
Rich Women Poor Man

If only his mother was still awake. Would it be different? Would he had the life he wanted? Having his step mother and brothers torment him everyday is like a living hell. But what can he do. Then she came into his life. He was happy, but what had happen to those happy memories they had together. Was it not enough or was he too powerless to hold on to her.

Moving_Sheep · Teen
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5 Chs

Ch.3 Basketball Game

Hua realized, it was wrong. He grabbed both her shoulders and quickly pushes her away. Hua quickly got up and faced the opposite direction of Sana. They both didn't say anything. Sana knew that it was Hua that makes her feel these kinds of feelings. It was different when Duke had kissed her.

Back to school. Everyone was in their seats. It was hard for Sana to talk to Hua, after what had happened.

"If only I didn't kiss him." She thought to herself. Hua was in his seat. He looked out the window. Everyone was just talking. A girl walk up to him. It quickly grabbed Sana's attention.

"Hua right!" The girl asked. Hua turned his head to look who it was.

"I was wondering if you I could borrow one of your pencils." The girl asked shyly.

"Uh...sure," Hua handed her his pencil and they touched handed. Sana felt uncomfortable and stood up from her seat like the flash. Everyone stared.

"Sana what is wrong with you," her friend asked.

"Nnnothing I was just stretching." She pretended to stretch her arms. She was embarrassed but angry in the inside. Hua looked at Sana and Sana looked at Hua. Sana looked away and was embarrassed.

"Students today you guys can do anything you want." The gym teacher said. The boys played basketball and the girls most likely sat on the bench or play volleyball. Sana had chosen to sit on the bench. Hua had also sit out. It was nothing but silence. A boy had started walking over to Hua.

"Hey, dude want to play ball, we need an extra player," the boy had said.

"Uh sure," Hua replied. Sana watched Hua play and he was surprisingly good.

"Omg did you see Hua play, he is so hot," a girl said to a group of girls.

"Who knew he was handsome," another girl said. Sana heard them. They were fan girling loudly. Sana couldn't stand it and walked up to them.

"So what did you guys think of him before," Sana asked.

"He was a geek, but now he is different," a girl replied. Sana became annoyed but she had also blame herself for thinking of Hua the same way they did. She felt like she was a hypocrite.

"Sana why are you so worked up, do you like Hua," a girl asked.

"No I have Duke, why would I date Hua," Sana said then realized that they kissed and started to blush.

'No it I wasn't cheating on Duke, his lips were just looking kissable that's all' Sana thought and realised that she was the who made the move first. Duke walked over to Sana.

"Why are you so red Sana," Duke asked.

"Nothing I'm I'm just hot." Sana covered her cheeks with her hand. Then, Duke chuckled.

"Duke why are you here aren't you in the middle of a basketball game," Sana asked.

"I was but my team is losing to that nerd, like why is he even in the game."

"Duke your just mad he is better than you." Duke was furious.

"No, he is just showing off."

"Alright then 1v1 him."

"Alright, if I win you are going my next football game."

"Fine," Sana said with absolute confidence.

"Hey Hua, you me 1v1," Duke said.

"Alright," Hua replied. Everyone cleared out of the court, only Duke and Hua. Hua had the ball first.

Hua dribbled the ball, but was able to trick Duke with his dribbles and Duke had fell on the ground.

"Ooooooh," the crowd was shocked. Duke stood up and felt the anger rising up.

It was Duke's turn. He dribbles and went towards the net, trying to slam dunk on Hua, but was blocked instead. Duke couldn't hold his anger and pushed him. Hua fell to the ground. The students came in and surrounding Hua and Duke.

"Hey, Duke its just a game," a guy said. Duke quickly walked to Hua and punches him. Sana quickly went up to Duke. Pushing him away from Hua.

"Duke stop its just a game, why are you so mad," Sana yelled. Duke stopped pushing, breathing heavily. Hua stood up and looked at Duke. Duke turned around and walked away.

"Say it Duke, tell the people who I am to you," Hua yelled.

"Duke was is he saying," Sana asked

"Hua shut your trap or your dead," Duke said. Duke quickly walked out. Everyone mumbled and whispered.

"Alright everyone get out of the way," the teacher yelled. Everyone started to scattered.

"Hua are you okay," Sana asked. Hua didn't answer and walked out. Sana was confused. Something is going on between Hua and Duke.

'Could it be that Duke is bullying Hua. No he wouldn't do that' Sana thought.