
2- Flashback

The black 2008 Aldi A1 pulled up at the front of the night-club. The neon sign read Three Bridges Road; a homage to the owners obsession with The Eagles. A balding stockily-built man stepped out of the car, and pressed his walkie- talkie close to his mouth. Through the muffled-vibrations I could make out the words cost is clear; you are clear to enter. A pair of white, Air-Jordan's glowed in the dim-light. The muted-white tones of his socks highlighted his Mediterranean-glow. As he walked to meet the bouncer I saw the twenty carat gold watch. It was marked with the letter M; which from my years on the force indicated that this man was high up the food-chain.

As the guard opened the red-velvet rope; I spied a .38 hand-gun. He wrapped his arm around a short-little man with long blonde-hair and a 1970's porn moustache. The man wore a flamboyant Hawaiian-shirt and judging from the sweat slowly drenching his arm-pits this was an un-expected visitor. He grabbed two drinks from the bar and they both shuffled into a plush red-booth in the corner of the room

The Aldi driver leaned in close and whispered something; before placing the butt of the gun to his pants. The Aldi driver smiled and moved the gun back into his holster; before heading out to his car.

A blonde-haired bombshell; undid her sundress and said

"You know how much that means to me; and for that you are going to be rewarded"

 The man in the Aldi pointed to the ring on his finger and stated

"Sadly I am taken"

The blonde guided his hand along the top of her thin bra and said

"Are you sure you want to give this up; this opportunity only comes once in a lifetime."

 She begrudgingly pulled her sun-dress back on, and handed the security-guard a twenty dollar note.

"You know for a guy who has the world at his feet; you really don't know a good thing when it is right in front of you"

My girlfriend stood in her nurse's uniform; dried vomit sat over the embossed name. Her make-up smeared along her right breast pocket. She leaned in close to smell the Christian Dior perfume

"Where have you been?"

"You know where I have been; I told you last night I had to settle some business at The Three Bridges Road Hotel"

"And the cheap perfume"

I gently whispered

"Some hooker that my security-guard paid for accosted me in my car, tried to have sex with me; but I turned her down."

 New York

I sat in my 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee; as a silver Porsche 911 turbo pulled up to the Black Rock Hotel. A tall, slender built man with tinted sunglasses walked through the front door, and shot the owner dead along with the two hookers who were pleasuring him

I barely got a glance at his number-plate before he was out of sight 

Police station

Samantha sat in the waiting room; wearing nothing but a pink bra and matching panties. The hand-cuffs dug into her wrists as she reeked in pain. I leaned in close and calmly replied

"Once you get in the interrogation room, I will take the hand-cuffs off"

I shut the sliding door; and ushered her to sit. I thumped the photos on the table.

"These crime-scene photos depict the Jack Carol's last days on this earth. He was shot with a .38 hand-gun wielded by this man"

A sprightly young man with a tanned suit and tie fell to the table

"This is Boris Bara; but you already know that. I spied you in his Aldi after the incident. So why did you hire him to kill Jack Carol?"

"Jack and I had dated for a brief period of time; needless to say it was a bloody relationship."

She grabbed my hand and ran it along her ribs

"Jack found out that I was unable to pleasure him; so he beat me to try and cure me."

I stacked the pictures up and placed them back into my paper-folder

"Why did you not call the police?"

She sighed

"People like me are not high on your priority list. To you some dead hooker beaten by her partner does not raise nothing more than an eyebrow; especially when murder and rape are running rampant in this town"

"So how did you find Boris?"

"Boris had dated one of my friends; they got married in the spring and we had become close"

"Are you harbouring Boris?"

She laughed and pointed to the two-way glass

"I have given you everything that I know. Am I being arrested?"


"Am I free to go?"

Begrudgingly I said


Graphic scene

The bone-saw hummed in the corner. I grabbed my .38 handgun and gently placed the butt of the gun to her temple; startled she screamed

"I thought we had a deal"

I laughed and coldly stated

"There was your first mistake making a deal with me; my beautiful angel there is no way that I am going to keep you alive. For one you have evidence to identify me"

I clocked the gun and watched her life-blood squirt to the floor. I wheeled her lifeless body over to the bone-saw and began cutting off body parts; I discarded the remains into clear, plastic, hazmat bags. I tossed the bags into my 1999 Toyota Hilux; and headed into the woods. I heard the crackle of the fire as the body-parts popped like popcorn

Present day

The record stopped and Samantha pointed to the fridge

"Do you want another beer?"

Feeling the makings of a small hang-over slowly brewing i politely declined and wondered over to the record player. Fishing through the albums I found Charlie Parker and nervously asked

"Why is this one still in the plastic?"

She smiled and replied

"I didn't know you were into Jazz"

I grabbed a glass of Coke and sipped it

"My wife was the Jazz expert. Sunday night she would pour a glass of red-wine and we would listen to John Coltrane, Charlie Parker and Herbie Hancock until sleep welted in our eyes. I would always wrap a blanket around her and tuck her in before turning off our speakers"

I grabbed my knife and cut the plastic off the album

"Do you want to continue that tradition?"

She grabbed a couple of glasses from the cupboard and poured us a couple of wines

"Where do you want to begin?"

"Do you have any Ella Fitzgerald?"

She shuffled through her records before placing a white album with Ella's name embossed across the front. On the back of the album; was a withering Louise Armstrong his shaking hand barely able to hold up his trumpet.

"I only have the collaboration she did with Louise Armstrong is that alright?"

"That is some of my favourite pieces she did"

The final note of Louise Armstrong's trumpet rung out before the needle-arm rose off the turn-table. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her goodnight

Graphic scene 

I burnt my blood-stained clothes and scrubbed my body until welts started to appear. I turned the taps off and basked in the steam. I fished into the top-draw and felt the metal in my hand. I ran the cold-blade along the shaft of my penis. I moaned as it made its way down to the tip.

I watched the smoke pour out of the door; as I made my way to my blow-up doll. I placed Grand Funk Railway on and played the title track some kind of wonderful. I placed a Trojan condom on and felt the hot plastic on my rubber condom. I loosely grabbed her breasts and softly whispered in her ear

"This will all be over soon"

I pulled out; and watched as she sat motionless. I nervously asked

"Did you not enjoy yourself?"

I turned the doll on its side and set my alarm clock for work

6:00 Hardware store

A beautiful blonde with perky A cup boobs walked over to where I was restocking the screw-drivers. She brushed her hair away from her face; and an angelic voice softly whispered

"Do you know where the paint-brushes are?"

I hopped down the ladder, and nervously stared down at my floor-map

"I have only been here a few weeks, but they should be in aisle 2; if you have any trouble you can talk to the guy down in the Aisle"

She smiled

I made sure there were no cameras around me; before fulfilling my urges. I placed my hand out of my pants and continued restocking the screw-drivers.

I jumped into my 1999 Toyota Hilux; and headed out into the sunlight

The doll sat in my bed. I grabbed a blonde wig from the cupboard and placed it on the plastic. I puckered up my lips and delicately kissed the top of its fore-head. I tenderly asked

"Do you want to listen to some music?"

 I shuffled through my collection and found; don't Fall in Love with a dreamer by Kenny Rogers

"I remember when I first heard this song; I had just moved out of home and I was living inter-state. The only friends I had were all asleep when I wanted to contact them; so it was just me and Kenny and the revolving door of friends"

"You know I am famished do you want something to eat"

"You are watching your figure; I can understand that, I am trying to bulk up as well"

I grabbed her plastic fingers and rolled up my sleeves

"Can you tell?"

I felt her breasts and asked

"Are those natural or enhanced?"

"I guess you are more of the silent type, I can understand that"

The young women from the morning before came in again today. I had to contain myself. I grabbed a couple of zanax and calmly said

"Thank God for drugs; otherwise I don't know what would have happened"

The doll sat silently. I wrapped y hands around her throat and calmly stated

"Tell me this is normal!"


I loaded my camera and made my way to her house. A young twenty-something man; tenderly wrapped his hands around the belt-buckle of his pants and gnarled aggressively as he moved to her ripped-jeans. The button crunched in his teeth, as he slowly ripped open her pants. His hand lovingly feels the waist of the panties before turning his attention to the top.

The bright pink writing stood out against the stained-glass window. The baggy-shirt fell to the ground; revealing two beautifully sculpted breasts.

I took the camera-lenses off and positioned myself in the bushes. But before I could take any photos; sirens rang out. I looked out and saw a fire-truck. As I made my way out of the bushes; I saw him straddling her luscious hips, and I watched as her beautiful breasts bounced in time with the music

 I made sure no-one was looking before placing my hand in my pocket and gently feeling myself

Graphic scene

In my country; people worship me; unlike here, where people think that they are entitled to my respect by simply being born. People here really don't know the value of working hard and earning respect; your celebrities are only that; because they were born. They have never really had to work for their supper.

He drew his hand along my cheek

My family was never on the streets; but there were dark days; days were our food came from food banks; days when we really never left the house because we couldn't afford to but fuel in our car. But in those dark-times it taught me the value of money; and it taught me to savoir every dollar that I get so that I don't end up there again.

I felt him place his hand on my ring

"That is such a beautiful ring; your husband must truly love you"

She smiled

"We are expecting our first child"

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"A boy"

He placed his hand on my belly; and felt the boy kick

"Boys my mother use to say are a bit of a handful; but I have no idea what she would know about that, she left when I was young.

My mother always had a problem with me; I would cry too much she would say; I would want too much she would say; I was demanding she would say. I was a child! A child she decided to have."

Blood slowly trickled down his palms

"My father was not really in the picture; he was some sleazy guy a night-club; or a bar-tender or some stranger she met online; needless to say my mother slept around and the people she slept with didn't really care if they gave her crabs or a fetus."

 He ran his hand along my jeans and un-zipped them

"But the good thing about this child is that you never have to answer the question of who his father is"

A sickeningly sweet smile formed on his face. His teeth glowed, and as he drew closer I saw his razer- sharp lower teeth. He coldly said

"I have been waiting for this day; ever since you first walked into the hardware store and I am so glad that I finally have a chance to touch such a beautiful creation"

I felt the cold-metal hand-cuffs around my wrist. He walked over to the record player and put on Etta James At Last

He ran his hand along the top of my elastic strap; and delicately placed his hand on the top of my vagina. I felt the hair on my private's ripple as he slowly moved to the mouth of my snatch.

"I always imagined you having a tight pussy; but it is loose and soft"

He placed on my panties and placed them on the ground; he then moved his hand along my areola.

I felt as he slowly grabbed my breasts and fondled them in his hands.

"Are those real"

My mother hadn't given me much, but the one thing she had bestowed upon me; was beautiful breasts.

"Those are real; they paid for two years of college"

 "Were you a stripper?"

 "Yeah; back in the dark days. I was popular; I had a couple of clients just like you; the kind who liked me bound and gauged."

He gently lowered his pants; and tenderly whispered

"You know I have been a bad boy and I deserve to be punished"

I felt as he un-did the cuffs and dragged my hand to his pants. He leaned in close and whispered

"It is time to earn your keep"

 Present day

She placed her hand on my heart and saw my first tattoo. The ink had begun to fade but you could still make out the rough out-line of a snake and spear. I felt her kiss on my lips as she softly asked

"What is that tattoo for?"

"It was my up-bringing; my father was in the army and his father was a marine; so it was destiny to take my place in the line"

"Did you see action?"

"My first tour of Iraq; right after the president riled up the crowds at the twin tower rubble; by saying there weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we were going to kill everyone to find it. I was deployed to a small town on the out-skirts of town.

Our mission was to try and weed out the friendlies from the enemy. I never expected it. It was the final house we had not checked. A doctor sat on the ground; a pregnant women lying on her belly; her doting husband sitting next to her.

I drew my gun, and as I rounded the corner, a young man lay slumped in a seat; blood slowly trickling out of a small calibre wound to his chest. He stared me dead in the eyes, and I froze.

He got a couple of shots off, before my base –commander shot him in the head"

She ran her hand along my belly and softly asked

"Is that why you chose the police-force?"

"The force is like the army; they both have codes and honour, but un-like the army your grave is not just something ex-servicemen visit. Your legacy is preserved"

"Do they talk about it?"

"No. If they do I brush them away. I don't need their sympathy or their thanks."

 Graphic scene

The young man unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a large gold eagle

"My father was the bass player for the Eagles; so my childhood was spent on the road, sitting behind the curtains listening to the screaming fans chanting lyrics to Hotel California and takes it to the limit"

"That must have been hard"

"That was my father's love and I had to stand behind it"

His eyes changed from an opal green to scarlet red. He grabbed a kitchen knife and coldly whispered

"But my father is dead, so now it is my time to follow my dreams"

He grabbed the knife, and gently began singing

So put me on a highway and show me the sign; and take it to the limit one more time. Take it to the limit

As he continued to sing the chorus; blood slowly dripped from my bra. He wrapped his hands around my exposed breasts; and heavily whispered

"You know those are some of the most elegant breasts that i have ever seen; even though they are clearly fake"

Present day

Desperado by the Eagles slowly began

"This was my girlfriend's favourite song. We brought tickets to the Eagles; we waited to hear the song. And when the band finally played it, we were the loudest in the stadium."

"What changed?"

The music faded and she grabbed a beer from the fridge

"Rick happened. Before falling into the hole; she fell in love with Rick. Rick was a private contractor, but he mainly worked on large city projects."

"I think I have seen a couple of his posters around town"

"Rick was infatuated with her; but she wasn't"

"What happened?"

 "Rick and some of his buddies invited her out for drinks; and they drugged her drink. When she was out; they dragged her into a bathroom stall and took her clothes off. But before they could do anything; security got a tip from a patron about their strange behavior.

When he got out; he went on a revenge mission"

'I remember that case; how could I forget it. I was tasked with guarding the crime-scene. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the mangled flesh of a young women being dragged to the surface. I never knew she was your sister."

"He got two years; and his parole is up this week."

I kissed her and gently stated

"He is not going to breathe the fresh air of freedom in your life-time"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because it is personal"

Graphic scene

I felt his skin on my belly as he slowly made his way down to my pants. He untied my pants and placed them on the cart. He softly said

 "I will save this for later"

He grabbed a knife and dragged it along my belly. He asked

"How long along are you?"

Moaning Art Blakely

"I am about 16 weeks; so nearly full term"

He laughed

"You do know on average the gestation period is 40 weeks"

 "How do you know all of this?"

He dabbed a small amount of numbing cream on my belly before sharpening his knife.

"In a previous life I wanted to be a mid-wife. But being a man and wanting to be a mid-wife was a leap too far for my father; who said that he would disown me if I took the course."

"So you caved social norms"

His booming laugh echoed again

" That is rich coming from you. Society said that if you as a women; you are expected to give birth; no matter what it will cost you. So you find someone and you cave! You cannot tell me that you truly want children; you only want them to stop the noise"

"You think you have it all figured out"

I felt the knife slowly drag along my skin. The knife pierced the skin. Blood slowly pooled on my abdomen. He delicately wiped it away before continuing. The fetus sat in the amniotic sac. He reached into my belly and held it to the light.

He smiled; and slowly began suffocating what life he still had.

"This might seem brutal; but you will thank me in the end.