
chapter 1 -

Do you know why people like me exist?

We exist, to perform the acts that you too scared to perform. You have someone you don't like; you don't have the balls to hook them up to a meat-hook and watch the blood drain from their body; so you hire me. You know that I will do it for the right price, and both parties walk away happy; you get the closure you need and I get a bit of money to stuff into my pocket

And that is where our transaction should have ended; but you decided that you wanted more. You had a taste for blood and one kill wouldn't... curb that craving. So you called me; and when I did not come running to your side you called someone to persuade me.

Was it worth it?

He killed my son, and for what, so you could escape your dull suburban life. He pulled the chains up

Is this what you wanted, because this is the consequences for going after my family; do you think your family will care if I take you out of this world.

I felt his cold hands around the top of my neck; he slowly made his way down to my blouse. He gently undid the top button to reveal my black, lace bra.

Why are you wearing something so restrictive? Why don't you let the world see what an attractive body you have? I guess there is one person who knows; your husband. What a special bond you too must have shared; does he know about the bloated bodies hidden beneath your basement.

He undid the next couple of buttons and delicately placed the shirt on the ground.

Steam violently poured out of one of the steam pipes; which ran along the top of the hanger. The steam hung in the air, before forming into droplets and falling to the ground. She whipped the hair away from her face, and pointed to her bra

"Are you going to get me a shirt?"

I mockingly laughed

"Do you still think this a game?"

"I think I have learnt my lesson"

I shook my head

"Sadly you don't get to make that call; I am the one who has all of the power"

I saw the clock in the corner of the room; it read nine O'clock. I made my way over to the chains and dragged her down

"Dinner is ready"

She pointed to her wet bra again

"Can you get me a spare one?"

"I have something special planned."

She wore a tight-black dress; with a thick leather choker. I was immediately taken by the way the dress barely contained her assets.

"I can see why your husband is always happy; are those real?"

She frowned

"These were a present for his birthday"

"Was it a present for just him or for both of you?"

"A little bit of both; I don't mind the attention that they have generated over the years."

"Give us a twirl"

I licked my lips as she delicately turned around.

"Did you buy me this dress, to live out your voyeuristic-fantasies?"

 I laughed

"Guilty as charged, but can you blame me; when the water started to fall on your black bra and I got a glimpse of them, I was hooked; it was hard to contain myself."

"What is stopping me from leaving this place?"

I pointed to the choker

"That. That is charged with about one thousand watts; the same amount as a stun gun; get too close to the door, and I will lay your ass on the ground!"

But I don't want you to worry about that; grab a bite to eat, have a glass of wine and savour this moment of freedom

 I swirled the wine to make sure it was not drugged; before gently asking

"What type of wine is this?"

 I looked at the bottle and mumbled

"Margaret river 2012 vintage, white"

 I saw the hands on the clock strike ten O'clock. I gently grabbed her hand and softly stated

"This is the end of our night together"

I placed the hand-cuffs tightly around her arms, and began heaving her up. I made my way to the light switch, and turned it off

Present day

Harry brushed his receding hair away from his fore-head. In his left hand he had a picture of his ex-girlfriend and in his right he had a black I-phone. Samantha's smile beamed from the phone as he slid it open

Samantha wore a deep V-neck dress which scooped what remained of her breasts. On her left hand she had the name of her ex-girlfriend who had passed away a couple of months before Harry decided to date her. Sam smoothly asked

"Have you been watching the news; they are sentencing Kimberly Cuthbert"

"I think I remember that case, she had hired some Craig's list killer to take out her husband; and she got addicted to the rush and her neighbour was in the cross-fire. Apparently they had, had a couple of noise-complaints the weeks leading up to his death. She got sick of listening to his heavy-metal music all night and decided to kill him as well. She then moved onto her ex's parents. And when he did not come when she called him frantically that night, she got his son killed.

I am guessing if you are calling me, you are worried."

"Worry might not be the most appropriate word; I would say carefully concerned. You know what happened when they executed him, his groupies rioted in the streets for weeks and it took the lives of two police officers... what if that happens to you"

I got in my beat-up 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I heard the Roar of the V8 engine. I gently said

"What if I stayed at yours, would that put your mind at ease?"

"What about your captain"

"LP will be happy to get me out of her hair for a couple of days"

"What about your friends."

"Sam they are more than capable of handling themselves; George Washington was raised on a farm with a father who served; so a couple of twenty something's rioting in the streets is nothing"

Samantha sat on the front porch; her companion a chocolate Labrador sat by her side. The dog limped excitedly to be by my side. I kissed her on the head before returning the favour to my girlfriend.

"So what is this champs name"

"Ernie Ford"

Brandy you're a fine girl softly echoed out of the record player. Samantha placed her manicured hand on the fridge door. on the top shelf were a pair of cheap beers; as he eyes darted to the second shelf I caught a glimpse of joy in her eyes as she softly said

"Normally I offer my guests the cheap and nasty beer; but since I like you, I will give you a Rum and Coke."

  The can fizzed as I pulled the ring-top. I smiled and said

"I can see that you are a fan of The Looking Glass"

She frowned

"If you call playing their biggest hit being a fan then that is true; but Shelby was the musician"

She whipped the tears from her face. I watched as the beautiful make-up slowly ran

"It was how we met. She was playing with her band at a local bar, and I stopped to have a couple of beers. They played this song and I was hooked. The rest of the night was a bit of a blur"

Her eyes moved down to my wedding band. The gold had etched into my skin. I didn't have the heart to take it off even though we had been broken up for a couple of years. Maybe in the back of my mind I still think there is a chance that I can win her back

"I guess it was the same for you"

"Not really; me and my ex were both in law enforcement she was DEA and I was a patrol officer before joining Hollywood division."

"Hollywood is an exclusive club isn't it"

I grabbed another bottle from the fridge

"It is; few officers have stepped through those doors, but the ones that did etched their name into the history books; Pierce, Waters, Edmund and eventually me"

 I felt her cold hands on the top button of my shirt

"Do you think there is going to be trouble tonight?"

I shook my head

"I wouldn't know"

I felt the cold zipper in my hand. I gently un-zipped the back of her dress

"You know I have a couple of days free, and it would be a shame to ruin this opportunity"

I heard my phone ring, and that thought soon became the last thing on my mind

Police station9:00

LP nervously stared at me before calmly saying

"Harry I think you need to go home"

I shook my head

"There is no way that I am going home whole a killer walks free."

 She lay there motionless; her wedding band sat next to her. Mo had taken the time to tie her hair back so that I could see her face. The creases sunk into the top of her fore-head as the makeup slowly ran"

"Why is it running?"

"A few nights ago we had a power outage and we have not been able to go back online"

"So she has been here for a few nights; why was I not called when she first arrived."

"We did but you were out of the state"

I brushed my hand along her cheek

"What happened?"

"I am sorry to say she fell off the wagon. She was a user; and a frequent flyer. DEA dumped her and her relationship with the force fell apart. They found her Wednesday night lying in a ditch, a needle sticking out of her arm."

"Could it have been staged?"

"There is no evidence that it was staged."

"What do I tell my daughter?"

I felt the air in the room escape. Silence hung heavily in the air. Until eventually George softly said

"You have to tell her the truth, and it might not be what she wants to hear, but it will allow her to heal. Do you have somewhere to spend the night?"

"Yah I do, I am staying with Samantha. I will collect her things in the morning."

Maddy's uniform hung on the coat rack; finely pressed from the night before. Her first rank sat in her mother's jewerly box. Maddy sat on the bed; a pair of beats head-phones firmly planted to the side of her head. I peered through the door, and sat at the edge of her bed. I placed my hands on her head-phones and put them down

"They found your mother dead from a heroin overdose. "

She whipped the tears from her eyes and sobbingly asked

"Was her death peacefully?"

 "Yes. Once the heroin gets into your blood-stream it dulls the pain receptors in your brain"

"I don't know if I can stay here tonight; this place has too many of her memories"

"I was thinking about spending the night at my girlfriends place, the invite is open to you."

She smiled

"Dad it is; but it is hard to explain to my friends why you are dating her."

 I felt her cold hands around my waist as she dragged me closer to her. I felt her smooth lips as she gently kissed me on the lips. Her christen Dior Perfume tinged the tip of my nostrils. She leant in closer and whispered

"Can I take this dance?"

Her black dress floated along the ground as she guided me to the dance-floor. Her teeth had turned rotten; holes grew in the soft plark of her teeth

Samantha grabbed a glass of water; and gently asked

"Are you alright"

"I saw her body today; she died from an overdose."

Samantha leaned in close and asked

"Did she ever have a drug problem?"

I pushed her away and replied

"Clare always kept her private life; just that private. After our divorce I hardly saw her; it is possible she picked up a habit or two."

"How long do you want to stay? "

 "I don't think I can go back to that house; that is her house, I was just a caretaker."

'Is Maddy alright with us?"

"No; she said some of her friends wondered why we were together, is there something you are not telling me"

Samantha calmly replied

"When Shelby and I broke up; she didn't handle it the best. She hung around a group of people down on Route ten. They sold her pills to get her high and while she was in that state she got taken advantage of.

When I found her the next morning she was still drugged up. I tried to get her to my car but she wouldn't come with me, that am when I told her she had two options; come with me and get help or stay in the motel."

"I am guessing she took option two"

She nodded

"After the second rape; she was expecting to see my car in the parking-lot in the morning to pick her up. But I never showed. She went to her meetings and once she got clean she decided to tell the world how horrible I was to her; how it was my entire fault she got raped twice. That is where the rumour began"

"And I guess it stuck to you"

Samantha grabbed a beer from the fridge and placed it on the counter-top

"Work was out of the question; who was going to trust someone who would do that to someone they loved, so I turned to more unsavoury delights. Do you care about that at all?"

I pointed to the bar-fridge

"Can I get a cheap and nasty beer?"

 She handed me a Great Northern and ushered me to continue

"Everyone has a past; yours is more savoury then others; I am sure Maddy will learn to see you the way you are now and not what you were back then"

She took a sip from her beer and asked

"Have you found your own place yet?"

I shook my head

"There are not a lot of houses in my price range; especially close to work"

Graphic scene

You and me; are strange bed-fellows. You see a fire and you run for cover; I see a fire and I marvel at its beauty. You see looting and rioting in the streets and your first thought is to call the police; rat on your fellow civilian; mine is to pick up a pitch-fork and hear the glass shatter around me

Do you know why I like you?

It's because of your beauty. One look at you and it is apparent that you were sculpted in God's image; but you don't see it do you. You fill your face with botox to hide your emotions and you fill your body with silicon to try and impress someone who has never really loved you at all.

You think that just because he committed to you; put a rock on your finger and told you it was forever that he meant any of it. Men like him are all tared with the same brush.

They have a case of the wondering eye; once something younger, something shiner comes along they fall for it; Hell they even consider marrying it.

She softly mumbled

"And you don't "

"No; not anymore. I use to think like that always chasing the next beautiful creature but eventually it gets old. The game tires on me; you become clingy and you become this.

You become a stalker; never accepting no for an answer. You become transfixed on being with someone when you know that they don't feel the same way as you. You stalk them on social media; ejaculating to the glimpses of beauty they post to the masses. You move into their inner-circle; you dine at the same cafe they work at, you shop at the same stores that they go to. Maybe they see you; maybe they find the hunt romantic

But 9 times out of 10 you strike out; they get the cops involved and you wonder back into the shadows."

"So what is all of this?"

"This is a show. A chance to finally find the feelings that I have been craving for so long"

I felt the chains loosen as he slowly dragged me to the ground. I felt his hand on the back of my bra. He tenderly un-hooked the clips and stared at them

"My god they are beautiful; but they aren't real; they were sculpted by a master plastic surgeon"

He felt them in his hands; I felt my nipples tighten as he moved his hand along my breast

"What were you before the operation?"

 "Barely a C cup"

He traced his fingers along my small belly button. The hair on the button tingled as he ran his hands along it. He drew his hand down closer to the top of my pants and softly unbuttoned them. His hand hovered over the top of my bright pink briefs. I heard him mumble under his breath

"Why are you hiding something so beautiful; you are marvellously sculpted women with not a stretch mark in sight and yet you don't feel comfortable showing the world?"

"I was always a chubby kid in school. A moody five foot three inch tower of fury; but I had a couple of hits. The problem all started with my first boyfriend. He was the jock on the football team and image was everything

College selector's eyes were firmly on him, which extended to his girlfriends. One night after a big win we decided to go out and get drinks; that is when I made my move."

He laughed

"Let me guess. You had sex in the cubical"

"I barely remember I was that out of it, all I remember was the pelvic thrusts. When I got home I felt dirty; how could i let myself get to that stage"

"Did you tell him?"

He dragged them down to below my ankles; and was immediately greeted by a mountain of hair

"Clearly you didn't think about having sex with your husband"

"Strangely enough not all men look for hairless women; some like the game of finding the vagina. "

I heard the creaks and groans of an old medical cart. The wheels scraped along the ground as he dragged it closer to me. I heard the buzz of an electric razor. He shakingly moved the razor along the top of the vagina before following the shape; creating an air strip style design of my pubic-hair.

I felt his cold hands as he softly fingered my pussy before blood slowly poured out of its mouth

"Why did you not tell me that you were on your period?"

I laughed

"I am guessing you have not had someone under the age of fourty in a long time. Women bleed that is normal and my husband does not mind his dick getting a little wet"

He breathed and calmly stated

"You have a right to tell me these things; you can't just think that I am some kind of mind-reader"

I laughed

"Women have been having periods for centuries, yet the population has not decreased. So either men are waiting for women not to be on their period to have sex; or it is not as big of a deal as you seem to be making it. Personally I am going to lean towards option number one."

He pulled his pants down, and inserted his penis into the top of my vagina and began to ride me bare-back. I felt his nails dig into the bottom of my breasts as bellowing moans echoed over the empty warehouse. After a couple of minutes he whipped away the excess cum of the tip of his penis and smiled before hoisting me back up

I heard the creak of the record player opening. I saw a dark vinyl in his hands; I could just make out the words Surf-trash. He placed the record on and played the title track Seek the Silence I felt the chains loosen as he dragged me down for dinner.

"Are you an Incel?"

"I dabble; let's just say that their thoughts closely align with mine"

"Have you got something for me to wear?"

"Since it is our final night together; I have something else planned

He had arranged a series of tables; adorned with white table-cloths and fine china. He has set up a modesty-screen at one end of the table. As I walked in; I saw a wedding dress; with a leather choker. I heard his voice crack, as he gently asked

"I had to guess your size; if you need it altered let me know"

The music stopped, and I heard him shuffle the record back into his collection; I heard the soft tones of a trumpet and the raspy-voice of Louise Armstrong as Mack the Knife loudly rang out

The table was adorned with food. At one end sat a series of beautifully crafted cakes; their icing slowly slid to the plastic wrapping; on the other end was pork, beef, chicken and smoked ham

"I thought since this was going to be our last night together; that I would send you out with a couple of my grand-mothers recipes."

"No wine"

"Sadly my wine cellar only had a couple of wines and we had them all yesterday"

Clearly this was his first time cooking chicken; as the skin was as tough as tar and the inside was like eating a matted tire; but I smiled, and coldly stated

"You know they are going to find you and put you in a dark and dreary cell"

He kissed the top of my fore-head and replied

"I know; and when it comes time to burn me alive I hope to see you in the front-row"

"Do you want a chocolate cake?"

"You know what I find so strange; is just how casual you are about death"

I showed her my teeth; the gums slowly turning black, small legions grew on the roof of my mouth

"This is why I am so casual about death; because my life has made me this way. In death at least I will have some solitude."

I pulled the chair away and continued. I took my shirt off; revealing ribs dangling loosely to my skin. Hair grew ravenously over my body.

"I use to be something. I use to be attractive. Now I really don't know what I am anymore. I tried all of the fad diets to try and bulk-up; but all they did were making me sick. I would eat ravenously and then fast for hours; but by the end of the day I would throw up my second meal

After a while I gave up on them and accepted my fate; skinny and nerdy"

"Is that how the Incels got you?"

 "I had always known about them; but initially their thoughts seemed radical; blaming all women simply because you could not get laid. But as the list of ex-girlfriends started to grow; I thought how much are they turned off by my type and how much is simply biology

Women have been conditioned to breed with the strongest of the species; this allows them the best chance of survival. The Spartans sent their weak to die in frozen wastelands. Women are simply following their ancestors; weeding out the weak and mating with the strong of the species to continue its survival."

I heard the clocks chime ten o'clock

"Dinner conversation is over"

She pointed to the collar

"Surely you don't have to hang me tonight; it seems like we are getting along"

He sighed

"But one wrong move and I will hang you"

I lay next to the monster at night; keeping one eye open. I felt his cold hands gently touch the fabric at the top of my wedding dress. His mouth reeked of Vodka and his cologne smelled of Old Spice Classic as he drew closer and whispered

"Surely that can't be comfortable; do you want me to take it off?"

 I cordially smiled and sat up

He handed me a pink, see-through dressing gown and softly said

"Hopefully this is a little more comfortable"

The zipper sang softly as I un-zipped it. I placed the frock in the front-post of the bed and delicately maneuvered my bloated-body into the gown. He rubbed his hand along my gut and said

"You know I don't mind the extra weight; it also puffs out the tight pussy"

I leant down and kissed him on the top of the head. I saw the glimmer in her teeth as she smiled and said

"I am sure behind all of your vaguer comments there is someone who simply wants to be loved"

 She knesled her hand on my crotch before fumbling in my pocket; I smiled and held up the remote

"Searching for this"

She nervously nodded

He undid her choker and stated

"The choker was all for show; it was something I had picked up from watching a couple of shrinks"