

Today is moving day. The time is 7:47 AM. Rick woke up. Rick went downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast. He took the cereal bag and the milk out of the refrigerator. Rick got the bowl from the dishwasher and put it on the table. He poured the cereal into his bowl. Then he poured the milk in. He took a spoon and stirred it. He ate it and later he was finished. The strange thing is, Rick finished his breakfast more earlier than them. Rick sat the couch, waiting for them. Rick was bored. Rick suddenly realized all the electronics were packed in the boxes. None of us were allowed to open it. All of them were packed, except for one. Guess what it was? his Ipad. So he brought his camping bag downstairs and opened it up. He took his Ipad out. He plugged the cord and he started playing it. Unfortunately, dad heared all the Ipad noises. He walked from the kitchen and saw him. Dad glared at me and swiped it away from my hands. His behavior was pretty mean, and I didn't want to complain. He went upstairs, and it was in his sweaty hands. When he was at his room, when opened up his metal suitcase. He put it in a place of protection where Rick can't find it. He eventually locked the suitcase. Rick was sad and annoyed and especially bored.

"Dad, I have nothing to do," Rick moaned.

"At least you have something to do, like, drawing!" yelled Dad.

"I don't like drawing," Rick whimpered.

"Too bad!" yelled Dad.

Dad left Rick without a word. Rick was still bored. He didn't want to play with his annoying sister, Candy. He also hated playing outdoors by himself. He couldn't swim in the pool, because it was covered with a tarp. Rick was mad. Rick grumbled and walked straight to the kitchen.

"Everybody, stop what you're doing, " Rick said strictly.

"What?" Everyone asked.

"If you want to mover quicker and earlier, you, Mom, are going to find a random mover service and you will call them," explained Rick.

"Okay, got it. I'll do it right now," said Mom.

So Mom turned on her phone, and searched up "moving companies". She found the best one, which was "The Sam's Moving Service." It was pretty cheap. A 40-km long journey costs 40 Macragios. And you have to pay 50 bucks after they arrange the furniture. She left the kitchen and she told her husband about this.

"Roger! We found a moving service! It's pretty cheap!" shouted Mom in excitement.

"Really Samantha? I didn't know that," his dad said.

"Yes, it's actually cheap! Shall we ask them to move our furniture to the new house?" Mom asked.

"Sure, but what's our new address?" asked Dad.

" 2956 Thirty-fifth Street, New York, NY US," Mom said.

"Okay, got it." said Dad.

Mom typed their number, which is 647-909-0999, and dialed.

"Hello?" asked Mom.

"Hello, customer. So happy to call you today. What can we help you for?" asked the team.

"I want you guys to move our furniture to our new house," replied Mom.

"Sure. Anything else?" asked the team.

"Nope, that's all," replied Mom.

"But wait-----" they paused. "we need your current address and your new address." the team continued.

"Address number 1: 7182 Zach Polman Boulevard, Macragge City, Macragge and

address number 2: 2956 Thirty-fifth Street, New York, NY US," she listed.

"Ok, got it," said the team,

After she called, she checked all over the house for any packed boxes for the preparation. All of them were fully packed, leaving nothing behind. Mom gave both of them a task, which was to pack and store all the boxes in their family car. Dad gave us big blue bins. He aligned them carefully, and Candy was acting like a total fool. She simply dumped all the fragile boxes in her bin, and thankfully nothing was damaged. They walked out from the front door. Rick lifted the garage door. Rick was a strong and intelligent boy. Mom came out and gave us the car key. He pressed the the trunk button. It opened. Before we jump back, I wanna tell you something. Their new car was a blue 2020 Hyundai Santa Fe, and the status was new. Rick's dad recently sent the old Espace to a nearby junkyard because the engine was too stiff, and the cabin was messy with Candy's silly drawings. Before they had the car, Candy drew pictures on her window and on the seats. Making it look horrible than ever. When they bought the car, Candy promised not to draw. Now we're back. The trunk was automatically lifted up. Rick bent the extra seats down, so to to make more space. Rick aligned the boxes in 3 neat rows, and Candy aligned it in 1 column. Rick closed the trunk, and and went inside. When they entered the kitchen, they saw a green truck. The rear light of the truck flashed, and the team pulled up at the curb. The big man lifted the back door. Thank God it was spacious. The team walked toward our house, he rang the doorbell. They answered. and Mom opened the door.

"Hi, we're here to move your furniture," said the young man.

"Okay, then come in, " she said as she welcomed them in.

They stepped on the floor with their boots on, leaving a trail of footprints.

"Okay. What can I carry first?" the big man asked.

"As you wish," said Mom.

The two men carried the couch. With the big man holding the upper-left corner, and Dad holding the lower-left corner. The young man carried the upper-right corner, and Mom carried the lower-right corner. While they were carrying the couch. Rick decided to carry the coffee table. Rick carried the coffee table all by himself, without anybody's help. Mom, Dad, Rick and the crew loaded the appliances into the back. Candy was just doing nothing, and she was too lazy to help. Rick was annoyed with her. He became frustrated.

"Candy, do something. Don't just sit and relax. There's plenty of jobs that you can do to pass the time," said Rick sternly.

"Ok,ok I'll do it," Candy said harshly.

Candy was 6. Candy was the girl who loved to complain. This time she listened. She remembered a rule of the Ten Commandments, which was "Honour thy Mother and Father." Rick, on the other hand, was impressed.

"Candy, can you please carry our dinner chairs?" asked Rick.

"Sure. It's not that heavy," said Candy.

"That's great!" exclaimed Rick.

Candy stacked the chairs in one neat row, and she carried it. When Mom saw this, Mom was proud. Mom congratulated her with an applause. You wouldn't believe how Candy lifted up the stacktotheback. Next, The movers came upstairs and carried Rick's bed. The big man lifted the left side, and the young man lifted the right side. The two came dowstairs, without any injuries from walking down on the stairs. They loaded his bed to the back, and soon, Rick was hungry.

"Mom, I'm hungry," said Rick.

"Ok, come." said Mom.

Mom took Rick with her. They headed to their car. Ever since she is pregnant, she is not allowed to drive. So she called Dad. Dad took the car keys, and unlocked the doors. Rick opened the front-passenger door, and Dad opened the driver door. They both buckled their seatbelts, and Dad pressed the start/stop engine button. He put both of his hands on the driveshaft, and steered. They left. When they were on the way, the saw a red Peugeot 308 swerving on the road. Dad honked the horn to get the driver's attention. He was back on the road. Dad suddenly forgot something. So they pulled over at a stranger's house.

"Rick, where do you want to eat?" asked Dad.

"McDonald's," said Rick.

"Okay. Let me find the locations on the GPS.

Dad typed "McDonald's" on the search bar, and there were 15 results. Dad chose the nearest location, which was 2 minutes away. Dad reversed the dashboard and they left. 2 minutes later, they arrived. They parked their car in an empty spot. Rick opened the door and walked inside. They were waiting in line with a bunch of people.

"Dad, I want a chicken burger with a drink," whispered Rick.

"Ok, got it," Dad whispered back..

When they were finished ordering food, it was their turn.

"What would you like?" asked the cashier.

"I want a medium chicken burger and a cola." said Rick.

"I'm sorry, it's not available on our menu. Pick something else," said the cashier.

"Okay, then. I want an hash brown, a flapjack, and a cola instead," said Rick.

"Okay, caught it. Just before you pay, do you want it with ice or without ice?" asked the cashier.

"Without," said Rick.

"Okay, that would be 3.50 Macragios," said the cashier.

Dad dug through his pocket for money. Dad gave him the cash, and he paid it. Later the receipt came. Dad peelied it off from the tiny printer. They proceeded to the waiting area. We waited. Later, they cashier called the number, which is 4567. It was us. The cashier gave us our tray, where we can put our food. Dad and Rick carried the tray and put it on the marble table. Rick took the cup with him to the refreshments station. Rick pushed the lever, and the cola gushed out of the tube. He put the cap on and inserted the straw in. Rick took it back with him. Dad and Rick ate and ate, and they were full. They placed the tray at the garbage bins. They hopped into their and they left. When they arrived, something strange happened. All the furniture were stored, and the house was empty. Mom and Candy must've cleaned the house before they got back. Rick and Mom switched seats. Rick sat at the front and Mom sat at the back. They were ready to leave and they hit the road.