
Who got Jealous?

Prof. placed his bag on the couch and walked to his table asking, "Are you prepared for the discussion?"

Eric quickly took the condom.

"You returned his jacket!" Prof. turned to May seeing a jacket placed on a chair.

May nodded as Eric tried to put it into his pocket but it slipped.

Prof. looked at it baffled, stepping forward he said, "Bringing it here, don't you feel ashamed?"

His words slowly turned harsh, Eric tried to speak but he didn't let him utter a word and kept on denigrating him.

May tried to explain as well, but it only fueled his anger, "Sir" May said once again.

"You stay out of it, Jane" Prof. shouted.

"It was mine" she closed her eyes and murmured.

A silence spread for a second, "Get out all of you" he breathed out heavily and said.

"Umm..I'm" May said after coming out, "I'm sorry."

Eric looked at her amusingly, "You should be." He smirked, "Its the first time I got yelled at for helping someone, you know."

"Who asked for your help?" May replied, "I would have handled it better."

Eric frowned his brows and said, "Really! Then what were you apologising for?"

"For the time I took to clear your name" she chuckled.

"You are full of your.." before Eric could finish his sentence a girl tapped his shoulder.

"Oh! You came" Eric looked at her surprisingly. She was a tall, beautiful girl with grey eyes, "How can't I?" she said with a big smile and hugged him.

"Lets go for a coffee" Reha said yawning after a class.

"Would you like to join us?" A guy named Kevin asked them pointing towards his other two friends.

"Sure" Sophie said looking towards May.

"Umm..I had to go to library with Bosco" May stood up and said, "You guys go and have fun."

Bosco is the most reserved person of the class who talks to noone but May, that too 'cause of May's persistence. She kept on bugging him until he started responding to her chatter.

"Why you lied to them? We had no prior plans" Bosco asked her on their way to library.

"Have you seen those guys? The way they were looking at us." May shook her head and said, "I don't like that kind of look in someone's eyes."

"You'll die single like this." Bosco sighed.

"Maybe" May flashed a sly grin, "but you definitely won't" she said, indicating a group.

"Guys! hurry up here." Ross waved his hand.

"Don't act like a fool, you'll lose your chance" Siza whispered.

Arichit chuckled, "He is so in love."

Eric turned around to see who they were talking about. 'May!..No wonder' he realized thinking about their ice breaking ceremony.

She came perkily and sat next to Ross, pulling Bosco beside her.

"Now I know why Ross didn't let us sit next to him." Siza teased, poking him with her pen.

"He was waiting for me" May bantered with her and said to Ross, "Weren't you?" batting her eyes.

"What was that!" Eric winced, "Can you please act normal?"

"Why?", she raised her brow and said, "Are you jealous?"

"In your dreams!" Eric started browsing again in his laptop.

Ross mouthed to May , 'Do something about him', as Bosco was engaged in his tab the whole time.

May responded, 'What can I do now? You do something yourself.'

Eric tried to ignore them but Siza and Arichit's giggling sounds irritated him even more.

"Get a room." He flipped the lid down and said.

Everyone looked at him in confusion, a girl hugged him from behind and said, "Caught you."

Eric almost jumped out of his chair and said, "Hey!" He took her hand and walked to the other side, "How did you know I am here?" She holded his arm and said, "I just knew."

"Who do you think needs to get a room?" Siza quipped seeing them hugging each other.

Arichit sighed and replied, "I don't know what was he thinking when he started dating her."

"Why? She's hot", Ross said, "Infact I feel jealous of him."

"But who is she?" May asked him after remembering, seeing her the other day.

"She is a frosh from HS group." Ross replied, "You guys don't know her."

"Yeah, I don't know her name is Arshi Sahaay" Bosco turned to May and said with straight face, "I never knew she is from design and craft department. And ofcourse I don't know she's dean's daughter, studied in sophians, ditched 6 guys in past 2 months, right now is the lead cheerleader and had her eyes on Eric from his first football match."

May smiled and turned to Ross, "Don't underestimate him."

Bosco stood up and pulled May, "Lets go for now."

"Wait" May followed him, "See you guys."

Ross looked at Arichit and Siza with a bright smile, "Was he jealous just now?"

They looked away saying, "You are happy at this! How hopeless."

But his happiness didn't last long as Bosco started avoiding him even more, not like he has shown him any interest before but now he won't even talk to May when Ross is around.

"May do something." Ross said standing outside her class.

"You know what senior" May said bluntly, "You should take responsibility of your words and talk to him yourself. Bosco is very sincere and he takes everything seriously, you need to understand it. Nothing good will happen by coming here everyday."

"Hey hey, easy now" Arichit patted her shoulder and said, "By the way you have to meet HS president by next week, ask her whatever you want to know regarding freshers." She nodded, "Thank you senior."

"Where is Eric?" Siza asked, "Hasn't he attended today's lecture?"

"Will be hiding somewhere in the corner with Arshi" Ross chuckled, May gave him a cold stare, "You can talk about other's business yet" and suddenly realized that she had to present an argument, "Oh no, he must have gone to Prof. Swan" she said.

"He calls you two everyday?" Siza asked with worried face.

"They have to report even on weekends" Arichit mocked them, "What is today's discussion about?"

"When will you be free" May said while checking the time, "I'm late! I'll get going now." and rushed to the office.

"If you are poor, no laws and rights can actually save you, you have freedom of speech but noone to hear you, you have freedom of opinion but noone to trust you. Infact if we see the reality, they can't even excercise their right to life." Eric said with serious expressions, "No matter how idealistic she sounds but the fact is, only Money and Power can make someone truly free."

"Its not idealism but the truth that we never confront to" May placed her clenched fist on the table and said, "Faith, dreams, promises, resposibilities all are another names for the chain we bind ourselves from. We say we want to be free but noone can ever be free, 'cause we always need something that can bind us to live our life."

Prof.was arranging his pens in order on the table the whole time, "So Eric" he looked up and said, "you want to say we are only free when we have enough money and power, and Miss May you think we can never be free!"

He paused and mixed all the pens, "You know! I feel sorry for the generation next to you, 'cause what you've got in your plates is your materialism and your pessimism to serve them."

He stood up saying, "And with opinions like this, you dare to ignore my lecture which might can help you broaden your horizons."

'Woah he holds grudges' Eric thought as he took his bag and walked to the door, "But sir" May called after him, he turned back as Eric added, "When do you think you will be free?"

"You are free from the moment you are born," he opened the door and smiled as he left, "noone can stop you or bind you without your consent."

"He hasn't said anything about tomorrow." May said to Eric while walking in the corridor, "Does that mean we won't be called from now on?"

"Who knows?" Eric replied, "I heard he never gives a day off."

"Maybe we are special" May quipped.

"If only he can see you talking like this" Eric chuckled, "He'll know you are not a pessimist but delusional."

May waved her hand and said, "Just get lost, your girl must be waiting.", "I asked her not to" Eric said briskly, "Why?" May asked.

"Why should I tell you?" Eric furrowed his brows and paced up.

'Yeah, like I care!' May whispered to herself while following him.

A big black car stopped in front of him and a lady who looked to be in her late 30's came out and hugged him, "Mrs. Hada" he said.

'What? He started dating someone else!' May looked at him suspiciously as he got into the car and drove off.

"You can't make any excuse now, we are going out tonight." Reha said May, after finishing her chat with some guys.

"I don't want to hang out with those guys" May grumbled, "You two can keep them company. I have to read this, so I'll be staying here" she said raising a novel.

"Instead of reading some romantic novels, how about working on your own love story?" Sophie thrown a pillow on her and said, "Kevin has asked so many times about you. Come on, they aren't that bad and its just about tonight."

Reha pushed May to get ready and said, "Its weekend, you can't say no."

There's a saying, 'Don't ask for the address you were never willing to go to.' May knew she can't keep up with those guys but Reha and Sophie were having so much fun in the club, that instead of spoiling their moods by just leaving she asked Bosco to her rescue.

"You need to learn how to socialise" Bosco said after ordering a drink.

"You are the last person I want to hear this from" May raised her brow and said, "And its not like I can't socialise, but Reha and Sophie are enjoying their company."

"What does that mean?" Bosco asked.

"It means I had to hold myself back from showing those guys a mirror. They have got no sense, no manners and I don't know what they think is cool about them?" May gasped out and looked around.

Bosco followed her gaze, "This club is closest to our university so most of our college students chill out here." He said leaning on his chair, "And at your 3 o'clock is..."

"Eww....why are they here?" May cut in after seeing Eric and Arshi kissing at one side of the club.

Before Bosco can say anything, "How about now?" Kevin came to May, "You said you'll dance afterwards." he smiled and said.

May looked at Reha and Sophie calling her to join them on the dance floor, "Actually I have the habit of stepping on other's foot while dancing."

"Even better, that means we'll be dancing close" He smirked.

"And in your case it won't be unintentional, I'm sure." May said with straight face, 'Just go away before I spoil this night for Reh and Soph'.

'I don't know you' Bosco mouthed to her in embarrassment.

"She's with me" Ross placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Oh! I see." Kevin went back to the dancefloor, while they laughed.

May had called Ross to help him one last time with Bosco but it was of no use, he wasn't talking to both of them.

'He won't talk to me in front of you' Ross murmured, 'If I'll go, he'll go' May whispered back while Bosco ordered another drinks.

At last they decided she'll act passed out after a few drinks and Ross can take the chance to talk to him. But as soon as she passed out Bosco asked Ross to take her back to the hostel.

"But she's totally passed out" Ross tried to convince him to stay in the club.

"She didn't drink much, so she'll be up in few minutes. I'll take her to my car, you inform her friends" he said.

"No." Ross said, "I'll take her. She must be heavy, you go and tell her friends."

"What are you doing?" May snapped when Bosco was gone. "Instead of sorting things out with him, you are lifting me, calling me heavy!"

"Don't yell, I'm nervous myself." Ross said while trying to lift her properly, "Thank goodness, you are not heavy" he sighed.

Before May could react, "Lets go" Bosco took out the car keys and said.

Ross nodded and followed him out, "Its too late at night, isn't it?" he said while walking in the parking lot.

Bosco nodded slightly and kept on moving ahead, she pinched Ross 'Say it! You idiot.'

"You know when I said I was jealous" he looked at him through the corner of his eyes and began, "I was actually jealous of the fact that they can hold each other in front of everyone. I wished I can too....I mean.... not in that sense..you know.."

Bosco smiled and opened the car's lock, "You are weird."

"I know" Ross chuckled nervously and stood near the car, "So...Will you.."

"What are you doing here?" Eric came frowning his brows.

"Oh hi!" Ross smiled thinly after seeing him, "You were here as well! We were just talking."

"Senior, Whats wrong with her?" He asked without listening to him, "Why are you holding her?"

"We are taking her back to her hostel." Ross smiled a little, "She passed out after drinking too much."

"You won't be allowed in her dorm, why don't you ask her friends to take her?" Eric said firmly.

"Yeah right" Bosco said, "We must ask them to do it."

'Stop him from spoiling Reha and Sophie's night' May whispered to Ross.

"Wait a second, she never drinks." Eric announced, after hearing her whisper.

Acting oblivious, "She doesn't! I had no clue" Ross put her down as she sighed and opened her eyes.

Bosco shook his head and said, "I should have known May by now."

May avoided his gaze and scowled at Eric, "Why you have to ruin things for me?"

"What were you trying to do?" Eric felt shocked as he said, "Faking it to cling on to someone like that! Have you lost your mind?"

"Look who is speaking?" May frowned at him, "I don't stick to someone like a superglue or follow someone all the time."

"You are the one to say" Bosco said leaning on his car.

"Don't say it in front of him" May yelled at him, "And you are different! You are way better than these geeks."

Eric stood apalled, 'When did she became a pro at flirting like this. Does she even knows she is flirting?'

"Well...since things are getting messier. Lets just leave for now." Ross came forward and said, "Eric! How about giving me a lift to my dorm? Bosco, you can drop her."

"Alright" Bosco opened his car's gate and pulled May by her arm, "Just get in now."

"I think right now" Eric looked at his hand holding May's arm and said, "I should be the one taking her to the hostel." 'I cannot trust her with any of you' he thought.

"She won't agree, lets just go." Ross mumbled to him.

"Thats perfect" May waved her hand and walked to Eric, "I'll go with him. And senior, Bosco will drop you."

Eric looked at her suspiciously, "Lets go" she smiled and started walking ahead.

'What is she planning now?' he thought as he followed her.

"Where is your gluestick gone?" she asked without turning back, "Won't she mind her boyfriend hitting on someone else like this?"

"Who is hitting on whom?" Eric retorted.

"Its going to be alright, right?" Ross asked Bosco, looking at them going to the other side.

"Yeah I hope" Bosco sighed.