
Rigged Reincarnation With SSS Rank Talent.

unknown_apple · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Fighting With Unique Monster (3)


The eclipsian guardian who heard the cry of pain from the maggot had a smirk on its face. Without even giving them a chance to recover properly, it again started moving towards the little maggots.

Meanwhile Ignis, who was lost in emotions, suddenly jolted from his stupor as he flung on the guardian's body. Holding his kusarigama, he was swinging in an arc as the guardian started moving towards the girls.

As he realised how he had suddenly wandered off in his emotions when his group needed him, he formed a mocking expression on his face and thought, 'I still have a long way to go!'

Thinking of this and remembering that Ethyn was badly injured, he quickly used his humma-summa brain and sent Kate 1000 system points, telling her to buy an advance level health potion for Ethyn as, from the pained cry, he could tell that the injury would not be minor and could not be healed by basic level health potions.

As the weight of the boulder came crushing down on Ethyn's legs, she felt an excruciating pain that left her screaming and crying out in agony. The pain was so intense that it felt like her legs were being crushed into dust, and she felt as if every single bone in her lower limbs was splintering and breaking apart.

The tears flowed freely down her face as she clutched at her legs, desperate for some relief from the torment that wracked her body. It was a pain that made her wish for unconsciousness or even death, just to escape the agony that she was enduring.

Kate, who had just rushed to Ethyn's side, had a very complicated expression on her face. As she saw Ethyn suffering, she quickly took action, and using her full strength, she removed the big boulder from Ethyn's leg.

She could see Ethyn's face, which was covered with tears, snot, and bruises from the pain caused by the heavy boulder. Ethyn's legs were bent in a difficult position, but none of her bones were broken, which surprised her.

She then received a message from Ignis and did as he told her and tended to Etyn, preparing to take her somewhere else as Etyn would not be able to fight.

She could also see the monster rushing towards them at a steady pace.

She fed Ethyn the advance rank health potion, whose fragrance was as beautiful as the bugs but had better effects.

Ethyn, who finally found a bit of relief, suddenly fell unconscious. Her face was contorted with pain, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

Kate quickly rose to her feet, grabbed her silver-rank claymore, and positioned the boulder to protect Ethyn.

Her eyes burned with determination as she fixed her gaze on the eclipsian guardian, which was now in the middle of the battlefield, not close to any side of the unconscious ones. Kate had only one thought in her mind: the destruction of this monster. Driven by her nature, she was determined to see it through to the bitter end.

Meanwhile, Ignis had regained his balance on the guardian's back and was attacking with reckless abandon. His kusarigama whirled through the air, striking the monster's tough hide with fierce blows. The sound of metal meeting flesh echoed across the battlefield, punctuated by the eclipsian guardian's furious roars.

Kate charged forward, her silver-ranked claymore blazing with orange flames.

The eclipsian stopped running as it received damage from a maggot on its back. It was now preparing to leap into the air to shake off the maggot on its back and use one of its skills.

but it was at that moment.

The monster's back and leg regions started heating up, with the temperature rising rapidly. It was beyond hot—it was scorching.

Ignis had reached the neck back of the monster, where Ethyn had previously struck, and was lancing his skill [stinger].

Kate, on the other hand, had reached the monster's right leg and unleashed her [Inferno] talent. She gritted her teeth in concentration as she channelled a bit of power into the attack, her infernal flame ready to judge the enemy.

The guardian, feeling the scorching heat, motioned to pick up boulders, but the attacks were much faster and struck on its leg and neck, causing it to lose its balance.





Falling, the eclipsian guardian roared loudly.

Ignis jumped from the neck and landed on the ground, again using his deadly precision attack on the monster.

Kate stood on one knee, panting, as using just a bit of the power caused her stamina to deplete quickly.

Ignis, on the other hand, didn't let this chance slip and saw that the monster was again bheaving in the same way as it was bheaving while dying last time, not moving or taking action.

Ignis frowned, but without stopping, he continued to attack and checked the monster's HP.


Ignis frowned even more. 'Why the fuck it's behaving like this now ?' he thought, but there was no slowing down on his attack speed.

Soon Kate too got up and started attacking the monster, saying to Ignis in a tired tone, "It might be preparing for something again."

"It is, and don't use that move again and again; we don't know when others will wake up or how long this fight will last; try to conserve your stamina and disturb its move, and leave the heavy damage part to me," Ignis replied.

Kate nodded and felt a bit awkward, as no one had ever ordered her like this, but through this she could see that Ignis was taking many things into account.

As they attacked, the guardian's health dropped below 6,000.

The moment it happened, there was a sudden burst of mana and rocks that erupted from the eclipsian guardian. The ground shook violently, and the air was filled with dust and debris.

Kate and Ignis were both thrown back by the force of the explosion, but they managed to regain their balance quickly.

As the dust gradually settled, the group's eyes widened in shock as they beheld the transformed eclipsian guardian. Its appearance was more menacing and formidable than before, with a furious and frustrated roar emanating from its core.

"Damn it all!" Ignis cursed, his fists clenched tightly. Kate nodded in agreement, her expression rigid and tense.

The eclipsian guardian had now reconfigured its two lower hands into formidable shields, while its upper hand had taken on the form of a sharp, deadly blade.

The eclipsian guardian, now more dangerous than ever, wasted no time in retaliating. It stomped its shield into the ground, causing a massive shockwave of compressed mana to explode towards the ground. The impact was so powerful that it ripped apart the ground, causing a huge chasm to form and sending large stones hurtling towards the duo.


Kate and Ignis barely had time to react as they were forced to dodge the incoming barrage of rocks. Kate rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding a boulder that would have crushed her. Ignis, on the other hand, jumped into the air, flipping backwards to avoid the stones.

As the dust settled, the duo regained their composure and readied their weapons for the next attack.

"What the hell is with this thing?" "It's like a damn transformer," Ignis cursed under his breath, sweat beading on his forehead.

Kate nodded grimly. "We have to get in close; this thing can't handle close combat in its massive form."

"And how many damn skills does it have?" Ignis muttered, frustration lacing his voice.

"We can't afford to find out," Kate said firmly. "Let's go. You take the left, I'll take the right."

"Got it," Ignis said, grinning in spite of the danger. "Meet you on the other side."

The two charged towards the guardian from opposite sides, determined to take it down before it could use any more of its deadly skills.

Both Kate and Ignis charged towards the eclipsian guardian from opposite directions, determination etched on their faces. Ignis readied his skill [stinger], while Kate gripped her claymore tightly, the orange flames still flickering along the blade.

The eclipsian guardian wasted no time in retaliating, slamming its shield into the ground once again. The resulting blast caused boulders to hurtle towards both of them.

"Fuck!" Ignis cursed as he swiftly dodged and jumped onto one of the boulders to increase his momentum. He aimed his skill at the monster on the left, hoping to break through its defense.

However, the guardian was quick to react and used its single shield to block the attack, taking no damage.

Kate had already reached the monster's right side and unleashed a fierce attack with her claymore, causing the guardian to stumble. Ignis quickly took advantage of the opening and attacked the monster's back with a flurry of strikes.

The duo engaged the monster in close-quarters combat.

Ignis quickly took advantage of the monster's lack of close combat abilities and began attacking it with his deadly kusarigama, aiming for weak points with precise strikes. The monster, unable to defend itself, was battered and bruised by Ignis's relentless assault.

Frustrated and enraged, the monster once again attempted to use its shield to stomp the ground, but this time Ignis and Kate were prepared. They quickly climbed up the monster's body, evading the boulders that were launched towards them.

The monster tried to shake them off, but Ignis and Kate held on tight with their weapons, refusing to let go. They were determined to bring this unique monster down.