
Mamas big girl

The sun hits me making my eyes glow still asleep and lazy i turn to the other side trying to proceed with my sleep…but then it now hits my back

"Uurghh! I shrug…while standing up heading to that window the window in my room, i close the curtains then jump back to bed …i then proceed to what i love the most…sleeping…

Just when I was back at it again I hear knocks on my door …my mind screams…."fuckkk!!!"

I ignore and continue sleeping but then she doesn't stop she keeps knocking and knocking now I have no choice…

"Mom..can you please stoop!"i shout

"You need to wakeup and give me a hand with the preparations your dad will be home soon" she says

My mind "OMG! Did i forget it's my own birthday ….i dont know why people make big deals out of birthdays…am not one of them.No reason i just dont have the energy to have a bunch of people looking at me or singing for me i despise attention.

I wakeup wear my sweat pants then grab a tshirt put it on then move to the kitchen and join mom

My mom squeezes me tight

"happy birthday my child…i love you so much Liz" she give me a beautiful smile while letting me go and i smile back always feels good to see her smile…

Then the cooking begins…we fry and bake and roast ….and play…

My mom is not only a mom she is my bestfriend…My grand ma told me that before my mom had me …she had been so alone and very sad more so cause she got married at a young age. My mom didnt work my dad never let her…she had to stay at home and wait for him.