
Rigged Reincarnation With SSS Rank Talent.

unknown_apple · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Ancient Classes

As the group slowly stirred awake, a sense of gloom descended upon them at the sight of Kate's missing arm, leaving them feeling helpless and despondent. Tears stained Hannah's cheeks as she wished she had the courage to use her talent to prevent Kate's injury. Rex and Zen couldn't even meet Kate's gaze, feeling ashamed of their weakness in the face of such adversity.

Kate, who didn't blame anyone for her condition, looked rather helpless, which further dampened the group's mood.

Ignis and Ethyn, who saw the group waking up, went towards them to meet them. As Ignis and Ethyn approached the group, the dark room began to tremble and shake, as if an earthquake had suddenly struck. Suddenly, the entire room was filled with a blinding light, causing everyone to shield their eyes. It was as if the very fabric of reality had been ripped apart.

"So, you all finally woke up?" spoke an old, lazy, and powerful voice that seemed to age with the universe. It didn't sound male or female but rather neutral, as if it transcended human categories of gender.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound, towards the throne, where they could see an old man who looked to be in his 60s; with a long white beard and white hair, he wasn't sitting on the throne but standing aside it.

He was looking at the group lazily and spoke again: "So someone finally killed that defect."

The group looked at the lazy old man with a stark expression as he spoke lazily.

Without waiting for the group, the lazily speaking old man continued speaking: "You young ones have killed that defect; you all now have the chance to choose from the ancient class and the chance to go to the -1 floor of the tower."

"Where?" The moment Ignis heard the last part, he shouted as if what he heard made his whole life a joke.

The old man looked displeased at Ignis's sudden shout, and he looked towards Ignis, and after some time the old man spoke up, "The -1 floor of the tower."

Ignis looked shocked, as he hadn't heard anything like this in his previous life, and the group looked as if they had no clue what was going on.

The old man looked as if he was too lazy to give any answers, but he still spoke the words that the group was worried about. "That is the only floor that would have the cure for your curse."

The moment everyone heard this, they all focused their attention on the old man.

The old man's lazy tone suddenly shifted to a more serious one as he began to explain the complexity of the situation. "The name of your curse is not something that can be shared freely, nor can its cure be found on any of the normal floors of this tower. You will have to go to the -1 floor, which is connected to the entire region of your galaxy. That means any living being in your galaxy can access it, but only under specific conditions."

He paused for a moment to let his words sink in before continuing, "There are four servers located throughout the -1 floor in your galaxy. But be warned, these are old servers and contain many powerful beings. To this day, none of the four servers has been fully explored or mapped, and they are each a world unto themselves."

The old man continued, "However, there is a catch. Your planet is not registered on the -1 floor of the tower, which means you will have to establish a guild for your planet to be eligible for registration, or you could just affiliate yourself with one of the registered planets, but they will have their terms, and I don't think you would want to sell your planet just like that and come under someone's command."

He paused for a moment, his eyes scanning the group. "But I must warn you, building a guild in such a situation won't be easy. You will face many challenges and obstacles, especially if any of the other organisations find out that you are an unaffiliated planet resident and about your intentions to use the resources on the -1 floor... you all could guess the result."

The old man's words hung heavy in the air, but he continued with a sense of urgency. "But you have no other choice. The cure for your curse cannot be found on any of the normal floors of the tower. And as for the information about your curse, I can tell you that you have only one month left."

The moment he said those words, Hannah cried out in alarm, "What do you mean by only one month?"

Everyone looked towards the old man for answers.

The old man shook his head as if he had already told them enough and continued, "I can not provide any further information; please choose your classes. "

Without caring for the group's expression, the old man sent everyone a notification about choosing their class.

The group, which had just endured a gruelling battle and been afflicted by the mysterious curse, appeared even more despondent upon hearing the new information.

Ignis put all the information that he had in the back of his head and looked towards Ethyn to confirm if she could feel that the old man was lying, as her talent would let her feel if someone was lying.

Ethyn, who understood what Ignis' looks meant, spoke in a low voice. "All true."

Ignis nodded in understanding, acknowledging the veracity of the information shared, and felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of exploring the new floor and discovering the differences between the ancient and normal classes. He turned towards the group and suggested, "Let's prioritize selecting our classes first and then delve into the details of the information."

Everyone heard and looked towards him. The person who had fought the monster the most, been affected by it the most, and had his arm chopped off had a normal expression. Despite the gravity of his injuries, he maintained a calm expression, but the excitement in his body language was apparent, almost as if the ordeal had energised him.

They all nodded. Kate too spoke up with a dry voice due to the pain: "Let's select the classes first."

And soon everyone could see three classes on their interface.


Watcher Class: Ancient Warrior and Dark Knight Hybrid

Description: The Watcher class is a unique hybrid of the ancient warrior and dark knight, combining the strength and battle prowess of the warrior with the dark powers and magic of the knight. As a Watcher, you are a formidable force on the battlefield, able to wield your weapons with deadly precision while also calling upon dark magic to aid you in combat.

Abilities: (Only two can be chosen.)

Battle Prowess: As a Watcher, you have the strength and skill of an ancient warrior, able to wield heavy weapons and armor with ease. You are a master of close combat, able to deal devastating damage to your foes and withstand even the most brutal attacks.

Dark Aura: The watcher can shroud themselves in a dark aura, causing fear in their enemies and empowering their own attacks. This aura can also drain the life force from nearby enemies, giving the watcher even more power.

Weapon Mastery: The Watcher is a master of all types of weapons, from swords to axes to spears. They can use their knowledge and skill to wield any weapon with deadly accuracy and can even enhance their weapons with magical abilities.

Blood Magic: The watcher can tap into their own life force to enhance their attacks and spells. By sacrificing some of their own health, the watcher can deal increased damage, heal themselves, or even create a blood shield to protect themselves and their allies.


Walker Class: Ancient Mage and Rogue Hybrid

Description: The Walker is a master of arcane magic and stealthy tactics, combining the ancient knowledge of mages with the cunning of a rogue. With their mysterious and enigmatic nature, they are equally at home in the shadows or at the centre of attention.

Abilities: (Only two can be chosen.)

Arcane Trickster: The Walker can use their magic to create illusions, misdirect foes, and hide in plain sight. They can also use their rogue skills to pick locks, disarm traps, and infiltrate secure locations.

Shadowstep: The Walker can teleport short distances, leaving behind a cloud of darkness that obscures their movements. This allows them to quickly close in on an enemy or escape from danger.

Curse of the Arcane: The Walker can use their magic to curse their enemies, weakening them and causing them to take increased damage. They can also place a curse on objects or locations, causing misfortune and bad luck to befall those who encounter them.

Arcane Blades: The Walker can imbue their weapons with arcane power, enhancing their damage and allowing them to pierce through defenses. They can also create spectral blades that can strike from a distance, cutting down enemies before they can even get close.


Witcher Class: Curse and Dark Mage Hybrid

Description: The Witcher class is a powerful combination of the Curse and Dark Mage classes, giving you the ability to control the battlefield through powerful curses and destructive magic. As a Witcher, you are a feared opponent, able to weaken your enemies with powerful curses and finish them off with devastating spells.

Abilities: (Only two can be chosen.)

Curses: As a Witcher, you have the ability to curse your enemies with a variety of debilitating effects, from weakening their attacks and defenses to sapping their strength and willpower. Your curses can make even the strongest of enemies vulnerable, allowing you to take them down with ease.

Dark Magic: The Witcher is also highly skilled in the art of Dark Magic, using it to deal massive damage to enemies and create powerful barriers to protect yourself and your allies. You can use Dark Magic to summon dark creatures to fight alongside you and unleash devastating spells that can decimate entire groups of enemies.

Life Drain: As a Witcher, you have the ability to drain the life force of your enemies to heal yourself and your allies. You can use this ability to stay in the fight longer and keep your team alive, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Corruption: The Witcher is able to harness the power of corruption, using it to corrupt the land around you and weaken your enemies. You can corrupt the dead and summon corrupted creatures to fight alongside you.
