
Right Angled Triangle

Raghav and Alisha are childhood friends. They are very close to each other and share everything. Raghav is a photographer while Alisha is a MBA student.

Raghav had applied for a training programme with one of the leading photographer and he gets selected. He hasn't spoken about his selection with alisha and he plans to give her a surprise by telling about his selection. He calls her to meet.

Raghav is late. but when he reaches he finds that alisha is talking to a girl. The girl is Surbhi. Surbhi was Alisha's classmate in school. Raghav has fallen for surbhi.

He goes to alisha and alisha is shouting at her for being late. Then Surbhi ask where he is the same raghav about whom she would speak in school.

Alisha then says yes and introduces raghav to surbhi.

Surbhi is about to leave but raghav insists her to stay. she stays and they have a good time.

Raghav has not yet told alisha about the training programme.

Raghav goes to his place and opens the social networking site and suddenly there is friend request from Surbhi.

He accepts and they start chatting. Raghav has changed alot and he is fully into surbhi now and also starts ignoring Alisha.

Alisha is very much angry with raghav for this kind of behavior. Then alisha visits raghav's place. He is now telling alisha about surbhi and what all they have been doing recently.

Suddenly Alisha gets hold of the letter and read everything. Alisha asks raghav about his plans and he then remembers that he has forgetten to tell her about his training.

Then suddenly Surbhi calls Raghav . alisha tells him to put the phone on speaker. It is then that surbhi proposes her.

this makes alisha even more angry that his best friend has now started hiding things for her. he leaves.

The next day raghav meet surbhi and they spend sometime together. Raghav tells her that alisha is angry with him. Surbhi has never liked Alisha. so she uses this moment to spark hatred between alisha and raghav. she lies to raghav about alisha ( detailed in the scene).

raghav is furios and calls her and abuses her. He even says her to never show him her face.

Alisha is upset. She is crying and scrolling their pics. Alisha has always liked Raghav. Alisha even tries to call raghav but he rejects all her calls.

After few days. Surbhi and Raghav are out somewhere and suddenly they meet a guy. he is surbhi's friend. They introduce and talk a little. Then suddenly The Friends asks surbhi whether he is alisha's raghav? and then see answers yes and he says wow tune to jo bola kr dia. This bring a ackward expression on raghav's and Surbhi's face. They leave and then raghav asks what was this and what was his friend speaking. she says that he was joking but raghav is not convinced.

He goes home. he calls alisha but her number is switched off. He goes to his place and asks his mother where she is. she says that she has gone out and will be here in sometime. She asks him to wait.

Raghav is waiting in Alisha's room. He gets hold of Alisha's dairy which is lying on the bed. he turns a few pages and then starts reading it. He read everything and gets to about her feelings. He takes the dairy with himself.

Alisha's mother informs alisha that raghav had come looking for her. She is a bit surprised. She goes to her room and looks for the diary but couldn't find it.

She knows that raghav might have taken it.

She calls raghav but he rejects the call. she goes to his place and she comes to know that he is in the same place where they both used to go.

she goes to that place and find that surbhi is sitting there alone. Surbhi approached and apologised for lying to raghav.

Alisha asks where is raghav and surbhi answers that go ahead you will find her.

Raghav is sitting with a bottle ( daru ki bottle) and speaking to himself . He is actually not drunk but is only acting as a drunkard. Alisha sees that and slaps him. Raghav is shocked ans starts fighting with her( friendly and cute fight)

And suddenly he takes out the dairy for under his shirt and gives it to alisha. alisha is feeling very discomforted. Raghav holds his hands and asks her why did she never tell him about her feelings? Alisha starts crying and hugs him and speaks her heart out. Raghav consoles her and proposes her. She is still crying and say yes.