


NAGAS: woah, you are fast ,you probably flew here { he sat down close to me}


RIA: mhm... it's the only thing I'm good at ...


NAGAS: have you ever tried reading the minds of those you think know about your mother.( I gave him a side eye)


RIA:. you don't think I've tried, it's like there is a barrier in their mind... Whenever I try to find any memory of her in them I loose it, like it just goes away. I got a glimpse of her image from my Fathers head one time, after I was like sleep beauty for a decade,since then the image of her fades away each day ...


NAGAS: Hmmm... come let me take you for a walk around town

( we both got down from the balcony)


RIA : sounds like something a human would say ...( we both chuckled )

" Nagas was taking me to Rue... well whenever a human dies thier souls either go up there or down here ...Rue is the place where their condemned souls face Life time punishment and we were going there to listen to some screams ... like the both of us together... me and Nagas. I had no idea my cheek had started turning red


NAGAS: Are you okay? you look a little pale { he used his index finger to brush my cheek a little and I felt myself shudder under his touch , everywhere suddenly became hot } you are sweating...


RIA: I'm fine, it must be the heat { I quickly sprinted forward if not I was going to melt under his gaze and it had nothing to do with the heat illuminating around me. I wonder how my sister managed to string such a divine being}

" we finally arrived at Rue and we watched the demons in charge of torturing do their jobs... you know the best part of this is, when they think they can still be saved...No one that has been casted from here gets to go back to the world of the living, except you are a very powerful demon with a key to the human world"


NAGAS: are you not intrigued by their screams anymore { he said staring at me with those eyes again, I try to maintain my focus)


RIA: I want to go to the human world (woah, what did I just say, and I said that out loud too..I'm going crazy)


NAGAS: you think you can pull that off... even I the master of disguise couldn't resist the urge of feeding on their souls ( we both laughed )I didn't belong there...


RIA: You don't, but maybe I would, I am a half human after all...


NAGAS: That is true... so how do you plan on doing that, you do not possess a key to the human world.


RIA : I shall work on that, I will also like to return home...


NAGAS: You are are home...

( we walked home together in silence and finally we arrived in my room)


RIA: I had good time today... Thank you...I needed to wrap my head around some things and the screams did the trick.


NAGAS: Don't mention it, I am here whenever you need to talk and so is your sister too... she is of your best interest and is only trying to look out for you...she will never hurt you... I know more than anyone that you are her favorite person... besides me of course ( we both started laughing)


RIA: I know that ... I'm grateful to have you guys ...at least I'm not alone in this hell hole


NAGAS : we aren't going anywhere...Good night ( and he stepped out of my room, I just laid down on my bed and I couldn't stop thinking about my escape plan)

" There are seven gates in hell, and each demon king is in charge of one , Gaya has one and posses the key to it. I just have to figure out how to get the key and where in hell the gate is located ..."

" I stare at the bones hovering above my head, they look rotten... I should get new ones from Rue . I couldn't shut my eyes even though I was tired , I just couldn't stop thinking about the things I would do once I get into the human world...In other to make those imaginations true ,I better come up with a plan first ... well I have decided to go visit my father...I put on my maroon velvet dress and flew straight to my fathers quarters which was on the other side of this huge hell house, I mean castle...

I arrived in front of my father's study and I heard her voice... No ,no ,no ,not now!!!


LILITH : well, it is very rude of you to just stand there , open the door, come on in , I won't bite ... but I'm not promising.


RIA: I shall return later


LILITH: why not now , and do come in, I find it very absurd talking to you through the door.

{ I walked into the study, Lilith sat on my fathers desk half dress, I wonder if he did it to her or it's just one of her normal designs she decides to grace us with... I mean she dress like the harlot that she is most of the time}


RIA: I would like to speak to my father alone

( my father was not in sight, I wondered why she was here ... shouldn't she have demon queen duties to attend to... and I have the answer to my question... she decided to dress like a prostitute hehehehe)


LILITH: I also would like to meet your father... but when I arrived here he wasn't here so I decided to wait... you should too


RIA: I'll stay all the way across the room , away from you ( I hurriedly walked far away from her, that woman reeks of evil... Even in a place where evil surrounds the air, her own evil stands out...and I think she has always wanted to kill me since the day I was born)


LILITH: how nice you are staying away from your mother ( she smiled and started approaching me slowly, maybe she planned to kill me here, I'm totally defenceless with this woman, I should get out of here... as I was about to run out of the room ,my father stepped in )


RIA: Father! ( I stood right in front of him , he was covered in blood, I wonder why)


Asmodeus: did I miss a meeting or something... Ria how nice of you to visit it's been years


RIA: mhm ... I'll come back another time.. excuse me...( i quickly walked out of the room my legs almost gave up on me in there... I forgot how my fathers presence was like)

" I went back to my room feeling all sorts of emotions at once... I needed to clear my head a bit , maybe I should go speak with my sister...I decided to go to her , she is usually training by this time, so I shall head to the field...I arrived at the field and I couldn't find her , I looked for her for a while and I saw that she was sitting on a pile of bones next to Nagas... I was too sad to even get angry over that... I made sure they didn't see me ,so I flew away to a deserted field which was once a detention center for demons who acted out of line , but they have all been

transferred some place else... plus it's a quiet place, with no screams, no blood, no demon just me ... just Ria ...

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