
Rigged Reincarnation With SSS Rank Talent.

unknown_apple · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Guardian of the Eclipse


Accessories: Ring

Rank: Bronze

Level: 4

Attributes: Intellect +20, Defense +15

Effect: There is a 20% chance to reflect 40% of the damage taken.



Equipment: Chestplate

Rank: Bronze

Level: 8

Attributes: Defense +30, Vitality +25

Effect: There is a 20% chance to increase defence by 30% when the user's HP is less than 50%.



Equipment: Boot

Rank: Bronze

Level: 8

Attributes: Agility +30, Stamina +25

Effect: When the user is sneaking or moving silently, it reduces the noise they make by 10%.When activated, the user gains a temporary boost to their agility and movement speed, allowing them to move 50% faster and more gracefully than before. This effect can be used once every 10 seconds.



Equipment: Helmet

Rank: Bronze

Level: 8

Attributes: Defense +30, Vitality +25

Effect: When the user's MP is below 15%, it restores 20% of their MP.



Equipment: Amulet

Rank: Bronze

Level: 8

Attributes: Intellect +30, Strength +25

Effect: Increases the user's mana regeneration rate by 10%.


As Ignis used his talent, his body shimmered like a disco ball at a rave. Each time he activated his talent on an item, it glowed with a brilliant aura that would make even a jeweller jealous.

And as he watched his equipment being enchanted by his talent and its effect, Ignis couldn't resist the urge to bust a move. He did a dance that looked like a cross between the robot and the moonwalk, leaving the rest of the group in awe of his moves.

The group was also in awe of how Ignis was shining moments ago.

Hannah couldn't resist the urge to dance when she saw Ignis shining like a disco ball. "I love dancing!"

Ethyn, who knew why Ignis was shining and happy, was taken aback by his dance because it was the first time he had ever danced, and he was quite good at it.

She went towards Ignis to remind him to use his talent on her equipment too.

"Ignis, do it on..."




Ethyn strutted towards Ignis with a confident air, ready to make her request known, but before she could even open her mouth, three explosions rocked the partially opened dome. Well, scratch that; it was now fully opened, and the shockwaves could be felt across the battlefield. It was like the dome was saying, "You thought I was fragile? Think again, suckers!"

Rex, being the action man he was, quickly summoned a shield to protect himself and Kate, but he was only able to create a small one due to the suddenness of the explosions.

Unfortunately, his reaction time to the explosions was miraculous for his level and combat experience, and the shockwave reached the rest of the group before he could do anything else.

Ignis acted on instinct and grabbed Hannah, using his quick reflexes to dive down and shield her from the shockwave of the sudden explosion. He held her close to his chest, feeling her heart pounding rapidly against his body. "Don't worry; I've got you," he whispered reassuringly. Hannah, who was initially startled by the sudden movement, slowly relaxed in Ignis's arms and felt safe.

Ethyn, who was strutting towards Ignis with confidence, had to quickly duck down and was flung away like a ragdoll by the explosive shockwave. After a moment of being tossed around like a bean bag, she managed to regain her composure, stabilize herself, and sit in a similar position as Ignis, letting her back face the shockwave.

Everyone was somewhat safe from the explosion, but poor Zen couldn't catch a break. With his lack of protection and general weakness, he was flung away like a ragdoll and slammed hard into a nearby tree, leaving him looking like a squirrel stuck in a birdhouse.

The power of the shockwave alone was enough to overwhelm the group. The magnitude of this explosion even gave the battlefield a new look. It looked even worse than when Madara dropped two meteors out of nowhere.

The shockwave kept going for more than a minute.

The deafening silence that followed the explosion was almost more unnerving than the blast itself. The once chaotic landscape was now a wasteland of destruction and more chaos. Trees that had stood tall for decades were now shattered and scattered like toothpicks.

The ground was littered with debris and rubble, and the air was thick with the acrid smell of smoke and burnt earth. It was clear that the blast had originated from the partially opened dome, but the sheer force of the shockwave had reached the group with a vengeance, leaving them all shaken and disoriented.

Even in this situation, when the group had lost some HP while saving themselves from the explosion, there was one person who was searching for someone frantically the moment the shockwaves subsided.


Kate's heart was pounding in her chest as she frantically searched for Zen amidst the chaos and destruction. Her eyes strained through the thick dust and debris, desperately scanning for any sign of her missing friend. The gravity of the situation was not lost on her, and every passing second felt like an eternity as she scoured the area for any trace of Zen.


But soon, in this chaotic situation, she heard a scream. She quickly ran towards the person who screamed, as she could easily tell this shout was from Hannah.

She ran in this dust and debris, and soon she reached the location from which the scream came.

Her face, which was pale from the anxiety she felt from not being able to find out what was going on, grew even paler as she saw Hannah holding the unconscious Zen's hand, but the main reason for her face becoming even paler was that she could see a large branch coming out of Zen's body and that he was constantly losing HP.

"He's not going to die," came the irritated voice of Ignis. "Just take that branch out and give him some healing potions, and he'll be fine."

Kate turned to face Ignis, who was looking at her with an annoyed expression as if she had committed a common rookie mistake.

Kate didn't respond and proceeded to do as Ignis said, and soon Hannah helped her remove the branch and gave Zen some healing potions.

Kate and Hannah managed to remove the branch and give Zen the necessary potions, much to Ignis's annoyance, who probably thought that it was a piece of cake. Ignis couldn't help but roll his eyes at the amateurs' work and muttered something under his breath.

But soon, Ignis shifted his attention towards the direction of the dome. Even though he couldn't see it due to the thick layer of dust, debris, and darkness, he was confident that the guardian was ready to show off its real power after the explosion. Ignis knew that the party was in for a real treat, and he couldn't help but crack a smirk at the thought.

Several minutes passed, and the silence on the battlefield was only broken by the occasional sound of someone checking on Zen.

The group had gathered around him, and Ignis was busy examining Ethyn's longbow. He had already used his talent on it, but he still hadn't revealed anything to the group.

Although he could tell the group's talent from his deduction, as the group heavily fought using their talent,

The dust and debris around the area settled after some time passed.

The indifferent silence was still in the air.

The silence was broken by a low, ominous hum that filled the area. It was a sound that made the group's skin crawl and their hearts beat faster with fear.

"What...what is that sound?" Hannah stuttered, her hands shaking uncontrollably.

The hum grew louder and more intense, causing Rex to gulp audibly. His face was contorted in fear, and he looked as if he wanted to run away as fast as possible.

Kate and Ethyn tightened their grips on their weapons, ready to defend themselves against whatever horror was causing the unsettling noise. The sound was so unsettling that it made their blood run cold and their minds race with fear.

Ignis, on the other hand, fixed his gaze in the direction of the humming, and upon seeing something enormous, he activated his appraisal abilities. The moment he did that, his expression grew grave, and his whole demeanour became serious. He looked towards the information that he received from the appraisal and muttered, in a sombre voice, "The Guardian of the Eclipse."