
Riencarnation to Multiverse

Your isekai mc into a isekai story I do not own any brands amaeyllis is a character i made up

Zodiacity21s · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Death to training

In a void you can see a soul floating there counting to them keep them self calm and remembering there life of how it went he was always a person who like to keep to his self to keep other people from knowing to much about him when he graduated from high school he bought and sold stocks to get money while staying home to watch anime one of his personal favorites was seven deadly sins he thought of ways of different ways to use there powers wondering the full extent of their abilities he ends up getting a flashback to his finale moments.

Where he was walking out to go get groceries from his local supermarket for dinner when an earthquake stroke and a road light fell on his head while he was crossing the street. Ultimately bleeding to death in the middle of the road and waking up in a void recalling his ever boring life.

"Hello anyone there" he tries to call out to some one

"Yes I am right here beside you"he hears a response beside him.

Our mc turns around to see a table and two seats with a man seated in one.

"Who are you and where am I"he inquired

"I am Gaia and you are in the void where your not supposed to be or be able to enter or your soul would of been erased but you still some how are here" the male now named Gaia responded

"I should been erased so how am I still here"he wondered out loud

"That I do not know but this I do know I have to get you out of here before it becomes a problem" Gaia said

'So I am going to give 3 wishes and you will get sent out of the void" Gaia said trying to get him out of the void as quickly as possible

'So I get 3 wishes I have to plan out my wishes properly in case of the world I get sent to a hardcore world for all I know' he thought

"Are there any limits on my three wish" he asks

"Seeing how strong your soul is to with stand the void no there is not a limit to your wishes" Gaia responded

"Alright then wish number one I want the power of the seven deadly sins the power to travel from dimension to dimension and to be trained by the seven deadly sins." He said

"Alright since you want there powers and that means you would have to be part demon human giant and fairy are you ok with that?" Asked Gaia

"Yes I am fine with that." He responded

"Alright then drink this then." Gaia says handing him a red potion

"Let's do this then " he says as he drinks the hole thing in one go

You can hear screams from his spiritual form changing and gaining spiritual pressure and it hurts like hell

"What was that " he asked in a higher pitched voice panting slightly

"Wait what happened to my voice" he asked worried

"Well I said that there were no limits on your wishes but I didn't say there were no drawbacks." Gaia explained calmly

"Now it is time for you to leave every thing has been prepared" he said clapping his hands

"What do you mea-" he was cut off when a trap door open where he was standing causing him to fall through or at least that is how he now a she feels .

"Yow" she hears a voice behind her

"Who's the runt captain" a next voice says behind her

"This is the person we are going to be training with our powers" Meliodas responds

"So this is the runt we are supposed to be training" Ban ask

"Yep that's her" a now more feminine voice replied being Merlin

"Seeing as how she was a he she won't have a use for her old name what should we call her" Diane's voice was then heard

"Well her name was Andrew"Meliodas says

"I don't have a choice in this do I"Andrew asks

"Nope" they all responded simultaneously that was when 4 more voices where heard one belonging to king the grisly sin of sloth and the other belonging to goather the goat sin of lust and the other belonging to Escannor the Lion sin of pride the last one belonging to Elizabeth the daughter of the goddess of gods

"Well we can keep it simple and give her a name similar to her old own like Andrea" Merlin suggest

"Well we could or we could give her the name Amaryllis and call her Amy for short" Diane suggests

"Everyone say your vote on three"Meliodas says




"Amaryllis" is heard simultaneously with everyone saying it except Andrew

"There now that is settled Merlin Diane and Elizabeth will take you to get dressed before we get training oh and take king with you he should be able to help make an outfit if anything" Meliodas says

"All right then come along amaryllis let's get you properly dressed and up to date with your new body"Merlin call to her

Amaryllis then follows Merlin, Diane, king and Elizabeth to get dressed and acquainted with her new body falling because of the shift in the center of gravity with her new body.

"Can I get some help here" amaryllis ask

"Sure"Elizabeth replies helping her up

"Take it slow and get used to the different center of gravity before you start running or walking for long period of time"merlin give her advice to amaryllis

"Ok then let's go" amaryllis shouts to encourage herself

Being held up by Elizabeth she stumbles to her feat getting used to her body grading a pool crushing it.

"Oops"amaryllis says

"I guess you will have to get used to your new found strength to"king then speaks up

"Up you go"Diane grabs her other hand helping her up

Amaryllis gets up getting used to her new body slowly standing getting used to her strength standing up with the help of both Diane and Elizabeth she stands up balancing her self slowly still holding on to Diane and Elizabeth she slowly starts walking to the dressing room to get her something to wear and get her measurements for her to wear for the time being as king sews her a new set of clothes to wear. When they reach the dressing room the only thing they had where the boar hat uniform at the time so she had to wear that until king makes her a new uniform with the measurements that they took before dressing her.

Coming out of the dressing room merlin hands the measurements to king and hands him some fabric also to sew the clothes from amaryllis to wear. Then they walked out of the boar hat to start her training with her newborn power.

"Aright seeing as you got used to your new body we will work on muscle training first to get you properly acquainted with your new body so you will start training with me first and you will do magic exercises in your free time until Merlin starts your training" Meliodas said

On the first week they worked on the coordination of her muscles and light exercises which she found easy and in her free time Merlin will teach her how to manipulate her mana inside her body. The next week is when her real training started meliodas brought her to a mountain range and told her to run a thousand

laps as a warmup which at first sounded very hard to do but accessing her new strength she was able to do it easily. When she was finished with the warm up meliodas call her over to spar she has allot of strength but no battle experience so she will just be a very exploit able when fighting so the first the he is teaching her is hand to hand combat so she can fight with out relying on magic or brute strength to much in a fight since he has the most hand to hand combat experience asides from ban they spared meliodas winning everyone and points out the mistakes in her fighting constantly correcting and helping her in hand to hand combat and in her off time she is taught magic by Merlin, Elizabeth and goather since those to mainly use magic and given her infinite source of magic they can go on for a longer time and get better mana control they start teaching her spells and other techniques like full counter, invasion with perfect cube and purge. When she finished that training she got her weapon called regalia which changes its form to match the weapon the user is thinking about which allows her to use allow of their sacred treasures to her advantage and with all of the anime she watched from her previous life she has a vast knowledge of weapons she can use to her advantage. She was taught enchant hell blaze by meliodas and various magic spells from Merlin and Elizabeth and also learned that she can transform into various animal form. This happened in her first 6 months

The next month she was training with ban she started off by learning how to steal with ban there correcting her on what she did wrong like how the force of her hand was to much and etc. she also learnt how to cook for him seeing as how the captain normally is the worst cook and he doesn't want her to be that bad they also did sparring with her constantly trying to steal something from him not succeeding because of his experience and him using fox hunt constantly sapping away her energy and she also uses fox hunt to make sure he doesn't get the upper hand on her in the fight since she has unlimited mana at her disposal.

The next 200 years she spent training to use her powers. When she was training with Diane she got her connection to the earth and learnt how to grow to giant size and drulls dance and manipulate the earth with her mana and turn metals into sand and dirt into minerals she also used this ability to make houses to stay in when it turns dark out so she can have shelter to sleep. Amaryllis trained to use her war hammer sparring with Diane constantly fighting over who has control over a certain area of space constantly increasing her mana control taught by Merlin to her she also learned heavy metal mean while fighting. Goather taught her how to control a persons mind by altering memories or hiding them to affect a person. King was next when he was teaching her he mostly lazed around floating at the start but got serious if he started taking to much damage he taught her how to sew control water molecules in the air an how to use disaster to increase the damage done to a target and how to use spirit spear chastifull. Last but not leasst Escannor she was already strong to be able to use sunshine with out it affecting her body to much amaryllis first learned how to use cruel sun being able to burn through the biggest of lakes he then started to use the one mode and taught it to her she did not get it easy like the recast of the training experience since when escannor gets buff he becomes very prideful.

The day amaryllis needs to leaves

"After 200 years of training and bonding I will have to leave" amaryllis said

"Yep you cant stay here forever you know but we have some departing gifts for you ok" meliodas responded

"Alright let's go we don't want to keep everyone waiting do we" Amaryllis says

They walk down stairs to see ban, king, Elizabeth, Diane, Merlin, goather and escannor sitting down stairs with rapped up gifts on the table and a banner that says goodbye Amaryllis above there head

"Hey guys how's it going" Amaryllis attempts to lighten the mode

"It is just sad to see you go so soon it was like you just got here a day ago" Merlin says

"Ya and you where a very good student to"Elizabeth says

"You managed to master all of our powers in less than 500 years that is something to feel accomplished about runt" ban says

"We will give you these as a reminder about us so you don't forget us " Diane says handing her presents first opening it to see a pair of gauntlets that resemble hers.

"Alright me next"king says giving amaryllis his gift witch is the hoodie you see in the photo that is not mine

"I love it" amaryllis shouts giving king a hug

"Alright me next then" Merlin says taking up a cylinder gift and handing it to amaryllis

Amaryllis opens tit to see a bag that looks like Diane's own that has magic coming off of it

"This is no ordinary bag it's a magic bag that gives you a space to put anything depending on the amount of magic you have with a protection charm on it" Merlin explains what the bag is capable of

"Thank you Merlin" amaryllis shouts giving her a hug also

"Alright then it's time for us to give you our gifts get your bag ready you will need it for the gifts you get from me and escannor" meliodas says

They disappear and reappear with barrels of ale and whine giving it to her knowing she can out drink most of them with her intolerance to ale and whine that she gained from trying to out drink meliodas and ban

"It's all yours seeing as how you can out drink most of us from you practicing to out drink the captain" escannor says

"Thanks you guys for being thoughtful" amaryllis says awkwardly giving both of them a hug

"Ok next this ones is from me goather and ban"Elizabeth says trying to lighten the awkward mood meanwhile taking up a box and giving it to her

She opens the box to see an ear ring that looks like Elizabeth's own

"Thank you guys I will miss all of you for sure" amaryllis says will crying and giving them hugs

Then a blue rift opens to next to them

"Well I guess this is goodbye I will miss all of you guys bye" amaryllis says while crying and waving goodbye to all of them

I own nothing but plot and character this is my first time s a lot of errors if anything

Zodiacity21screators' thoughts