
Rhapsody Of The Otherworld

"It seems I have gone totally insane from the depression, a creature from my dream is saying that this is not a dream, is this how I usually cope with depression?" [Initializing system] [Player registered] [Welcome back M] "You will need to fight the demon king with the other Player." ... "...Huh?" With that, he wholeheartedly embraced the request, venturing into the otherworld without a moment's hesitation. Will he ever cease his wanderings? Ah, that tale shall be reserved for another time. ... Meet the protagonist, an extraordinary prodigy far ahead of his peers, on the verge of graduation. Yet, despite his remarkable achievements, he feels a profound sense of emptiness and isolation. His family's wealth and his groundbreaking invention, a vaccine for a devastating virus that plagued the world in 2019, mean little without one essential element: love. Haunted by unnerving hallucinations that he believes to be signs of developing schizophrenia, his life seems destined to descend into darkness. However, just as he reaches his breaking point, an unforeseen encounter alters the course of his existence. A mysterious entity materializes before him, offering an opportunity to venture into unexplored realms beyond human comprehension. In a surreal world of menus, systems, and the prophecy of being the chosen one, his purpose becomes clear: he must confront the dreaded demon lord and emerge victorious. As he embarks on this perilous journey, he gradually unravels the enigmatic nature of his enigmatic companion. Uncovering a truth more astonishing than he ever fathomed, he learns the harsh reality that in a world consumed by chaos, survival often requires embracing one's inner demons. "In a world that's gone to hell, you have to be the devil to survive." - Mika --------------------- Tags: Adventurers | Another World | Clingy Lover | Crafting | Cunning Protagonist | Demi-Humans | Demons | Dense | Dragons | Dungeon Master | Dungeons | Dwarfs | Elves | Evil Gods | Fantasy World | Game Elements | Goblins | Goddesses | Godly Powers | Golems | Guilds | Heroes | Human-Nonhuman Relationship | Kingdom Building | Lack of Common Sense | Late Romance | Lazy | Loli | Love Interest | Magic | Magical Space | Male | Misunderstandings | Monster Girls | Monsters | Multiple POV | Nobles | Phoenixes | R-18 | Religions | Romantic Subplot | Royalty | Ruthless | Skill Books | Slaves | Sleeping | Slow | Succubus | Summoned Hero | Summoning | Sword And Magic | Transported to Another World | Vampires | Weak Strong | Werebeasts | Army | Arrogant Characters | Betrayal | Calm | Cold Interests | Comedic Undertone | Confident | Cruel | Dark Demon Lord | Depictions Cruelty | Discrimination | Enemies Become Allies | Genius | Handsome | Humanoid | Kuudere | Low-key | Loyal Subordinates | Manipulative | NEET | Perverted | Politics | Poor Rich | Psychopaths | Revenge | Schemes Conspiracies | Selfish | Special Abilities | Strategic Battles | Strategist | Time Skip | Torture | Transmigration into a Game World | Twisted Personality | Underestimated | Wars | Witches | Yandere --------------------- Please note that the pace of this story is intentionally slow. Although there may be occasional time skips, the majority of the chapters focus on a single day in the life of the main character. Thank you for your understanding and patience as you read this novel. --------------------- The length would be ±2000 chapters. Will be uploading 5-8 chapters per week or so. Discord: Papyrus#5727 Contact me if you want to point out any grammatical error or other thing, I don't know. Once it reaches 100 chapters, I will proofread all the chapters again.

MichaelYong · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs


The ancient stone arena buzzed with anticipation, the very air crackling with excitement as the spectators eagerly awaited the impending clash of two formidable warriors.

"Taking her place on one side was Airi, a captivating succubus with cascades of light pink and blue hair expertly styled in a mesmerizing half-up, half-down fashion. Her piercing aqua eyes shimmered with unwavering determination, captivating the attention of everyone present."

The crowd couldn't help but imitate the sound of a dog barking upon witnessing her stunning appearance.

"Clad in an oversized pink crop top, a minimalistic miniskirt, and knee-high boots, Airi's presence exuded a unique blend of seduction and strength. Her azure flame sword, radiating a mesmerizing glow, only added to her allure."

"The crowd couldn't help but whistle in admiration as their gazes remained fixed on the enchanting succubus."

"Standing resolutely on the other side of the arena was Grubb, a hulking male warrior boasting bulging muscles and a towering stature that commanded attention."

As the commentator introduced him, the crowd erupted in boos, expressing their disdain for the formidable opponent before them.

"Unfazed by the crowd's reaction, Grubb brandished a massive mace that had been meticulously forged with sheer power in mind. Every swing of his weapon promised devastation, and his armor bore the marks of countless battles, a testament to his resilience and indomitable spirit."

The crowd's boos intensified, their unified disapproval resonating throughout the arena.

Amidst the collective jeering, a voice rose above the rest, cruelly shouting, "Get out from the arena, fatso!"

The emotional barb pierced through the air, injecting a touch of malicious intent into the already charged atmosphere.

"Let the battle... begin!" the commentator proclaimed, his voice filled with anticipation and excitement, as the resonating sound of the horns echoed through the arena.

With the piercing sound of the horns, signaling the start of the duel, Airi sprang into action, moving with an otherworldly grace that left the spectators in awe.

Unbeknownst to them, her concealed wings unfurled behind her, adding an ethereal aura to her already captivating presence.

Her light pink and blue hair flowed behind her as she lunged forward, her sword ablaze with azure flames.

Each strike she unleashed was a blur of swift and precise movements, leaving trails of fiery brilliance in the air.

On the other side, Grubb raised his mace, feeling its weight almost insignificant in his powerful grip.

With thunderous force, he swung the massive weapon, aiming to crush his opponent with a single devastating blow.

The determination etched on his face was palpable.

Yet, Airi's agility proved to be her greatest asset.

Like a phantom, she gracefully sidestepped Grubb's attack, evading his every attempt to strike her.

Her movements were a dance of elegance and precision, a testament to her mastery of combat.

With a lethal combination of speed and finesse, Airi launched her offensive.

Slashing at Grubb's exposed limbs, her sword left scorching burns on his flesh, each strike weakening his defenses.

The intense heat emanating from her weapon seared through his armor, intensifying his pain with every contact.

Grubb grunted in agony, his face contorted with determination.

Undeterred by the searing pain, he swung his mace with renewed ferocity, hoping to create an opening in Airi's defenses.

But she was one step ahead, her demonic instincts allowing her to anticipate his every move.

With a deft motion, she parried his blow, redirecting the force of the mace and sending Grubb stumbling off balance.

Seizing the opportunity, Airi lunged forward, her sword blazing with azure flames.

She drove the weapon deep into Grubb's armor, targeting the weak points she had skillfully identified earlier.

A bellow of agony escaped Grubb's lips as the flames engulfed him, overwhelming his senses with searing heat.

With a final flourish, Airi withdrew her sword from Grubb's lifeless body, a triumphant gleam in her eyes.

Her chest heaved with exertion, a testament to the intensity of the battle she had just emerged victorious from.

The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, their admiration for Airi's unparalleled skill and prowess resounding throughout the arena.

She stood as the embodiment of triumph, her satisfaction mingled with an insatiable hunger for her next conquest, her eyes flickering with a tantalizing mix of emotions.

The ancient stone arena bore witness to her glory and set the stage for the next chapter in her captivating saga.

"And with that, Airi emerged victorious in the first game of the 128th Wyvern War!" The commentator's voice boomed with excitement, carrying the weight of the momentous triumph.

As the crowd erupted in cheers, Airi was instantly teleported beside Mika in the midst of the grand stadium.

The adrenaline coursing through her veins, she looked at Mika's face, partially concealed under his hood, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction evident in her eyes.

"Good job," Mika said, lifting his hand to initiate a fist bump, acknowledging Airi's remarkable feat.

Airi's gaze lingered on Mika's face for a brief moment, gratitude and camaraderie intertwining in her heart.

Finally, she reciprocated his gesture, meeting his fist with a resounding bump.

"What do you think of that battle? Back to you, panel!" the commentator prompted, transitioning the focus to the analysis and discussion of the intense clash.

"Alright, thank you M T J I T. First of all, a special thanks to Caelum-cam for their generous sponsorship of this tournament, providing us with the capability to capture and broadcast high-quality video. Now, regarding the battle... well, for an E-rank adventurer, it was quite a commendable performance by Airi. Grubb, however, should have surrendered to Airi before meeting his unfortunate demise. But I suppose honor played a part, as they say in Bellatorum. Back to you, M T J I T," the panel member responded, acknowledging the significance of the contest and offering their insights.

"We still have a series of thrilling matches lined up for today. Let's see who will be teleported into the arena next. Our schedule is set until 10 PM, and we'll continue the tournament tomorrow," the commentator announced, building anticipation for the upcoming battles and setting the stage for the rest of the event.


Wyvernwing 6th, Bellatorum, Wyvern War Arena, 9:56 PM.


"And with that, Grommash emerges as the triumphant victor in the 96th and final game of the day in the 128th Wyvern War!" The commentator's voice resonates through the arena, filled with a mix of excitement and awe.

"What a gripping match we've just witnessed! Petra, I'm curious to know your thoughts on this intense battle," the commentator turns to their panelist, eager to delve into the analysis.

"Well, let me say, that was one rocky fight they had, wasn't it? Hah! Alright, perhaps not my best joke," Petra chuckles, acknowledging the less-than-stellar attempt at humor.

"Now, let's discuss this epic showdown between two exceptional warriors: Grommash, the indomitable male Rock Golem, and Lyra, the skilled female Assassin Elf. Both of them boast an A-ranked adventurer status, my expectations were high, but as they say, an adventurer's rank is merely an alphabet. Now, onto the unexpected turn of events—a surrender by Lyra. Let's delve deeper into the post-fight analysis of this captivating encounter," Petra continues, anticipation evident in their voice.

"Grommash, with his colossal stone physique and impenetrable exterior, embodied sheer power and unwavering resilience. Throughout the battle, he unleashed devastating blows and sent shockwaves reverberating through the arena, demonstrating his imposing might and commanding presence. It was a true testament to his strength as he faced off against his opponents."

"Lyra, on the other hand, personified the finesse and deadly precision of an Assassin Elf. With her lightning-fast movements and elusive nature, she mesmerized the audience, effortlessly maneuvering through the chaos of battle. Her exceptional skills aimed to exploit weaknesses and strike with lethal accuracy."

"The clash between Grommash and Lyra was a spectacle to behold. Despite Lyra's agile evasions and calculated strikes, Grommash's immense strength and impenetrable defense posed a formidable challenge. His solid exterior provided little opportunity for Lyra to make a significant impact."

"As the battle unfolded, it became increasingly clear that Lyra's tactics alone couldn't overcome the overwhelming resilience of the Rock Golem. Sensing the futility of continuing the fight, Lyra made the unexpected but strategic decision to surrender, revealing her astute understanding of the situation and the importance of self-preservation."

"Lyra's surrender stands as a testament to Grommash's dominion in the realm of brute strength. It highlights the insurmountable challenge he presented and underscores the crucial role of strategic decision-making in the heat of combat."

"While the outcome may have caught us off guard, it serves as a valuable lesson in the art of war. Victory isn't always achieved through physical prowess alone; it also necessitates recognizing one's limitations and adapting accordingly. Lyra's surrender showcased wisdom and foresight in the face of overwhelming odds."

"As the tournament progresses, we eagerly anticipate more captivating clashes that will continue to mesmerize our hearts and minds. Grommash's triumph and Lyra's surrender will be etched in our memories, symbolizing the awe-inspiring power of a rock golem and the significance of strategic choices on the battlefield. And with that, we bid you farewell for today."

As the panelist's voice fades, the crowd begins to disperse from the stadium, their faces filled with a mix of exhilaration and anticipation for the battles yet to come.

The echoes of their excitement linger in the air as they exit the arena, carrying with them the memories of a captivating day in the Wyvern War.

"Well, I wasn't chosen today. I hope we can fulfill our requirements for this month swiftly. We could always challenge other adventurers for it, but it's such a hassle," Mika grumbled as they strolled toward the inn.

"I heard there's a fight club you could join," Airi suggested, trying to offer an alternative.

"What a drag," Mika replied, his tone laced with weariness and disinterest.

With their conversation trailing off, they finally settled in for the night.