
Rigel, the little star

After losing her father, Rigel became an adopted sister of seven noble men. She was loved and adored being the youngest amongst them all. But what will she do when she came to know that the people she trusted the most have been lying to her all this time?

poeteuphoric · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Rigel, daddy might not be able keep his promise this time. If that happens, you've to stay strong and follow what the Astradas say, okay?" It was the first time when father seemed to be doubtful and his words put my heart at unease. Otherwise, he would always leave the house in confidence of coming back even when there was no guarantee. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, still there was no news from father. As a daughter of a leader of knights, I never knew if I would be able to see my father again every time he left the house.

Last time I received letter from father, he said that the war was going to end soon. After that I got no news of him or the troop that went for the war. "Anna, daddy is fine, right?" I looked at the empty night sky, no stars and no moon. Anna was there with me since I was 5 years old. For the world, she might be a maiden but for me, she is like my mother. She took care of me and comforted me whenever father was away. "Miss Rigel, don't worry Sir Ain is a very brave warrior. He has never lost any battle. Please take care of yourself and rest well. When he comes back, he won't be happy to see you in this state." With those relieving words from Anna, I was finally able to sleep with ease; not knowing what next morning was going to bring.

I woke up in the morning and was practising sword fighting before breakfast. "Miss Rigel, there's a messenger sent by the Emperor waiting for you inside."

"I'll go and dress up properly to greet him. Please take good care of him until then", I put back my sword in it's sheath and rush towards my room. Putting on a formal dress, I walked to the room where the man was sitting. He stood up as soon as I entered and walked towards me. "Greetings to General Ain's daughter! I feel extremely bad to be here with such an awful news. The Emperor is holding funeral for the knights who lost their lives at the battlefield. Unfortunately, your father too-" I cut him in the middle of his sentence. Grabbing the sword that was hanging on the wall, I kept it at his neck. "I may be young but I can use this sword as swiftly as my father does. Say another word and you won't ever be able to open that dirty mouth of yours!"

"Miss Rigel, please calm down." Anna took the sword from my hand. At that moment I just wanted to break down into tears. This cannot happen, it can't be true. I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes. "I'll come with you", I said softly. I had lost all my anger in just a second assuming it to be true. Without father, I am nothing.

It took us 5 hours to reach the Emperor's palace. The gates opened letting us in. I was made to sit in a room as they said that the Emperor wanted to see me before the tribute for the warriors started. The voice of the door creaking open startled me. It wasn't the Emperor but a man whom I suppose to be in his early twenties. Dressed up in a black coat with golden embroidery, a shining broch on his pocket. Buttons with studded diamonds and expensive jewelry on his neck and hands. "Kelson, I heard that Ain's daughter is here?", he asked the man who escorted me earlier.

"Yes, your highness. This miss here is General Ain's daughter", he pointed towards me. "Hello miss, my name is Jin Astrada, the only prince of the Astrada Empire", he flaunted. No wonder he has such a strong aura. Handsome face, long hair done nicely, smile brighter than the sun, who else can hold such beauty other than the Prince. "Greetings to the Prince of Astrada. My name is Rigel Armanto, it's an honor to meet you in person after hearing your praises from father", I bowed. "Ah, the brightest star in the galaxy. Ain gave you a pretty name indeed. I didn't knew that he had this big daughter. How old are you?"

"I am 13 years old."

"Hail to the Emperor!", the guard announced and everybody's heads hanged low as the Emperor walked into the room with grace. "Long live our majesty", I muttered as he stood in front of me. "You can get your head straight little girl", he said. His crown glittered and a humble smile on his face as he looked at me. "Ain was a brave and loyal man. I am very upset with his death. I know I can't compensate for your loss, but I would like to take your responsibility from now on", he offered.

I had promised father to stay strong and follow his path. I want to cry so much now but I can't. I followed the Emperor and the Prince to the hall of funeral. I saw father lying in a coffin, wearing a neat white and blue uniform. He looked handsome as always. I waited for the soldiers to finish their tribute so that I could finally have a closer look at him.

I sat next to his coffin and touched his face. I couldn't hold my tears anymore as if I had been holding in ocean full of them. "Da-daddy, I should've held you a little longer before you left. I never said it but I really love you a lot daddy. I am sorry that I couldn't keep my promise. I can't stay strong for you were my strength, without you I feel lost", I cried hugging him for the last time.

I spent that night at the palace. I couldn't fall asleep as the memories of times that I spent with daddy kept on playing in my head.


"Anna, please prepare my best outfit and tie up my hair beautifully. I want to welcome daddy looking all pretty." I took a bath while Anna was busy doing the task I gave her. I am so happy that father is finally coming back after a month. He had been at the capital with the Emperor.

After getting ready I helped Anna to prepare the feast for daddy. I stood outside the house waiting for him to arrive. I could see his tall figure riding the horse from far away. My excitement grew as I saw him. "Anna, daddy's almost there!", I beamed jumping and clapping out of happiness.

As soon as he jumped off his horse, I ran into his arms and he lifted me up. "You look so cute in this dress", he smiled pinching my cheeks. "I wanted to look pretty for daddy, that's why I wore it, hehe!" He kissed my cheek and entered the house with me still in his arms. After finishing our meal, we sat in his room whilst talking about his journey. "This is the gift I bought for you when we went to the jewels street. I wanted to buy the one with blue diamond because it looked like the star I named you after. I am sorry I couldn't buy it because it was expensive." I smiled looking at the necklace which had a transparent diamond studded in it's pendent. I was mesmerised in it's beauty.

"It's alright daddy, I really loved it. Thank you so much, I'll take good care of it." His frown turned into a smile and his eyes soften as they looked into mine. A knight people fear to even look at, whose intense gaze is enough for the enemy to shiver had this warm side only for his beloved daughter.

/end of flashback/

Next morning, all the maids stared at me as I walked through the hallway. The prince had invited me to have breakfast with him. "Good morning Mr. Kelson", I spoke tired after staying up all night. "Are you not feeling well? Should I call the doctor?, he asked all concerned. "No, I am totally fine", I assured him shaking both my hands. "But your eyes are red and swollen, you don't look-"

"Kelson, you really are a fool. It must've been difficult for her to fall asleep in an unknown place. Now go and prepare the carriage, Miss Rigel will be going to the dorm with me." Kelson left after receiving the orders from the prince.

"Please call me by my name. A prince being so formal with me makes me a bit uncomfortable", I said. "Okay, then I'll call you little star from now on." Nobody has ever given me a nickname except my father, he used to call me baby bear. I was so touched by the given name.

It was nearly afternoon when we left for the dorm. The carriage was of the same size as my room. The prince and I got more comfortable with each other on our way. He told me to not refer him as Prince but as Brother Jin. He also told me about his relationship with father.

"Ain used to be my guard when I was young. He is the one who taught me horse riding, I was really bad at it. He was more like a friend and an elder brother to me. However, I assume we weren't that close because he never told me about his wife or daughter."

He told me some more interesting stories of his childhood and his little adventures with my father. Eventually after having a long conversation, I forgot about my sorrows and fell asleep in the carriage itself. I may not have anyone to call my family but with Anna and Brother Jin, I won't feel lonely at least. I lost my father but God sent an elder brother for me instead.