to jump. Emerging from the shadows was a tall figure, a longtime friend of Selene's, Sameer. He had been a loyal companion for six years, often visiting this secluded area for hunting and chance encounters with the princess. 

His hazel-coloured eyes widened when he saw Selene standing, stark naked. Her personal guard jumped quickly into action by pulling her behind him in order to protect her nudity from the other man's prying eyes.

"Selene," he said with a mix of amusement and concern, "I heard your cry and thought something was wrong. I didn't expect to find you... like this."

Selene's face reddened even more as she hurriedly reached for her discarded pink dress, fumbling with it in her haste to cover herself. "Sameer," she stammered, "I didn't... I mean, I thought I was alone."

Both men immediately turned their heads away, their faces flushed with embarrassment and apologies spilling forth in a torrent of words. Sameer, usually confident and composed, was now as flustered as Andreas.

Amidst the awkwardness and unintentional peep show, Selene felt a mixture of emotions – embarrassment, frustration, but also a flicker of jest. She sighed, realizing the bizarre situation they were in, and said, "Well, gentlemen, I believe this is the most interesting engagement party prelude I've ever experienced."

With a touch of humour in her voice, Selene turned her back to the two men in front of her and quickly dressed, her chuckles resonating in the moonlit forest. The impending doom of her freedom disguised as an engagement, her father's sizzling anger, and the expectations of tradition seemed a world away, at least for a moment. 

One thing is clear to her above all else, she has decided to take action. She will not sit idly while someone else writes her life for her, even if that person is her father.

Hi, good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Depending on what part of the world you are reading this.

My name is Samantha, my friends call me Sammy, you can call me Sammy.

I have a feeling, we might just get along well enough to be considered friends.

This is my first official dark fantasy novel on Webnovel.

I've come a long way since I first had the idea to write this story in 2019.

Now, I will do my due diligence to bring my story to life for the sake of you my dear reader.

It would greatly be appreciated by me if you could do me the favour of sharing my book with someone you think might enjoy this story.

Just 1 person is enough, if you can share with a lot of your friends that would make me elated, thank you in advance!

Lest I forget to say, thank you for clicking on my legendary story, I will do my best to make it worth your read.

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