
*Author's Note*

Hi there lovely reader, how is your day going?

Before we proceed to chapter two, I'd like to mention a few things.

First of all, I wrote an author's note for my other story, Beyond The Barrier, and I completely understand that some readers like to go into a story completely blind of certain things to enjoy the story, but I also understand that it can be confusing to not understand certain terminologies used.

If you would NOT like an explanation of the MC, some of the terminologies used and background extra, you may proceed to chapter two.

However, if you would, please continue reading :)

Please note, that this is not a spoiler, but just to allow you to understand a bit more of the terminology, and the MC.

- So firstly, the main character's name is Riviera and she is from a land called Orilegon, which is not on earth.

- A Orcseed is a magical account of an event which has happened in the past, many faeries use orcseeds to learn about their heritage, an orcseed is like what us humans would say a recording of an event like a video or film.

- Orcseeds can only be opened by a faery as they are the only ones who have the magic to access them, which means an orcseed can only be made by faeries.

I'm sure other magical beings have ways of capturing events though.. :)

Thank you for reading my note,

Always feel free to ask my questions on my instagram: @msluxxe

Kind Regards, Msluxxe
