
Rich boy and a village girl

Good things will always come to your life if you do good for others

Karabo_Marry · Teen
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2 Chs

My boss

Bianca Brown was 22 years old and she was living alone at her own apartment after she left home due to that her stepmother was very abusive.She was living with her stepmother because she doesn't know her real parents and her stepmother had two children it was a boy and a girl .She didn't even finish school because she had no money to further her studies .So she was working at this big company of Smith factory .And at her first salary she went to look for an apartment to rent in .

She woke up in a very good mood and she prepared her self to go to work ,she did her daily routine .And went to her car ,she drove off to work .When she arrived at the company parking lot she saw a black range rover and it was her dream car .She took out her android and started taking pictures around the car .

Keith:"mmh mmh"

Bianca:"I'm sorry sir ,"

Keith :"Don't play around my car because you will get it dirty"

Bianca was very surprised to hear him saying that.At first Bianca was very charmed by him because he is the kind of guy that Bianca wants ,he was tall , handsome and cute with waves and he was light in complexion and he had pink and juicy lips.Bianca was very ashamed to hear him saying that to her and she turned back going to her car .

Keith:"is that your car,Ohhh why should I be surprised because yes it really suits you and your phone "

Bianca locked the car and went straight to her office she was very embarrassed .She went straight to her office and sat down on top of her chair and breath out a big sigh .while she was sitting she got a call from the receptionist telling her that Mr Smith wants to see her and she went to Mr Smith's office .And when she entered she was very surprised to see the "rude guy" there .

Mr Smith:"welcome my girl,this one is my son Keith,and my son here is Bianca Brown my assistant "

Keith:"so you are a assistant.?"

Mr Smith:"Do you two know each other ?"

Before Keith could even answer him Bianca answered :"yes we do,Nice to know you Mr Smith junior"

She took out her hand for Keith to shake but at first Keith hesitated but he gave in and finally shook it .

Keith:"thank you "

He smiled but he showed that he was faking it.

Mr Smith :"then this is called for celebration because my son here is going to take over as I'm going for a vacation "

She was annoyed to hear that because She can't stand him and I don't think we will ever work together but sh had to pretend to defeat him .they toasted to our new CEO.and I went back to my office.As she was busy working her door was opened .

Bianca:"you should learn to knock before entering"

Keith:'i will do whatever I want and whenever I want"

Bianca raised her head as she heard who was speaking

Bianca:"please speak cos I have a lot of work to do"

Keith :"Ohhh ,are you rushing me .?"

Bianca:"no,I'm just being specific and I don't have much time"

Keith :"okay ,I wanted to tell you that tommorow you have to come at five o'clock in the morning ".

Bianca looked at him for more than five minutes to make sure if ever he heard himself

Keith:"thank you for your time ,I will be going right now"

Keith went out while smirking . Bianca was very annoyed she didn't know what to do .she felt like clinging him or even killing him .The way she was very angry.She packed her office and went to a lounge to some drink .When she arrived there she was sitting alone at the bar .

Bianca :"can I have a tequila shots please"

A guy went to her and sat next to her

The guy:"problems in paradise.?"

Bianca:"work problems"

The guy:"I'm Bruce South"

Bianca:"Bianca Brown "

Bruce:"so do spill the beans "

Bianca:"it's nothing major is just my new boss he is very controlling freak "

Bruce:"okay if you say so"

Bianca:"yah look I have to go because they want me at 5 o'clock at work "

Bruce:"at 5 o'clock.?"


Bruce:"Yohhhh,what kind of work do you do.?"

Bianca:"I'm an assistant at Smith company "

Bruce:"then why do you have to arrive at 5 o'clock,Ohhh because of your new boss.?"

Bianca :"yep"

Bianca gulped down her last shot and she stood up to go and Bruce said to her that :"can I get you tens so that I can take you to a lunch one day.?, please don't say no"

Bianca smiled and gave him her numbers and she hugged him .She finally went to her car and drove back to home .

It was early in the morning at 3 o'clock when Bianca woke up and prepared to go to work but only because she is slow ,5 o'clock even came and now is 5:15.And we see Keith waiting for her impatiently,he even check his watch many times .The thing is that Keith has always liked Bianca ever since he could even meet her.His father was always talking about Bianca and he fall in love with her while seeing her pictures , Keith was raised by his stepmother who had two children and he had three biological siblings out of them all he is a last born .He loves his stepmother like she is his biological mother.As he was waiting and drinking his favourite whisky Bianca finally arrived.

Bianca :"morning sir"

Keith:"You are late"

Bianca :"I'm sorry

Keith:"nevermind let's just get to work"

They started by doing the tommorow paperwork .And with Keith busy stealing glance at Bianca .And it was now lunch time and Bianca received a text from Bruce saying 'im at the receptionist,I brought you lunch'

Bianca was smiling and reality hit her that she has to pass through her boss before she can go.Keith looked her and he felt jealous .

Bianca:"can I please go downstairs to get my lunch"

Keith :"okay let's go I also want to grab some lunch also"

They all went down and Bianca rushed to hug Bruce and Keith was now grumpy.

Keith:"I don't think this is a place to do so"

Bruce :"I'm sorry,let's go somewhere "

Keith "and you Bianca don't forget that you still have a lot of work so do come early "

Bianca:"okay sir "

Bianca and Bruce went out to take lunch and lunch time was over and now Bianca had to come back .Her and Keith continued with their work from where they left off.And now it was knocking off time .They all went to their car and to a surprise Bianca's car couldn't start because of the engine.As she was frustrated to what she will do because she doesn't even carry cash in her bag . Keith went to her and asked her :"what is the problem.?"

Bianca was surprised to hear him asking her that because she knows him as Mr rude guy.

Bianca :"my car engine doesn't want to start "

Keith:"okay let's go I will drop you off and I will call a mechanic to come and fix it"

Bianca was surprised and confused to what has changed but then that will wait so she went to get in . Keith drove off to Bianca's apartment,Bianca was fast asleep so Keith carried her to her room and when he was putting her down he fell on top of her and their lips met.That led to Bianca to wake up, Keith got up very quickly and Bianca also woke up.there was an awkward moment of silence until Keith broke the silence.

Keith:"let me get going "

bianca:"okay,thank you"

Bianca walked him out and she got back inside and she imagined that moment they shared together and then now she fell in love with him.

Keith woke up early in the morning as yesterday he was thinking about Bianca the whole night,he couldn't get her out of his mind.He did his daily routine . Keith was staying alone at his mansion it was a very beautiful house in his hood.

Bianca was now prepping to go to work ,she was also thinking about Keith the whole night also thinking about Bianca.Bianca wore her uniform and she drove off to work.She arrived at work and she found Keith on his phone

Keith:"okay bye,ilove you"

Bianca was now jealous to hear Keith saying that.

Keith refering to Bianca :"look today you will knock off early ,so that you can rest ."

Bianca was not happy to hear that because she just wanted to be around him so that she could smell his scent the whole day.So she fakes a smile .

Bianca:"okay thank you sir".

They went inside of the company together,but Bianca was behind Keith following him.They got inside Keith's office and when Keith was turning wanting to say something to her ,by mistake they kissed and they didn't stop this time ,they continued kissing and the kiss was passionately.They stopped kissing and they looked at each other .

Bianca:"I think I should go and do my work "

Keith:"yea ,I also have a lot of work"

Bianca went to her office,she was blushing the whole day and she was day dreaming she was woken up by a call

Bianca:"Bianca speaking hello"

Bruce:"hey beautiful "

Bianca :"Ohhh hey Bruce ,how are you ?"

Bruce :"I'm good ,I wanted to check if ever you will be available at 6 o'clock so that we can meet.?"

Bianca :"Uhm yea ,let's do it at that lounge"

Bruce:"yea ,I will see you at six o'clock "

At Keith's office . Keith decided to call his stepbrother Kenneth.

Kenneth :"my man ,Wassup.?"

Keith :"can we meet at my lounge today at ten minutes to six .?"

Kenneth :"Uhm yea sure no problem "

it was now time for Keith to go and meet his brother,he parked his car at the parking lot .He went inside to meet his brother ,they exchanged greetings .

Kenneth:"you even gained weight"

Keith :(laughing)"stop pulling my legs"

Kenneth:"I'm serious man"

While they were talking Keith saw Bianca coming in with that guy came at the company and he frowned .And again to the point that Bianca was wearing a short dress , Keith went to attend some strippers with his brother .Bianca saw him and she became jealous, Keith saw that .Now Bruce was busy touching Bianca all over her face and Keith got angry and went over to them

Keith :"I think it's time for you to go home"

Bianca was surprised to hear him saying that and she lifted her face which was looking down to face Keith .

Keith :"don't you have self respect for your body,look how you are wearing "

Bruce:"Dude leave my girlfriend alone "

Keith didn't give him attention he was looking at Bianca who was embarrassed .

Bruce:"I said leave her alone or else I will call the security "

Keith :"you can call them "

Bruce went to call the security and they went where Keith and Bianca was standing

Keith refering to the security :"take this man out"

The security :"okay boss,let's go man"

Bianca was surprised to hear the security calling Keith. Keith said to Bianca:"go home it's late "

Bianca :"I don't have cab fee"

Keith :"okay let's go I will drop you off "

Bianca :"okay"

Keith said his goodbye to his brother Kenneth.kenneth was busy smiling.

Bianca was looking out of the window while Keith was busy driving .They arrived at their destination .

Bianca:"thank you ,I think you should come in because it's already late for you to be driving "

Keith:"no it's fine I will be fine"

Bianca :"no please I insist "

Keith finally gave in and he went inside with her . Bianca went inside to change ,she wore her sleeping short and a t-shirt .She went to join Keith at the sitting room .Keith was looking at her and he got a boner instantly.It was a single sofa ,Bianca went to sit next to Keith .Keith wasn't feeling comfortable anymore.

Bianca and Keith share a moment of eye contact while the movie was getting hot .They lean on each other and they kissed each other for a very long time and they decided to take it to the room.They made love the whole night, early in the morning Keith woke up to prepare breakfast for Bianca .

Keith :"wakey wakey "

Bianca was turning and tossing not wanting to wake up.

Bianca :"mhm "

Keith :"morning sunshine"

Bianca :"Morning "

Keith:"ewww you smell bad ,go and brush your teeth"

Bianca :"whatever "

Bianca stood up and went to brush her teeth so that she can come and eat .

Keith :"can you be my girlfriend"

Bianca almost choke at her own food.

Bianca:"ask romantic"

Keith :"Bianca Brown can you please be my girlfriend.?"

Bianca:"be sincere "

Keith was tempting to go .

Bianca:"I'm joking,yes I will be your girl "

Keith jumped on top of Bianca in excitement and Bianca was still chewing her food .And she spoke in between their kids

Bianca:"dude are out of your mind ?"

Keith :"is it a problem when Im kissing my girlfriend ?"

Bianca :"whatever dude ,get out of my face "

Keith stood up and Bianca also stood up , Keith spanked Bianca .They prepared to go to work .They took Keith's car and went to work.Everyone was surprised to see the two of them laughing together .And while others were becoming jealous , Keith and Bianca went to their offices . Keith called his brother Levy .Levy is his biological brother and he is a first born.

Levy:"Lil brother "

Keith :"I told you that I'm not little anymore "

Levy:"to me you will always be little to me until you have a girlfriend that you will be serious with"

Keith:(smirk)"then let's bet ,"

Levy:"sure,for me if you don't get a girlfriend this week you give me one million "

Keith :"okay,that sounds great for me,so what if I will be the one who wins"

Levy:"I owe you my life to the fullest"

Keith:(smiling)"okay,then it's a deal"

Levy:"okay ,we will talk I have to attend to something ".

They ended a call , Keith now wants to see Bianca so he calls the receptionist to tell Bianca that he wants to see him in five minutes .Bianca went to Keith's office .

Bianca:"you called out for me"

Keith:"yes , because I can't get enough of you"

Keith stood up from his chair to meet Bianca .He grabbed Bianca by her waist until Bianca was on his chest .He kissed her and the kiss got heated now Keith got arouse and they made love on top of Keith's table and on top of the sofa.They were all breathing heavily.Keith wiped Bianca using a towel from his suite .

Keith :"so you were a virgin ?"

Bianca :"yes ,can you promise me one thing.?"


Bianca:"please don't hurt me please,I gave you my all because I trust you with my all."

Keith pulled Bianca in for a tight hug and whispered something to her ears.

Keith :"I will never leave you and I will never hurt you .And please be a good girl also"

While they were kissing each other, Bianca's phone rang and it was Bruce .Bianca answered the call and she putted it on loud speaker.

Bruce:"Heyy beautiful".

Keith frowned and Bianca smiled while answering Bruce .

Bianca :"Ohhh Heyy you,long time no speaking ".

Keith looked at Bianca with a nasty look while Bianca was busy smiling having a smirk on her face .

Bruce:"yes so can I take you out for a lunch today ".

Keith's blood was boiling and he almost wanted to cry .

Bianca :"No,I don't think so because I have an important date with my boyfriend ."

Keith was now getting relief but Bruce was disappointed.

Bruce:"Ohhh , your boyfriend ?"

Bianca:"yes "

Bruce:"But you have never told me about him"

Keith was getting annoyed now because Bruce doesn't seem like he will end the call now,so he left near Bianca while frowning.Bianaca ended a call and went over to her boyfriend ,she hugged him from behind.

Bianca:"someone is jealous"

Keith:"Ohhh so you want me to just be cool while my girlfriend is busy going out with some people who she doesn't know ?"

Bianca went in front of Keith and kissed him .

Bianca:"do you want to share me.?"

Keith:"never I will kill that dog ,who thinks he will ever be yours"

Bianca laughed and went to her office leaving Keith smiling alone like a young boy.

Weeks and months passed and now It was two days before Bianca's birthday.Keith is busy planning to do a suprise party for her.Keith and Bianca had a very romantic and glamorous lifestyle together they shared beautiful moments together and they grew love for each other and on the other side Bruce was busy causing trouble with Keith after he found out that Keith is Bianca's boyfriend .And Keith sent some of his bouncers to threaten him and for now we see that Bruce has taken break from the trouble that he was causing .And about the bet they did between Keith and his brother Levy.Levy was the one who lost and now he owns Keith his whole life and Keith hasn't used his luck because he knows that one day he will need it.So now that Keith is busy preparing for Bianca's birthday .It was early in the morning when Keith woke up to prepare breakfast for Bianca ,he was the one who was taking care of Bianca ever since they found out that Bianca is pregnant .Now she is three months pregnant.This pregnancy is driving her crazy and it makes Keith go insane because she once throw a glass of water on him.And she makes him go left,right and centre.

Keith:"baby wake up "


Keith :"come and eat"

Bianca started crying and swearing at Keith out of blue.Keith is now frustrated and he doesn't know what to do.

Keith:"babe what's wrong "

Bianca:"you don't love me,you wake me up early "

Keith:"okay ,babe I'm sorry you can go back to sleep ".

Bianca:"I want food first"

Keith was now getting annoyed at this .

Keith:"okay babe eat and I will go to take a bath so that I will go to work".

Bianca:"so who will be with me when you are going "

Keith:"I will call my brother's wife to come and be with you "

Bianca:"you mean Anabel.?"

Keith :"yes that one"

Bianca:"okay can you please call Abigail also"

Keith :"okay I will hear from her"

Keith went to bath while taking a sigh .

Keith to himself:"women are really hard headed ,God help me to never knock a girl again ".

He continued with her bath ,he finished bathing and wore a towel around his waist leaving a v line showing .Bianca was busy drooling over him and she started crying.Keith was very confused to see her crying.

Keith :"Babe what's wrong.?"

Bianca :"you are going to leave without doing anything to me"

Keith doesn't understand what Bianca is on about .

Keith :(confused)what do you mean by that.?"

Bianca :"you have never made love to me since I was pregnant "

But not so long ago they made love the whole night ,Keith looked at her in disbelief .

Keith:"babe but we made love not so long "

Bianca :"but I'm not satisfied "

Keith :"then why didn't you say so than to cry.You are stressing my baby"

Keith went over to her and he kissed her and that kiss got heated .They made four rounds, Keith left her sleeping.He called his sister and his sister in law to come and be with Bianca .

Her sister arrived early so that she can see her brother before he go to the office .She parked her rolls Royce at Keith's house ,and she went straight to the house.Finding Keith in the kitchen.Keith was so happy to see her ,they hugged as if their life depends on that hug.

Keith :"welcome "

Abigail :(smiling)"you have grown ,you even know how to donate sperm inside of someone "

Keith:(smiling )"and please remind me to never donate it ,cos it will be the end of me"

Abigail laughed her lungs out .

Abigail:"what did you think when you were doing it"

Keith:"I wasn't thinking straight "

Abigail laughed and Keith joined her .

Abigail :"where is her"

Keith :"at the room,let me go before she wakes up and freaks me out."

Bianca:"so I'm freaking you out"

Abigail was laughing at them .

Keith:"no babe I don't mean it like that, Abigail stop laughing and help me"

Abigail :"our wife,how are you "

Bianca smiled at Abigail as they greeted each other and it was now time for Keith to escape from them .

Bianca :"I'm not done with you,we will talk when you come back"

Keith went to her and he leaned to kiss her but Bianca moved and Keith kissed her forehead.And he kissed his sister on the cheek.

Keith :"Bye,my ladies."

Keith went to work and Anabel arrived,she joined them it was marry and lovely . Everyone was laughing and it was time to retire to sleep .

And still Keith hasn't came back.He arrived an hour later and Bianca was fuming like a hot oil.

Bianca:"where were you.?

Keith:"I was still in the office "

Bianca :"why did you come late"

Keith saw that they won't finish this conversation right now and without someone crying so he faked a pain


Bianca panicked .

Bianca:"babe are you fine "

Keith :"yes yes I'm fine,ouch.....water please "

Bianca was very frustrated and she didn't know what to do ,she went to wake Abigail and Anabel so that they can come and help her out.Abigail knew that Keith was faking it so she had a smirk on her face.They went to sleep .

Bianca woke up early to make some remedy for Keith to drink.

Bianca:"babe wake up"

, Keith woke up and sat straight on top of the bed.

Keith :"morning sunshine "

Bianca:"morning , please drink this and you will be fine "

Keith :"but I'm fine "

Bianca :"no I don't want to risk it so drink this and go"

Keith :"okay then I will "

Keith drank the remedy and went to take a bath so that he can go to work and Bianca did her daily routine also Anabel and Abigail did that.They ate lunch together

Anabel:"tomorrow is your birthday so what did Keith say about it .?"

Bianca:"nothing he doesn't even mention it when he is with me"

Abigail :"he doesn't show any signs of doing something for you.?

Anabel and Abigail knew about the surprise party but they were just talking about it and they wanted to make sure that Bianca doesn't suspect anything .They were relieved to hear that and also seeing that she meant it because she was very disappointed.

Time went on and it was time for Keith to come back home .He arrived and went straight to bed and he pretended as if he was sleeping.Bianca slept off.She drifted to sleep and Keith sneaked out of the bedroom to meet his sisters in the dining room.

Keith :"she doesn't suspect anything ?"

Abigail :"No ,she doesn't "

Anabel:"So what's the plan "

Keith :"I will wake up tomorrow and leave without saying anything and I will call you at night to come to the venue with her and please don't make her suspect anything "

Abigail :"okay,so where is the venue located ?"

Keith:"I will send you a location,and when you get it you will have to take her to that place"

Anabel:"okay then let's go to sleep"

They went to sleep and Keith sneaked back to the room and went to bed ,he wrapped his arms around Bianca .

Early in the morning Bianca woke up when Keith was still in the bathroom.She was surprised to what seeing Keith bathing to go to work while is her birthday today.She waited for him to get out of the bathroom.Keith got out of the bathroom and went to the room.

Keith :"morning sunshine"

Bianca :"morning ,so where are you going ?"

Keith:"I'm going to work ,I have a lot of work to do "

Bianca was very disappointed to hear Keith saying that and to that he forgot that is her birthday .

Bianca :"ohhhhh"

Keith finished wearing her clothes and he kissed Bianca on her cheek,he left without saying happy birthday.bianca cried and Abigail heard her and she went to her

Bianca:"why is the birthday girl crying.?"

Bianca:"he forgot my birthday "

Anabel joined them and they comforted her ,she stopped crying and it was now half past seven at night and Keith is not back yet ,Bianca was getting frustrated and she called out to Abigail.

Abigail:"what's wrong .?"

Bianca :"can you please call Keith's office.?"

Abigail called the office and they told her that Keith knocked off at one and he went to the lounge.Bianca felt like ripping her self off.

Bianca :"call him!!!!".

She was very angry.They called Keith and the phone was answered by a woman .Bianca felt like dying

Bianca:"Do you know where is him"she was asking Abigail and Anabel arrived saying "yes I do know know where he is"

Bianca :"let's go"

They drove off to where Anabel was taking them,they arrived and to binaca's surprise it was dark .

Bianca :"what is he doing in this dark place.?"

Abigail:"let's go and find out"

They went inside and Bianca searched for the switch to light the bulb .She found the switch and she she switched on the light and everyone said:"SURPRISE "

She had tears of joy and she was very happy , Keith went over to her and he kneeled down infront of her

Keith :"Bianca Brown,my one in all my one and only ,my rib of my ribs will you make me the happiest man in the whole universe ?"

Bianca couldn't outer a word she just shook her head as a yes sign.Everyone was very happy , Keith and Bianca kissed a passionate kiss

Bianca:"so you two knew about this event ?"

Abigail and Anabel laughed

Bianca :"you two are scariots"

everyone laughed.

Bianca :"and you who was the girl who answered your phone .?"

Keith pointed at the chef.

Keith :"this will be your chef starting from today and this will be your tutor because you are going to further your studies "

Bianca was very happy to hear that and if ever I said happy that will be a mistake because happy is an understatement because she is more than that and now she is emotional only because she is pregnant now she wants to cry

Bianca:"Thanks babe ,I don't know how I should thank you because I have no words to express my gratitude and appreciation for everything you have done for me,you showed me love,a friendship and support,I thank you for everything "

Everyone :"owwwww"

Keith:"there is a way that you can thank me"

Bianca:"How ,I can do anything "

Keith:(smirk)"I want 27 children "

Bianca was very surprised and everyone was busy laughing.

Bianca:"you are insane "

Keith:(smiling )"I'm joking ,but I want you to be the best wife and best mother to my children.Dont disappoint me"

Bianca:"I will not disappoint you my husband ".

They shared a very passionate kiss

Abigail:"get a room guys"

Bianca:"are you jealous ".

Abigail:"whatever "

Everyone laughed and they all started drinking and Bianca was drinking soft drink while everyone was busy drinking boozes and wisky .

Everyone drank a lot last night only Bianca and Anabel didn't get drunk ,it was early in the morning when Bianca woke up to go and prepare breakfast for everyone and she was being helped by her chef after a while Anabel went down to also help them up.They were done in thirty minutes everyone who was drunk came down .

Bianca :"drunkards are awake"

Keith went to kiss Bianca on her forehead .

Keith :"morning babe"

Bianca:"morning "

Keith:"where are the painkillers "

Bianca:"eat first"

Levy:"I want painkillers "

Kenneth :"can someone please givee painkillers coz my head can't function"

Abigail:"guys you are making noise,you are busy banging in my head"

Bianca:"look at you guys ,you look like a mess ,leave alcohol alone"

All of them:"I would rather die"

Anabel and Bianca laughed .

Kenneth :"Babe can you give me painkillers please "

Keith:"me too ,our wife"

Kenneth :"dude you are ruining my chances why can't you ask your wife for heaven sake"

Levy:"and then me,our wifes can you please give me painkillers "

Bianca:"eat first and I will give you all the pills"

Abigail:"I want chilli meat"

Bianca went to take Keith to eat and she fed him .

Bianca:"good boy"

Levy:"me too come and feed me "

Keith :"you are crazy"

Kenneth was fed by Anabel while Levy was fed by the chef ,the chef her name is Anita .

The girls went out for shopping while the men stayed behind to discuss some business

Keith :"guys that boy is still after me"

Levy:"then we have to call the Mafia boss to send some men for us"

Kenneth :"yes and we have to find a tight security for our wifes "

Keith:"and we have to do this kind of things at our safe room under the basement because Soon I'm having a child"

They all smiled and they toasted for that .

Levy:"I'm happy for you my brother"

Kenneth:"now you are a grown ass ,you can even put someone in someone else's body"

Keith :"thank you guys ,for being there for me everytime "

Levy:"that's what brothers are for right.?"

Them:"yes,To us"

They toasted again and now their father came with their mother.

His mother :My boys are happy,what is the occasion "

His father:"And you Keith you still don't have girlfriend but you are living in this big mansion.?"

Keith hasn't told his parents about Bianca because he forgot .His father has left ever since that day he came to the office telling Bianca that he will be retiring from his chair.His mother went to the kitchen to get some food.She ate and the food tasted very nice,she was very confused because Keith can't cook and she knows that Keith doesn't want a maid so her question was 'who cooked this nice food.At the lounge everyone was looking at Keith to spill out the truth about his love life but he doesn't seem as if he will ever tell them.

His father:"boys what's is going on"

His mother:"who cooked this nice meal.?"

While Keith could even speak the girls came back ,Bianca was very happy to see Mr Smith and Mrs Smith .

Bianca:"sir welcome "

Mr Smith:(smiling )"thank you my child"

Bianca:"welcome Mrs Smith "

Mrs Smith:"thank you my daughter "

Bianca:"ouch".As she was about to sit down she felt some cramps.Keith panicked.

Keith:"Babe what's wrong "

Bianca:"I can't feel my abdomen "

His parents looked at each other and said :"babe.?"

Kenneth:"let's take her to the hospital "

Keith carried her to the hospital and they all rushed her there.

Keith :"what did she eat.?"

Abigail :"uhmm"

Keith was very angry

Keith:"answer me you dammit"

Kenneth :"bro calm down, everything will be fine "

Keith went out leaving them standing there.

His mother:"I will go and check him"

His mother followed him.

His mother:"Keith ,wait for me my boy"

Keith:"mom what if I lose her.?"

His mother:"no you won't lose her"

Keith:"or maybe I lose my unborn baby.?"

His mother:"I know you as a fearless person so please be strong for her"

Keith :"mom I'm scared to lose her "

Back inside the hospital

Doctor:"Mrs Smith's family "

Kenneth:"is us here"

The doctor was busy smiling.

Doctor:"where is the husband"

Levy:"I will go and call him"

Levy ran outside to call Keith .

Abigail:"doctor what is going on.?"

Keith and his mother came running , Keith wiped his tears

Keith :"doctor I'm her husband,so what was the problem.?"

Doctor:"congratulations,you are the father of two,a boy and girl".

Everyone was happy except for Keith because the doctor hasn't said anything about Bianca.And the doctor noticed that.

Doctor:"why are you not happy"

Keith :"what happened to my wife "

Doctor:"Ohhh your wife ,she has been screaming your name the whole time so she said she wants to see you"

Keith smiled and said:" so there are no obstacles.?"

Doctor:"no it was her time"

Keith was smiling the whole time and her mother hugged him ,he cried on his mother's t-shirt and he left it wet.

He went to see his wife .

Keith:"Anita and Chris's mother ,Ohhhh before I forget and Keith's wife how are you ?"

Bianca was busy smiling.

Bianca:"so I'm a mother of two.?"

Keith:"yes "

Bianca:"So who will take care of them.?"

Keith:"who children is it .?"

Bianca:"Ohhh so you are saying they are my children alone.?"

Keith:(smiling)"you are the one who carried them in your womb not mine"

Bianca:(laughing)"Ohhhh really ?"

Keith:"yes ,and I was not there"

Bianca :"then I will get them a new father"

Keith :"you are insane "

They all laughed

Bianca:"I love you father of my children"

Keith went close to her .

Keith:"I love you more forever and always"

They kissed until the family came in to see them.

Everyone :"ewwww ,get a room you too"

Bianca:"my husband paid for this room so you all suit yourselves "

They laughed.

His father :"so I'm a grandfather finally "

Abigail:"and I am an aunty "

Kenneth :"I'm an uncle"

Levy:"but don't forget that I'm a first uncle"

They laughed at that .

Anabel:"And im a rich aunty"

Abigail:"but I'm a first RICH AUNTY"

His mother:"I'm finally a grandmother "

Keith and Bianca looked at each other while everyone was feeling very emotional.

Them:"Ohhhh shame ,and us we are parents of two"

Everyone came back to their senses.

His mother:"what are my grandchildren's names"

Keith:"the girl is Anita"

Bianca:"and the boy is Christopher but in short you can say Chris"

Everyone :"ncowwwww,what a very nice names ".

Doctor :"I will be discharging you and your children Tommorow ".

Keith :"why tommorow.?"

Doctor :"we have to check your children first"

Keith:"then I will spend a night here with you"

Bianca:"while looking like a mess.?"

Everyone laughed.

His mother:"my boy"

Kenneth:"he was busy crying out there like a baby ,so you want him to cry again.?"

Keith:"f*CK you Kenneth,he is lying babe"

They were laughing and it was time to go ,they all went out leaving Keith and Bianca to talk.

Keith:"I love you ,thank you for making me a father of two and I'm a happiest man In the whole universe "

Bianca:"I will love you today , tomorrow and until the world may end "

They kissed each other in a emotional way .

Keith:"I will come and get you tommorow at two"

Bianca :"okay bye"

Keith went to kiss the children on their foreheads and kissed Bianca on her forehead .

They arrived at home, everyone was tired so they called it a night .

It was early in the morning , everyone woke up preparing for Bianca's suprise party for welcoming her home.It was now time for Keith to go and get her at the hospital.

Keith arrived at the receptionist and signed the discharge documents and he went to Bianca's ward to get her and he find her busy packing her things.

Keith:"ready to go home.?"

Bianca turned to look at him and she went near him ,she wrapped her hands around Keith's waist .She looked at him on his eyes and she smiled

Bianca :"yes ,we are ready.I can't wait to sleep on my bed"

Keith:"and I can't wait to get with you in those blankets "

Bianca:(laughing)"you are naughty "

Keith :"where are your children "

Bianca :"you mean your children "

They laughed and kissed ..They were done packing and now it was time to go home ,they drove off home . Keith helped Bianca to get off the car and Keith carried Anita while Bianca carried Christopher,they went in and everyone said :"surprise ".Bianca had no words to say she just stood there feeling emotional and the grandparents went to take the kids from them.It was nice the whole night ,Bianca couldn't drink because she had to be breastfeeding and she told Keith to not drink also because he will have to not be sleeping so that he can help her with the kids . Keith was very angry ,they laughed at him.

Months went on and at the Smith family was very happy family with the kids busy growing very fast and it was one day left for them to be turning one year.Their parents were planning a big party for them.They even took them to day care centre.

Keith:"I will go and get a cake tommorow and you will prepare everything here"

Bianca:"you did their favourite cartoons ?"

Keith:"yes ,my mother said she will be landing here today at three so ,you will go and get her.?"

Bianca:"yes ,I will prepare myself right now"

Keith:"okay let me go and watch soccer at Levy's "

Keith kissed her on her forehead and left , Bianca packed her children's toys and went to prepare Anita and her so that they can go and get Keith's mother while Christopher left with his father.Bianca went to the airport to get her mother in law.

Mrs Smith :"My daughter,how are you "

They exchanged greetings and they went to eat lunch and went back home.