
Rigged Reincarnation With SSS Rank Talent.

unknown_apple · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Hollow Vine

After a brief moment of silence, the woman spoke in a composed voice, "It appears that he does not belong to any of the singularities."


The moment Hasser Blade and Glaiveboy heard this piece of information, they were both shocked to their teeth.

Remaining unfazed by their reactions, the woman spoke in a composed manner: "As one of the top 10 players, I have access to the status of other players from the ranking, I can see their affiliation with the -1 floor. However, this player is from an unaffiliated planet."

Recovering from his initial shock, Hasser Blade quickly chimed in, "Every new server brings many unaffiliated planet players, and if he's one of those newbies from an unaffiliated planet? That means..."

The woman continued his sentence "There will be various groups vying for his attention or seeking to eliminate him."

She then continued, "The location of the hidden dungeon will be revealed shortly through the map."

"We must be cautious, as there will be other players seeking to find and recruit him, given that he's from an unaffiliated planet," she added.

"Didn't he get the Legacy as a reward?" "That just gives more incentive for other groups to poach him or even kill him, right?" Hasser Blade spoke in on the discussion.

The woman gave a small nod and replied, "Indeed, this puts us in a delicate situation." "We must secure the player and the legacy and make sure no one else gets their hands on them, but we must remain cautious of the "Extremists" and ensure that they do not acquire this player."

The word "Extremists" brought a sour taste to three of them, and their demeanour showed a hint of hesitation and fear.

The group knew that they had a valuable asset in their possession, and the last thing they wanted was for it to fall into the wrong hands.

The word "Extremists" had always been a trigger for them, bringing back memories of past encounters that had left them scarred. They knew that these individuals would stop at nothing to get what they wanted, and they couldn't afford to let their guard down.

"Hold on, hold on… we can take his legacy if we kill him, right?" Glaiveboy, confused by the conversation going on, asked.

Both the woman and Hasser Blade nodded simultaneously, and before Glaiveboy could continue, the woman interrupted as if knowing what Glaiveboy's concerns were.

"We may be able to obtain the legacy he acquired, but if he is as skilled as he seems to be in obtaining a divine item and soloing a dungeon, we could potentially lose a valuable ally."

The woman's interruption caught Glaiveboy off guard.

But her words made sense. If this person was truly as powerful as they seemed, then losing them as an ally could be a huge blow to their cause. Glaiveboy nodded in agreement, acknowledging the woman's point.

He couldn't help but wonder who this person was and how the hell he was so lucky. Perhaps it would be worth reaching out to them and trying to form an alliance instead of simply taking what they had inherited.

After all, having a strong ally could make all the difference in their fight.

'As sharp as ever,' Hasser Blade approved of the method in his thoughts, 'and that's why she is the best of our planet, Hollow Vine.'

As he recalled the name by which his lady goes, he had a bittersweet expression: 'I still don't know why the lady uses this name.'

"But we are not sure he'll join us, or he has already been in touch with some different organisation." Glaiveboy again raised his concerns.

"You moron!" Hasser Blade slapped the back of Glaiveboy's head and then spoke, ,"Say positive, will ya?"

Glaiveboy kept rubbing the back of his head. He just nodded and didn't react, but bubbles of tears were coming from his eyes.

Neglecting Glaiveboy's theatrics, Hasser Blade spoke, "Assuming this player's achievements are legitimate, their potential to tip the scales in any conflict is immense."

"It's not unusual for a player to break the balance of power by achieving something extraordinary. We've seen it happen on previous servers, where one player's bizarre achievements catapulted them to the top, on par with singularities.

And you know what they all have in common? They achieved some really bizarre and amazing things."

The woman named Hollow Vine intertwined,

"We cannot afford to have any anomalies joining the singularities or forming their own factions. It would go against our mission and potentially lead to disastrous consequences,"

"It is better to have such variables as allies than not have them at all."

Hollow Vine looked at Hasser Blade and spoke, "Prepare your team and go all out on this one; either he's ours or dead."

With a reverent fist salute to Hollow Vine, Hasser Blade swiftly ascended the nearby tree, disappearing into the shadows of the forest canopy as he scanned his surroundings.

The five lines on the ground were oblivious to the presence of a sixth line, which stealthily weaved through the trees alongside the group. These players were distinct as they all wielded daggers and concealed their identities with black masks.

Clad in black masks and armed with daggers, the team was undaunted by Hasser Blade's sudden appearance. He signalled them with deft hand movements, and the group sprang into action, save for a few scouts who remained behind to survey the area.

Hollow Vine then looked towards Glaiveboy and spoke, "Glaive, order them to move fast; we have wasted enough time as it is, it's time for hunting."

Glaiveboy acknowledged and ordered the squad, and everyone started moving fast.

"No one will be affecting our liberty." As Hollow Vine turned around and started walking, she mumbled to herself with heavy killing intent in her dark eyes, "Or I'll erase their existence."

- - -

Players across different regions of the Avanti Kingdom discussed the announcement and reached the same conclusion: they must locate the lucky player and either recruit them or eliminate them for good.

"How the hell did this player do this, and how skilled does he have to be to be able to pull this off this early in this world?"

"Are you crazy? I bet my bronze-ranked equipment that he's just lucky to be able to find something we have only heard in stories."

"I bet soon we'll learn of him being killed by big organizations or guilds."

"Haha... Of course, he even got the legacy as a reward. This guy is the biggest target for many powerful guilds."

And just in a few seconds, player Ignis became the sensation and every big group's aim.